devfile / api

Kube-native API for cloud development workspaces specification
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Implement the OCI registry update functionality #1511

Open thepetk opened 1 month ago

thepetk commented 1 month ago

/kind task

Which area/kind this issue is related to?

/area registry

Issue Description

The OCI registry should be up-to-date with the main branch of the provided env var registry repo URL. As a result, a task should be able to update the OCI registry artifacts whenever a trigger is sent to the webhook of the index/server.

The task should receive information about the:

The task should update the content of the artifacts for the affected stacks and regenerate the index.json (with the new commit_hash inside).

Finally, a new endpoint should be created inside the index/server. This endpoint should only interact with github repo and trigger every new update of the oci-registry artifacts. Note that this endpoint should have an authentication method in order to be sure that the only requester will be the github repo.

Acceptance Criteria

thepetk commented 1 week ago

Note the webhook on the index/server should be able to support two types of triggers from github:

  1. Github sends a simple trigger to the webhook after a github event. The index/server checks the updated code for any affected stacks.
  2. Github sends a trigger with information about affected stack (need to decide the format) so index/server updates directly the given updated stacks.