devhawala / dodo

Xerox Network Services (XNS) implemented in Java
13 stars 1 forks source link

GVX 1.05 with Dodo #5

Open iblowmymind opened 3 years ago

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

(moving the discussion in #4 to its own issue, the following is the original comments I wrote)


My experimentations with throwing whatever was made by Xerox that's remotely related to Star/VP/GV into anything that can run it continues, with this time, running GlobalView for X 1.05!

This version needs to patch and tweak kernel sources and recompile it, so it only supports a very specific architecture and operating system: SunOS 4.1.4 running on SPARC (either sun4u or sun4c, from what I understand.) Luckily, QEMU can emulate the SPARCstation 5 (although a bit broken, I will come to that later), which is a sun4u machine, and it can run SunOS 4.1.4! So I decided to give it a go. Since my experience in UNIX is much better than Windows, I thought it would be easier than installing GVWIN. Note: It wasn't.

The first step was to actually install SunOS onto a virtual hard disk. As I said, the emulation, especially with the CD-ROM access on SunOS, is broken, and the system cannot read CD-ROMs when running this exact configuration. However, there is a workaround: Introducing the CD-ROM image as a secondary hard disk image, which surprisingly works! (However, it doesn't work while mounting regular ISO-9660 drives, more on that) So, that way, by following this guide, which luckily details the whole process, I installed it with a cgthree graphics card to get 1152x900 resolution (which required OFW ROMs and an original cg3 ROM, with OpenBIOS / QEMU's stock ROM it wouldn't work) and 64 MBs of RAM (mainly because the largest disk size that's "pre-defined" by the format program, SUN2.1G (2.1 GBs), only gives 100 MB's of swap space, and I didn't want to screw over partitioning since it works in a sector-size basis (and I didn't want to miscalculate), and the system requires the swap space to be at least as big as the RAM size. (256 MBs, the maximum, would crash the emulator anyway, bug?)

After installing, I tried to mount the GVX 1.05 ISO (which I downloaded from here) using the secondary-hard-disk method, however, failed. It just didn't want to work! Then I noticed: if I set up a TUN/TAP device, connect the network to it, I could (potentially) transfer files to the guest using RCP! So I reinstalled SunOS, this time with networking enabled, created a TAP device and connected to it, assigned all the values, etc. (The networking procedure is also detailed in the wiki page I followed, so that was useful) and bam! I could ping the host! Then, I tried extracting the files from the CD-ROM (using 7-Zip) and repacking it as a tar archive so that I could send it via RCP and extract it on the guest, and everything would theoretically work!

But, of course, it didn't.

Apparently, the ISO contains many files with colons in their filenames, files that have the same names with different capitalizations, etc. Since NTFS (yes, my machine is Windows, and all the time I've been using Windows to run QEMU, the TAP device, etc.) doesn't like colons in filenames, and it's not case-sensitive, so some files got overwritten and the colons got replaced to underscores, which is not what I want, since the way that GVX works is drastically different than how GVWIN works. Apparently, all the files (including all the software, BWS, etc.) are exposed on the root instead of being contained in a disk image, which is the way GVWIN does it. And, instead of running as one fullscreen app, somehow the graphics calls are translated to OPEN LOOK calls, so everything can display on different windows running on the main system desktop! So, critical components, such as GV Write, GV Calc, etc. all had colons in their filenames, and if the installer can't find those and can't install them, what's the point of even installing it in the first place? I had to create a Linux VM, mount the ISO as a virtual CD (which worked!), put everything from there in a tar archive, and transfer it to the host. And thus, now I had a tar file on my hands! And since networking worked, I used rcp to send the files to SunOS... And now I had the tar file on SunOS! And, on top of all that, it successfully extracted!

