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seed as a cli tool for managing our repositories #8

Open sethvincent opened 6 years ago

sethvincent commented 6 years ago

This issue is based on our discussion at the team meeting about creating and upholding standards for our code & repositories

What are our standards for our code and repositories, how do we convey those standards to people we are onboarding, and how do we uphold those standards over time?

To answer those questions we need:

We have existing projects that address starting a project:

We need:

what should a readme include

Some resources:

example repo checklist

things we should talk more about:

dereklieu commented 6 years ago

Noting that the goals of opening this repo include:

  1. Moving all the disparate -seed repos into a central location.
  2. Creating a cli tool based loosely on devo that will create for you a project-seed-like directory, but can also create things like circle files, test directories, and changelog files in a specific format.
danielfdsilva commented 6 years ago

I'm very interested in this. Some of our projects do have a problem with code quality. Regarding GH best practices I wrote this some time ago It's not widely enforced but i think is mostly because people can't really find information. We should review practices, have them documented and ensure people follow them as much as possible