devfile / api

Kube-native API for cloud development workspaces specification
Apache License 2.0
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Add registry support for dynamic stack updates [2/2] #1536

Open thepetk opened 3 weeks ago

thepetk commented 3 weeks ago

/kind user-story /kind epic

Which area this user story is related to?

/area ci /area registry

User Story

As a stack owner trying to create a new stack version, update an existing one or even introduce a new stack, I want to be able to see this change in the registry (e.g. the community registry) shortly after my PR is merged. This way, I don't have to wait for the new deployment of the devfile services team.

This user story focuses on the support of dynamic updates on stacks, like a creation/update of a stack version, or the creation of a new stack in general. Those updates should be available on the deployed registry shortly after the merge of each PR updating the stacks/ dir.

This is the second part of the EPIC. For the full description of the EPIC please take a look here

Acceptance Criteria