developmentseed / titiler

Build your own Raster dynamic map tile services
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mosaicJson use wmsExtension. LAYERS parameter not support mosaicJson #942

Closed RS-Y closed 2 weeks ago

RS-Y commented 2 weeks ago

TiTiler WMS TiTiler WMS COG URLs specified in the "LAYERS" parameter will show up as available layers application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml image/png image/jpeg image/jpg image/webp image/jp2 image/tiff; application=geotiff text/html application/vnd.ogc.se_xml application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage application/vnd.ogc.se_blank TiTiler WMS TiTiler WMS COG URLs specified in the "LAYERS" parameter will show up as available layers EPSG:4326 /home/ai/data1/neu_gis/1/cog/1806518206549946368/9y6pqo1l /home/ai/data1/neu_gis/1/cog/1806518206549946368/9y6pqo1l

vincentsarago commented 2 weeks ago

@RS-Y can you please be a bit more clear in your issue description 🙏

RS-Y commented 2 weeks ago

@vincentsarago When I use MosaicTilerFactory and set wmsExtension(), I encounter an error when I try to get layer basic information using {ip:host}/mosaicjson/wms?layers={url}mosaic.json&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&version=1.1.1.

vincentsarago commented 2 weeks ago

I don't think the wmsExtension will work with Mosaic backend. sorry If this not clear from the documentation.

mostly because the wmsExtension use the part method which is not implemented in the default mosaic backends