Overview: The purpose of this ticket is to research dashboard providers and determine what we need to do to get one set up.
Dev Notes:
Allan and Daniel both mentioned AWS Green grass? This may be a different thing.
The dashboard should be snazzy.
Jonah and Brian both could be good resources on this investigation.
At this point it would be good to be familiar with the data we're going to get.
Look into the templates...are they snazzy?
Can we update the colors? Can we tweak the display order? Can we add a logo? Basically, can we make it look unique so it's not immediately recognizable at the out of the box tool.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] AC1: Determine the dashboard tool we would like to use for this project.
[ ] AC2: Document in a google doc a thorough reasoning for why we landed on this particular tool. <-- For marketing purposes. Please add the doc to this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uDEKvr1N197SpvHeu8Y__ottlPDEAalW?usp=sharing
Overview: The purpose of this ticket is to research dashboard providers and determine what we need to do to get one set up.
Dev Notes:
Acceptance Criteria: [ ] AC1: Determine the dashboard tool we would like to use for this project. [ ] AC2: Document in a google doc a thorough reasoning for why we landed on this particular tool. <-- For marketing purposes. Please add the doc to this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uDEKvr1N197SpvHeu8Y__ottlPDEAalW?usp=sharing