devgeeks / VolumeSlider

PhoneGap / Cordova iOS plugin that allows you to add a native volume slider (MPVolumeView) to your app
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found a issue with "hide" method #6

Open bau720123 opened 10 years ago

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

hi @devgeeks it's a good plugin~I am using PGB 3.4 and iOS 7.1.1

issue after show the slider,I use the "hide" method want to hidden it,but not work,still appear in the window volumeSlider.showVolumeSlider();

suggestion if this plugin could work done with android or winphone I think it is more better

devgeeks commented 10 years ago

I'll have a look and see if I can replicate the hide issue..

As for the other platforms, I made this plugin mostly because it seemed more of a popular UI/UX pattern on iOS than on Android. Android audio apps generally just used the volume buttons. iOS, however, had a native control I could simply add in.

I don't really know about win phone cause I don't do any win phone stuff yet.

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

hi @devgeeks thanks for your detail reply fully understand what you mean...

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

hi @devgeeks is there anything update about "hide" method ?