At first, I couldn't figure out the layout of the disk, but apparently what you need to run is XIST (which is the XSoft Installation Tool). I extracted the archive to directory "XSOFT" under /home (which was the biggest mount, so I chose that), you have to have OPEN LOOK / OpenWindows running (which worked flawlessly under the cg3 adapter on QEMU, and now I had an 1152x900 desktop! Running it natively on built-in VGA is not documented on the wiki though, since it's a bit old, so the only thing you have to add is "-vga cg3 -display sdl -g 1152x900" onto QEMU parameters and it would work. I could, technically, run it on VcXSrv on my host, but that crashes GVX, more on that later) since XIST is a GUI app, and you need to run it from the XIST directory. So, I changed the working dir to /home/XSOFT/XIST, run xist (since . is on PATH by default), and I was good to go! You have to choose "Install / Upgrade" from the left, and "UNIX Directory" on the right, enter the path to the directory "installdir" on the directory, in my case, it was /home/XSOFT/installdir, and then after you click the Install button, a selection comes up with all the software. It even includes Document & File Services and an XNS server, which is very interesting! For now, though I chose GlobalView for X. Choosing it will freeze for a bit, and come up with a list of parameters for installation. I just left everything on default paths (and default kernel parameters), other than disabling network (since I haven't found any way to run Dodo on this, would be interesting if you provided some guidance on how to set it up.) and clicked Next. Now it will come up with a software group selection. I just selected everything (except Document Services Access, since I didn't need it, and Extended Language Options / Keyboard Layouts, etc.), including all the screen fonts and applications, and hit install, and it actually installed. It needs a reboot for the new kernel to load in, and after it booted (while it boots it will load an XNS module, GVX emulation modules and it will wait for an XNS Time Server, even if you disable XNS Networking on configuration, which will (obviously) fail due to the lack of a time server but the system will continue booting) and after logging back in, starting OpenWindows again and launching GVX (using /usr/bin/xerox/gvx) should work! And of course, something had to go wrong. Appearantly, for whatever reason, by default, the hostname you pick isn't added to the xhost access list. So after manually adding it by running "/usr/openwin/bin/xhost +(the hostname you picked)", and starting it again, it worked! Finally, I was at the login options sheet! And it was its whole separate window, with the OPEN LOOK toolkit look & feel since all calls were somehow emulated on Mesa and translated into OPEN LOOK, I still can't figure out how they did that! But, you can't create a user. Unless you start the emulator with "/usr/bin/xerox/gvx V", which will add V to the boot flags, which brings up the Workspace Administration Sheet. And from there you can create the user, and restart without the flag, and log in, and it all worked! I was in the workspace!

So, the Type 4/5 keyboards have these "Sun Keys" which are very much like the Move, Copy, Prop's, Open, Delete, etc. keys on a Xerox workstation. In fact, they have the same purposes, so GVX just uses them for the actions. But, since a proper keyboard emulation isn't done in QEMU, and you can't send raw scancodes, so those keys are rendered unusable (for now), thus, much of the functionality of this amazing system is yet to be fully discovered. And since there's so little documentation that has surfaced (other than the "Online Help and Documentation" package), I don't know what to do! Many of the apps have autorun disabled by default, and right-clicking does in fact come with a menu that has props, move, copy, etc. it's only for icons, and icons in some specific places (such as the Workspace) and not text fields, the loader, etc. So, as I said, much of the functionality limited.

Besides, I couldn't get the Document Services to work, which asks for an "organization password" which you have to obtain from Xerox Customer Services in order to create the first Clearinghouse. Bummer! And, I couldn't figure out how to connect the NetHubGateway to the emulated machine. Would just selecting the same TAP connection which QEMU's connected to work?

And, I still don't know how exactly it works, but from what I saw and said while searching through old mailing list / Google Groups archives for Xerox, it translates BWS calls into OPEN LOOK calls, the files and filesystem is exposed to UNIX, so no volumes, virtual disks, etc. However, the NS Filing volume / Desktops has an interesting structure, (kinda similar to Dodo's filesystem structure) If you want to install an app, you drop it into /bws/newAppls, then the system will move that file into the NSFiling volume. And there isn't much other than that. The documentation included is very limited.

An interesting thing though: The CD-ROM contains a copy of Lotus 1-2-3 v1.2 for SunOS, it also has Interpress Printer Fonts (all of them, not just Classic & Modern) and a 30-day evaluation key file, however, the system runs just fine without it, so I don't know what the point of that is.

Here are some screenshots:


image The NSFiling volume I was talking about, Desktops has a similar structure.

image The Common BWS files, except for the boot file, germ file and microcode. couldn't find those. Maybe they're embedded into the binaries?

And a note, apparently a GVX system with a built-in clearinghouse running is called a "Genesis" system. And also, apparently, VP 3.x existed! I mean, there are downgraders for it!

image There's a courier server, too!

image xnsstart doesn't work. Still couldn't figure it out!

image And here it is, running.

image Suspending seems to be not implemented.

The only buttons that seem to be working are the Win key (Keyboard), Num Lock (Cursor Keys), The Numpad Enter key (Skip / Next) and Delete (you guessed it, Delete) right now.

A question: Would it be possible to dissect the binaries, somehow find the germfile, microcode, etc. from them, translate the calls into Swing GUI elements and add GV 1.x as a new target for Dwarf?

