devgeeks / ExampleHTML5AudioStreaming

Example project showing audio streaming using HTML5 Audio with PhoneGap on iOS -
164 stars 61 forks source link

Some small fixes #4

Closed cesine closed 10 years ago

cesine commented 10 years ago

Now plays audio...

devgeeks commented 10 years ago

I will accept this, but it's really more a case that there shouldn't be any reference to a cordova*.js file. I hadn't noticed that was still there... Thanks for that.

As for the semicolon, I have seen that in servers where the admin page and the stream share a url/port, but in the case of the 4ZzZfm stream, this isn't the case... however, it's good to have it there for people that just change the server name... so thanks.

cesine commented 10 years ago

ah okay :)