developmentseed / tipg

Simple and Fast Geospatial OGC Features and Tiles API for PostGIS.
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Request: Primary key hyperlink #61

Open jonaraphael opened 1 year ago

jonaraphael commented 1 year ago

It would be really helpful if every column that contains a primary key is automatically turned into a hyperlink that returns all rows from any table that has that primary key value in a corresponding foreign key column. Effectively, you are asking "what rows in other tables point to this one?"

The result of clicking on such a hyperlink would be a page with multiple results tables, each with all the rows that match the primary/foreign key.

krishnaglodha commented 1 year ago

Hi, can you please explain more about this and #60 , I'd be available to take it forward

krishnaglodha commented 1 year ago

I'm on it