develsoftware / GMinerRelease

Ethash, ProgPoW, Equihash, CuckooCycle GPU Miner
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Refresh a log file. #832

Open GjBrutello opened 1 year ago

GjBrutello commented 1 year ago

Add please a command of "Refresh log file" after restart miner like that works in other miners. For example: -logfile "Set the name of the logfile. If you place an asterisk (*) in the logfile name, it will be replaced by the current date/time to create a unique name every time PhoenixMiner is started. If there is no asterisk in the logfile name, the new log entries will be added to end of the same file. If you want to use the same logfile but the contents to be overwritten every time when you start the miner, put a dollar sign ($) character in the logfile name (e.g. -logfile my_log.txt$). " Also a log file doesn't appear if its path is with whitespace.

girtsjj commented 1 year ago

I second this. It makes things way easier to find rather than scrolling through one massive log file which notepad even struggles to open due to its size.