Another note: there's a utility called xwsft that gets installed that can take a peek at the Desktop volumes, however it's not very usable right now since it wants a clearinghouse on the network to verify the user password. If I can get Dodo to work with this, it could technically work!

so, here comes the actual reason I made the seperate issue:

I've made NetHubGateway connect to my Sun machine successfully (by settings NetHubGateway to the same TAP bridge as QEMU), and it sends / receives packets just fine! So the server can talk to the QEMU machine just fine. (Had to start QEMU, NetHub, NetHubGateway and Dodo, and startup the OS in QEMU by running "boot disk0" in this specific order for the Sun to detect the server) However, the communication itself isn't established properly. Here are the logs so that you can diagnose the issue (sent in comments since comment size too big).

From what I understand, though, the handshake for this version isn't implemented properly, thus the communication can't be established. However I did enter the password correctly on the Sun's side.

image Screenshot for the system, had to create a temporary workstation.


iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

NetHubGateway Log:

++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:51:54 TRT 2021 caplen=66   len=66   size=66

Frame:                                  number = 0
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:51:54.278
Frame:                             wire length = 66 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 66 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=52
000e: ba 00 00 34  00 04 00 00  04 1a ff ff  ff ff ff ff    ...4............
001e: 00 14 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b5 66 67    ......RT..4V..fg
002e: 7c 4c 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 02    |L..............
003e: 00 03 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 BA 00
 0x010:  00 34 00 04 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 14
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B5 66 67 7C 4C
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03
 0x040:  00 00

out[1] => packet length: 66 -- at  19412315.042800 ms
## in[1]: net packet len: 72
in[1]: forwarding packet, length = 72:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 D7 12
 0x010:  00 3A 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B5
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 14 66 67 7C 4C
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 04 1A
 0x040:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 00

** in[1]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 72)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[2]: net packet len: 60
in[2]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B
 0x010:  00 26 00 01 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 01 00 02 00 00
 0x030:  04 1A 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

** in[2]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 132)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:51:54 TRT 2021 caplen=66   len=66   size=66

Frame:                                  number = 3
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:51:54.625
Frame:                             wire length = 66 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 66 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=52
000e: ba 00 00 34  00 04 00 00  04 1a ff ff  ff ff ff ff    ...4............
001e: 00 14 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b5 66 67    ......RT..4V..fg
002e: 7c 4c 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 02    |L..............
003e: 00 03 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 BA 00
 0x010:  00 34 00 04 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 14
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B5 66 67 7C 4C
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03
 0x040:  00 00

out[2] => packet length: 66 -- at  19412610.748000 ms
## in[3]: net packet len: 72
in[3]: forwarding packet, length = 72:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 D7 12
 0x010:  00 3A 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B5
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 14 66 67 7C 4C
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 04 1A
 0x040:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 00

** in[3]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 204)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:51:59 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 6
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:51:59.747
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: f3 83 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 00 05 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 c0 00    ......RT..4V....
002e: d8 fb 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 F3 83
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 05
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 C0 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00

out[3] => packet length: 60 -- at  19417727.404100 ms
## in[4]: net packet len: 60
in[4]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 27
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00

** in[4]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 264)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:51:59 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 8
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:51:59.815
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a5 b2 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A5 B2
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 80 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00

out[4] => packet length: 60 -- at  19417795.607000 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:51:59 TRT 2021 caplen=130  len=130  size=130

Frame:                                  number = 9
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:51:59.817
Frame:                             wire length = 130 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 130 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=116
000e: 76 5b 00 74  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    v[.t............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 10 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 03  00 03 00 00    ................
003e: 00 00 00 00  00 02 00 03  00 01 00 01  00 00 00 18    ................
004e: 00 09 43 48  53 65 72 76  65 72 73 00  00 09 43 48    ..CHServers...CH
005e: 53 65 72 76  65 72 73 00  00 15 43 6c  65 61 72 69    Servers...Cleari
006e: 6e 67 68 6f  75 73 65 20  53 65 72 76  69 63 65 00    nghouse Service.
007e: 00 01 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 76 5B
 0x010:  00 74 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 10 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00
 0x040:  00 00 00 02 00 03 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 18 00 09
 0x050:  43 48 53 65 72 76 65 72 73 00 00 09 43 48 53 65
 0x060:  72 76 65 72 73 00 00 15 43 6C 65 61 72 69 6E 67
 0x070:  68 6F 75 73 65 20 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 00 00 01
 0x080:  00 00

out[5] => packet length: 130 -- at  19417846.855200 ms
## in[5]: net packet len: 60
in[5]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 09
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 03 00 03

** in[5]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 324)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[6]: net packet len: 60
in[6]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 2D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[6]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 384)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[7]: net packet len: 82
in[7]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 79 EF
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:00 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10
Frame:                                  number = 12
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:00.007
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a5 c0 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 01  00 05 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  01 F4 10 00 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[7]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 466)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[8]: net packet len: 60
in[8]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 BB 10 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 4F
 0x010:  00 11 2E 00 01 52 05 00 00 04 1A 54 52 54 00 12 00 12 34 34 56 56 D9 06 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  00 A5 C0
 0x010:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 00 2A 08 00 00 05 02 00 00

