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When will there be a 100% LHR unlock ? #451

Open NucleaR-II opened 2 years ago

NucleaR-II commented 2 years ago

When will there be a 100% LHR unlock ? Will it be possible at all ? Doesn't anyone know a NVIDIA developer from the crypto area who can help us ?

The LHR lock is completely useless because the cards are still bought and used for mining. There is simply more power with less performance. Too bad about the expensive and valuable electricity

true31337 commented 2 years ago

LHR must die! A completely useless technology. They will release a pill like 1080 and all protection will be removed.

xb3l13v3r commented 2 years ago

The claims against datamining rely heavily on how much pollution it causes... Meanwhile, asshole companies like Nvidia design their products to be less efficient at datamining so they use more power. It's genius!

btlxw2005 commented 2 years ago


true31337 commented 2 years ago


Because there is a shortage and they are not on the shelves of stores. And what is there are two to three times more expensive than the recommended price.