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[Spike] Investigate creation of a registry stack for AI development #1449

Open thepetk opened 3 months ago

thepetk commented 3 months ago

Which area this issue is related to?

/area registry

Issue description

As an application developer or an ML engineer who wants to develop AI solutions I'd like to have a starting point where I can develop ML/AI applications within the kubernetes and OpenShift Environments.

To achieve that, a new registry stack can be created including all the necessary ML & AI tools that an ML engineer should have to work on their ML or AI applications.

This issue focuses on the investigation process around the technologies & tools that this registry stack should include.

Acceptance Criteria

michael-valdron commented 1 month ago

Investigate Eclipse Che requested stack for llama

michael-valdron commented 1 month ago

We can start out with the following frameworks:

thepetk commented 1 month ago

We can start out with the following frameworks:

I was wondering if it makes sense to have 3 separate stacks? (e.g. following the python-flask / python-django separation).

michael-valdron commented 4 weeks ago

We can start out with the following frameworks:

I was wondering if it makes sense to have 3 separate stacks? (e.g. following the python-flask / python-django separation).

We decided in a previous team discussion to use one stack with three starter projects (one for each framework). We also deciding to use a purpose built image with this stack to provide common dependencies rather than placing everything in each starter projects dependency definitions.

michael-valdron commented 1 week ago

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