 00 00** in[8]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 526)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 80 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 00 00 00

out[6] => packet length: 60 -- at  19418050.838900 ms
## in[9]: net packet len: 82
in[9]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 79 EF
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[9]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 608)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[10]: net packet len: 60
in[10]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 4F
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

** in[10]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 668)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[11]: net packet len: 60
in[11]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[11]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 728)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[12]: net packet len: 60
in[12]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[12]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 788)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[13]: net packet len: 82
in[13]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 79 EF
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[13]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 870)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[14]: net packet len: 60
in[14]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 4F
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

** in[14]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 930)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[15]: net packet len: 60
in[15]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[15]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 990)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[16]: net packet len: 60
in[16]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[16]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1050)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[17]: net packet len: 82
in[17]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 79 EF
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[17]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1132)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[18]: net packet len: 60
in[18]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 4F
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

** in[18]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1192)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[19]: net packet len: 60
in[19]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[19]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1252)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[20]: net packet len: 60
in[20]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[20]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1312)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[21]: net packet len: 82
in[21]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 79 EF
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[21]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1394)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[22]: net packet len: 60
in[22]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 4F
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

** in[22]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1454)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[23]: net packet len: 60
in[23]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[23]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1514)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[24]: net packet len: 60
in[24]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[24]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1574)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[25]: net packet len: 82
in[25]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 79 EF
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[25]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1656)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[26]: net packet len: 60
in[26]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 75 4F
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

** in[26]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1716)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[27]: net packet len: 60
in[27]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[27]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1776)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[28]: net packet len: 60
in[28]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DD 3D
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 A3
 0x030:  D8 FB 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[28]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1836)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 38
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:15.789
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a5 cc 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 f4 a3  d8 fb          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A5 CC
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 80 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 F4 A3 D8 FB

out[7] => packet length: 60 -- at  19433768.226500 ms
## in[29]: net packet len: 90
in[29]: forwarding packet, length = 90:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 DF 7F
 0x010:  00 4C 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  A5 CC 00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 80 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07

