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Ethash, ProgPoW, Equihash, CuckooCycle GPU Miner
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OC issue on HIVE OS #878

Closed alameerkawar closed 1 year ago

alameerkawar commented 1 year ago

Good day everyone.

I have an issue with OC settings on HIVE OS with Gminer 3.28 I'm mining KASPA + ZIL, with the following settings:

--lock_cclock 1680 --lock_mclock 810 --zilserver --ziluser ETHWwallet.ZILwallet --zillock_cclock 1400 --zilmclock 2200 --cache_dag 0 --log_newjob 0

when ZIL round starts, the memory OC only goes to 6800, and I'm unable to change it no matter what settings I use whether it is zilmclock or zillock_mclock ( I tried zilmclock with numbers from 1000 to 2600 with no result, and I tried zillock_mclock with 7000 and 7500 and 8000 and still no good result, I always get 6800 when ZIL round starts when I use the command nvtool --clocks to check the clock on the GPU and memory.

any idea on how to get the memory settings right and up to 8000?

alameerkawar commented 1 year ago

I figured it out, it was because of older Nvidia drivers (510.xx) I tried updating the drivers to the latest available (525.xx) and that solved my issue