develtar / qt-pdf-viewer-library

The qt-pdf-viewer-library is a qml wrapper of pdf.js library which allows you to render PDF files in a WebView. This library also works on Android devices, and it uses WebSocketServer, WebSocketTransport and WebChannel to exchange data between qml and the browser environment.
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 9 forks source link

Step-By-Step #5

Open FRAYOURSELF opened 1 year ago

FRAYOURSELF commented 1 year ago

How to set it up step-by-step. I am new to qt so stuck at various portions. Help me please. qt_ss

develtar commented 1 year ago


the library comes with a sample app which is used to showcase the features of the library. To try the sample app, open the '' file with Qt creator.

To start from scratch, you need to create a qt quick project first:


Then follow those steps (as stated in the section of the README):

QML_IMPORT_PATH += $$PWD/libs/qt-pdf-viewer-library/
QML_DESIGNER_IMPORT_PATH += $$PWD/libs/qt-pdf-viewer-library/
#include "it/ltdev/qt/cpp/components/qtpdfviewerinitializer.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  // Initialize QtPdfViewer library
  // To make the pdf module to function correctly across all platforms,
  // it is necessary to call QtPdfViewerInitializer::initialize()
  // before in Qt>= 5.15.0, or after in Qt<5.15.0, creating
  // the QGuiApplication instance
#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))
  QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
  QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

  // Delete QtPdfViewer instance on app close
  QObject::connect(&app, &QGuiApplication::aboutToQuit, LTDev::QtPdfViewerInitializer::getInstance(), LTDev::QtPdfViewerInitializer::deleteInstance);

 QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

 // Needed to import the custom module
import it.ltdev.qt.qml.components 1.0 as LTDev

ApplicationWindow {

      LTDev.PdfView {
          id: pdfView

          anchors.fill: parent

          onViewerLoaded: {
              // Load pdf only when viewer is ready

          onPdfLoaded: {
              // Pdf has been correctly loaded

          onError: {
             // Some error occurred
             console.error("Error: ", message)

Anyway, for more info, give a look to the sources of the sample app :D

FRAYOURSELF commented 1 year ago

On trying to build the project why I am getting this err

FRAYOURSELF commented 1 year ago

For the qt quick application where is the .pro file?? image