** in[29]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 1926)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:17 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 40
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:17.09
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ad d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 10 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AD D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 10 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[8] => packet length: 128 -- at  19435078.729200 ms
## in[30]: net packet len: 144
in[30]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 1B 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AD D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 10 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[30]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2070)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:17 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 42
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:17.61
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[9] => packet length: 128 -- at  19435602.292200 ms
## in[31]: net packet len: 144
in[31]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[31]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2214)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:18 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 44
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:18.091
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[10] => packet length: 128 -- at  19436080.623500 ms
## in[32]: net packet len: 144
in[32]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[32]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2358)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:18 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 46
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:18.57
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[11] => packet length: 128 -- at  19436559.829800 ms
## in[33]: net packet len: 144
in[33]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[33]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2502)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:19 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 48
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:19.051
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[12] => packet length: 128 -- at  19437047.938700 ms
## in[34]: net packet len: 144
in[34]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[34]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2646)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:19 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 50
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:19.529
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[13] => packet length: 128 -- at  19437520.507100 ms
## in[35]: net packet len: 144
in[35]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[35]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2790)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:20 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 52
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:20.01
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[14] => packet length: 128 -- at  19438002.614600 ms
## in[36]: net packet len: 144
in[36]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[36]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 2934)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:20 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 54
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:20.49
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[15] => packet length: 128 -- at  19438478.818900 ms
## in[37]: net packet len: 144
in[37]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[37]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3078)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:21 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 56
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:21.091
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[16] => packet length: 128 -- at  19439079.398900 ms
## in[38]: net packet len: 144
in[38]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[38]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3222)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:21 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 58
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:21.451
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[17] => packet length: 128 -- at  19439441.134800 ms
## in[39]: net packet len: 144
in[39]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[39]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3366)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:22 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 60
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:22.05
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[18] => packet length: 128 -- at  19440040.868500 ms
## in[40]: net packet len: 144
in[40]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[40]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3510)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:22 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 62
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:22.53
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[19] => packet length: 128 -- at  19440520.621100 ms
## in[41]: net packet len: 144
in[41]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[41]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3654)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:23 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 64
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:23.011
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[20] => packet length: 128 -- at  19441020.669600 ms
## in[42]: net packet len: 144
in[42]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[42]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3798)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:23 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 66
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:23.49
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[21] => packet length: 128 -- at  19441486.070200 ms
## in[43]: net packet len: 144
in[43]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[43]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 3942)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:23 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 68
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:23.969
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[22] => packet length: 128 -- at  19441963.512400 ms
## in[44]: net packet len: 144
in[44]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[44]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4086)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:24 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 70
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:24.451
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[23] => packet length: 128 -- at  19442449.140300 ms
## in[45]: net packet len: 144
in[45]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[45]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4230)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:24 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 72
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:24.931
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[24] => packet length: 128 -- at  19442936.076800 ms
## in[46]: net packet len: 144
in[46]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[46]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4374)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:25 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 74
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:25.409
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[25] => packet length: 128 -- at  19443397.316300 ms
## in[47]: net packet len: 144
in[47]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[47]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4518)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:25 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 76
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:25.89
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[26] => packet length: 128 -- at  19443878.563400 ms
## in[48]: net packet len: 144
in[48]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[48]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4662)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:26 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 78
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:26.371
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[27] => packet length: 128 -- at  19444368.896500 ms
## in[49]: net packet len: 144
in[49]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[49]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4806)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:26 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 80
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:26.85
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[28] => packet length: 128 -- at  19444869.635800 ms
## in[50]: net packet len: 144
in[50]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[50]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 4950)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:27 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 82
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:27.45
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[29] => packet length: 128 -- at  19445438.945900 ms
## in[51]: net packet len: 144
in[51]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[51]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5094)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:27 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 84
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:27.81
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[30] => packet length: 128 -- at  19445796.197200 ms
## in[52]: net packet len: 144
in[52]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[52]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5238)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:28 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 86
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:28.409
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[31] => packet length: 128 -- at  19446413.227900 ms
## in[53]: net packet len: 144
in[53]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[53]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5382)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:28 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 88
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:28.889
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[32] => packet length: 128 -- at  19446883.970600 ms
## in[54]: net packet len: 144
in[54]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[54]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5526)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:29 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 90
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:29.371
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[33] => packet length: 128 -- at  19447412.414100 ms
## in[55]: net packet len: 144
in[55]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[55]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5670)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:29 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 92
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:29.86
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[34] => packet length: 128 -- at  19447847.136300 ms
## in[56]: net packet len: 144
in[56]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[56]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5814)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:30 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 94
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:30.341
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[35] => packet length: 128 -- at  19448340.903700 ms
## in[57]: net packet len: 144
in[57]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[57]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 5958)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:30 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 96
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:30.822
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[36] => packet length: 128 -- at  19448817.093900 ms
## in[58]: net packet len: 144
in[58]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[58]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6102)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:31 TRT 2021 caplen=128  len=128  size=128

Frame:                                  number = 98
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:31.301
Frame:                             wire length = 128 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 128 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=114
000e: ae d5 00 72  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...r............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b6 50 00    @.....RT..4V..P.
002e: d8 fb f4 a3  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08    w...blwstudios..
006e: 64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c  77 00 66 d9    daybreak..blw.f.
007e: 32 c0                                                 2.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 AE D5
 0x010:  00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00 D8 FB
 0x030:  F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E
 0x040:  00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61
 0x070:  79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 66 D9 32 C0

out[37] => packet length: 128 -- at  19449297.291500 ms
## in[59]: net packet len: 144
in[59]: forwarding packet, length = 144:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 9C 1A
 0x010:  00 82 00 03 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 00 03
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 02 40 00
 0x030:  AE D5 00 72 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01
 0x040:  40 00 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B6 50 00
 0x050:  D8 FB F4 A3 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69
 0x070:  6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C
 0x080:  77 00 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08

** in[59]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6246)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:31 TRT 2021 caplen=66   len=66   size=66

Frame:                                  number = 100
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:31.736
Frame:                             wire length = 66 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 66 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=52
000e: f5 01 00 34  00 04 00 00  04 1a ff ff  ff ff ff ff    ...4............
001e: 00 14 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b7 67 b9    ......RT..4V..g.
002e: 39 ef 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 02    9...............
003e: 00 03 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 F5 01
 0x010:  00 34 00 04 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 14
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B7 67 B9 39 EF
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03
 0x040:  00 00

out[38] => packet length: 66 -- at  19449717.218300 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:31 TRT 2021 caplen=66   len=66   size=66

Frame:                                  number = 101
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:31.738
Frame:                             wire length = 66 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 66 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=52
000e: a5 a2 00 34  00 04 00 00  04 1a ff ff  ff ff ff ff    ...4............
001e: 00 15 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b8 67 b9    ......RT..4V..g.
002e: 4a 17 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 0e    J...............
003e: 00 02 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A5 A2## in[60]: net packet len: 72

 0x010:  00in[60]: forwarding packet, length = 72:

 0x000:  34 00 52 54 00 12 04 00 34 56 10 00 BB 00 04 1A FF 10 11 01 06 00 AF 5B
 0x010:  FF FF 00 3A FF FF 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B7
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 FF 00 14 67 15
 0x020:  B9 39 EF
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 04 1A
 0x040:  04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 00

 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B8** in[60]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6318)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
 67## in[61]: net packet len: 60
in[61]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  FF B9 4A FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B 17
 0x010:  00 00 02 26 00 01 00 00 00 03 04 1A FF FF FF 00 03 00 FF FF FF 00 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 00 00 00 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 00 00 01 00 00 0E 01 00 02 00 02 00 00
 0x030:  04 1A 00
 0x040:  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

** in[61]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6378)
 00 00

++ in :: awaiting next packet
out[39] => packet length: 66 -- at  19449816.466800 ms
## in[62]: net packet len: 72
in[62]: forwarding packet, length = 72:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 31 81
 0x010:  00 3A 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B8
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 15 67 B9 4A 17
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 04 1A
 0x040:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 00

** in[62]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6450)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:32 TRT 2021 caplen=66   len=66   size=66

Frame:                                  number = 105
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:32.032
Frame:                             wire length = 66 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 66 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=52
000e: f5 01 00 34  00 04 00 00  04 1a ff ff  ff ff ff ff    ...4............
001e: 00 14 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b7 67 b9    ......RT..4V..g.
002e: 39 ef 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 02    9...............
003e: 00 03 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 F5 01
 0x010:  00 34 00 04 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 14
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B7 67 B9 39 EF
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03
 0x040:  00 00

out[40] => packet length: 66 -- at  19450017.544500 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:32 TRT 2021 caplen=66   len=66   size=66

Frame:                                  number = 106
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:32.034
Frame:                             wire length = 66 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 66 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [2] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [2] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=52
000e: a5 a2 00 34  00 04 00 00  04 1a ff ff  ff ff ff ff    ...4............
001e: 00 15 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b8 67 b9    ......RT..4V..g.
002e: 4a 17 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 0e    J...............
003e: 00 02 00 00                                           ....

## in[63]: net packet len: 72
in[63]: forwarding packet, length = 72:

 0x000:  52 54 00 FF FF FF 12 34 56 FF FF FF 52 54 00 12 10 00 BB 10 34 56 06 00 A5 A2
 0x010:  00 34 00 04 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 15
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 11 01 06 00 AF 5B
 0x010:  00 3A 00 54 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B7
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 14 67 B9 39 EF
 0x030:  00 12 34 56 02 00 D9 03 00 B8 67 B9 03 00 4A 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 04 1A
 0x040:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 17
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00

** in[63]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6522)
 00 02
 0x040:  00 00

++ in :: awaiting next packet
out[41] => packet length: 66 -- at  19450113.808200 ms
## in[64]: net packet len: 72
in[64]: forwarding packet, length = 72:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 31 81
 0x010:  00 3A 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B8
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 15 67 B9 4A 17
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 04 1A
 0x040:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 00

** in[64]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6594)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:46 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 109
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:46.735
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: f5 23 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .#.*............
001e: 00 05 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    ......RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 04 01 40  00 15          ...........@..

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 F5 23
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 05
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 40 00 15

out[42] => packet length: 60 -- at  19464707.936800 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:46 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 110
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:46.736
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: f5 c3 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 00 05 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    ......RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 04 01 40  00 15          ...........@..

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 F5 C3
 0x010: ## in[65]: net packet len: 60
in[65]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  00 2A 00 52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 58
 0x010:  05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 05
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD 00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52
 0x030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 40 00 15

 54 00 12 34 56 D9out[43] => packet length: 60 -- at  19464768.774100 ms
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00

** in[65]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6654)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:46 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 112
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:46.826
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 62 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .b.*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 00 00 00  00 04 01 40  00 15          ...........@..

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 62
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40## in[66]: net packet len: 60
 0x020: in[66]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 B4 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 06 00 62 08
 0x010:  40 00 15

 00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020: out[44] => packet length: 60 -- at  19464839.084900 ms
 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 C0 00 F4 C5
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:46 TRT 2021 caplen=130  len=130  size=130
 D8 FD
Frame:                                  number = 113
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:46.826
Frame:                             wire length = 130 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 130 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=116
000e: cc 5b 00 74  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .[.t............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 10 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 03  00 03 00 00    ................
003e: 00 00 00 00  00 02 00 03  00 01 00 01  00 00 00 18    ................
004e: 00 09 43 48  53 65 72 76  65 72 73 00  00 09 43 48    ..CHServers...CH
005e: 53 65 72 76  65 72 73 00  00 15 43 6c  65 61 72 69    Servers...Cleari
006e: 6e 67 68 6f  75 73 65 20  53 65 72 76  69 63 65 00    nghouse Service.
007e: 00 01 00 00                                           ....

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CC 5B
 0x010:  00 74 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 00 11 01 40 00 00 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 10 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00
 0x040:  00 00 00 02 00 03 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 18 00 09
 0x050:  43 48 53 65 72 76 65 72 73 00 00 09 43 48 53 65
 0x060:  72 76 65 72 73 00 00 15 43 6C 65 61 72 69 6E 67
 0x070:  68 6F 75 73 65 20 00 00 07 00 00 00 00

 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 00 00 01
 0x080:  00 00

** in[66]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6714)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
out[45] => packet length: 130 -- at  19464894.129900 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:46 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 115
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:46.937
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 12 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 03  00 03          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 12
 0x010:  00## in[67]: net packet len: 60
in[67]: forwarding packet, length = 60:
 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x000:  52 54
 0x020:  00 00 12 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 04 00 03 00 03

 0x010:  00 2E 00out[46] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465024.182500 ms
 05 00 00 04 1A 52
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:46 TRT 2021 caplen=152  len=152  size=152
 54 00
Frame:                                  number = 116
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:46.937
Frame:                             wire length = 152 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 152 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=138
000e: ed c8 00 8a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ................
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 10 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 03  00 03 00 00    ................
003e: 00 00 00 00  00 0e 00 02  00 01 00 0a  62 6c 77 73    ............blws
004e: 74 75 64 69  6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b    tudios..daybreak
005e: 00 03 62 6c  77 00 00 09  43 48 53 65  72 76 65 72    ..blw...CHServer
006e: 73 00 00 09  43 48 53 65  72 76 65 72  73 00 00 15    s...CHServers...
007e: 43 6c 65 61  72 69 6e 67  68 6f 75 73  65 20 53 65    Clearinghouse Se
008e: 72 76 69 63  65 00 68 ac  43 46                       rvice.h.CF

 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x000:  10 00
 0x020:  00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 ED C8
 0x010:  00 8A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 10 10 11 01 40 00 00 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 03 00 03

** in[67]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6774)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[68]: net packet len: 60
 00 D8 FD
 0x030: in[68]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 F4 C5 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00
 0x040:  00 00 00 0E 00 02 00 01 00 0A 62 6C 77 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 5E
 0x010:  00 73 74 75
 0x050:  64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03
 0x060:  62 6C 77 00 00 09 43 48 53 65 72 76 65 72 73 00
 0x070:  00 09 43 48 53 65 72 76 65 72 73 00 00 15 43 6C
 0x080:  65 61 72 69 6E 67 68 6F 75 73 65 20 53 65 72 76
 0x090:  69 63 65 00 68 AC 43 46

 2Aout[47] => packet length: 152 -- at  19465142.104400 ms
 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[68]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6834)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[69]: net packet len: 82

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 119
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.209
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 70 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .p.*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 01 00 01  00 05 00 03  00 03          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11in[69]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 70
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 01 00 01 00 05 00 03 00 03

 54 00 12 34 56out[48] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465273.342100 ms
 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 86 35
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[69]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6916)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[70]: net packet len: 60
in[70]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 FE 10
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

** in[70]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 6976)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[71]: net packet len: 60
in[71]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 88 8B
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 00 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 03 00 03

** in[71]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7036)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[72]: net packet len: 60
in[72]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 0E
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 C0 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[72]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7096)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[73]: net packet len: 166
in[73]: forwarding packet, length = 166:

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11
Frame:                                  number = 124
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.415
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 20 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    . .*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 01  00 05 f4 b4  d8 fc          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 20
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 01 00 05 F4 B4 D8 FC

out[49] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465414.665200 ms
 01 06 00 7D 7B
 0x010:  00 98 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 10 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00 00 34 A7 89
 0x040:  F0 AC 98 58 A7 D7 6E 3D A5 21 23 7E 52 05 85 F7
 0x050:  81 66 D1 7B C4 FB 03 DA E2 BC FF DC 7C AF 53 F3
 0x060:  32 56 F4 41 13 4C B9 44 F8 55 79 0A 20 16 37 D0
 0x070:  BD CE 6D 0F 68 F4 2B 48 B3 E9 23 2F B6 CD D1 FC
 0x080:  F7 42 BD 09 F3 7E E9 76 C3 57 9D 4E EB 0D 18 FB
 0x090:  CE 81 2C 87 27 12 C3 F7 EB 82 1B 09 09 1C 8C 50
 0x0A0:  EE 9D E2 2B F4 D1

** in[73]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7262)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[74]: net packet len: 82
in[74]: forwarding packet, length = 82:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 86 35
 0x010:  00 44 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 01 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 0A 62 6C
 0x040:  77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65
 0x050:  61 6B

** in[74]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7344)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[75]: net packet len: 60
in[75]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 FE 10
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8
Frame:                                  number = 127
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.562
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 7c 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .|.*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 03  00 03          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 7C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 03 00 03

 FC 00out[50] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465587.609800 ms
 02 00
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=152  len=152  size=152
 01 00 08 00 02 00 00

Frame:                                  number = 128
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.581
Frame:                             wire length = 152 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 152 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=138
000e: 8b 15 00 8a  00 04 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ................
001e: 00 14 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bb 60 8b    ......RT..4V..`.
002e: d9 0c 00 02  00 03 00 03  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 02    ................
003e: 00 03 00 10  00 0a 62 6c  77 73 74 75  64 69 6f 73    ......blwstudios
004e: 00 08 64 61  79 62 72 65  61 6b 00 03  62 6c 77 00    ..daybreak..blw.
005e: 00 00 00 1f  00 01 00 14  95 7b 7d 53  f8 58 50 b2    ........{}S.XP.
006e: ea 7c b1 10  46 78 af 23  1d 8f e2 68  77 9d 72 0e    .|..Fx.#...hw.r.
007e: 79 de f1 71  ba 16 82 99  e7 b5 0c ff  67 3c 45 1f    y..q........g<E
008e: 00 04 b8 4f  3d c5 24 8e  9c c5                       ...O=.$...

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 8B 15
 0x010:  00 8A 00 04 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 14
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BB 60 8B D9 0C
 0x030: ** in[75]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7404)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[76]: net packet len: 60
in[76]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6E
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 00 12 34 02 56 D9 B9 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03
 0x020:  00
 0x040:  00 10 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73 00 08 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 02 00 01
 0x050:  64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00 00 00
 0x060:  00 1F 00 01 00 14 95 7B 7D 53 F8 58 50 B2 EA 7C
 0x070:  B1 10 46 78 AF 23 1D 8F E2 68 77 9D 72 0E 79 DE
 0x080:  F1 71 BA 16 82 99 E7 B5 0C FF 67 3C 45 1F 00 04
 0x090:  B8 4F 3D C5 24 8E 9C C5 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[76]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7464)
out[51] => packet length: 152 -- at  19465640.708600 ms
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[77]: net packet len: 60
in[77]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6E
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 B4
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 130
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.649
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 7c 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .|.*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 7C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00

out[52] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465698.743400 ms
 D8 FC 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[77]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7524)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 132
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.686
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 7c 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .|.*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 01 00 03  00 07 f4 b4  d8 fc          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 7C
 0x010: ## in[78]: net packet len: 62
 00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 01 00 03 00 07 F4 B4 D8 FC

out[53] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465850.659800 ms
in[78]: forwarding packet, length = 62:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3D 29
Frame:                                  number = 134
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.75
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 7c 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .|.*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 01 00 03  00 07 f4 b4  d8 fc          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 7C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 01 00 03 00 07 F4 B4 D8 FC

out[54] => packet length: 60 -- at  19465893.545300 ms
 00 30 00 04 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BB
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 14 60 8B D9 0C
 0x030:  00 02 00 03 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 04

** in[78]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7586)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:47 TRT 2021 caplen=154  len=154  size=154

Frame:                                  number = 136
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:47.997
Frame:                             wire length = 154 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 154 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=140
000e: c9 7d 00 8c  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .}..............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 10 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 01 00 03  00 07 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................
003e: 00 02 00 03  00 10 00 0a  62 6c 77 73  74 75 64 69    ........blwstudi
004e: 6f 73 00 08  64 61 79 62  72 65 61 6b  00 03 62 6c
005e: 77 00 00 00  00 1f 00 01  00 14 95 7b  7d 53 f8 58    w.........{}S.X
006e: 50 b2 ea 7c  b1 10 46 78  af 23 1d 8f  e2 68 77 9d    P..|..Fx.#...hw.
007e: 72 0e 79 de  f1 71 ba 16  82 99 e7 b5  0c ff 67 3c    r.y..q........g<
008e: 45 1f 00 04  14 9e 62 a8  29 be 8d 9a                 E....b.)...

 0x000: ## in[79]: net packet len: 166
in[79]: forwarding packet, length = 166:
 10 00 BB 10 11
 0x000:  52 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 C9 7D 54
 0x010:  00 8C 00 05 00 00 04 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 10 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 01 00 03 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
 0x040:  00 03 00 10 00 0A 62 6C 77 73 74 75 64 69 6F 73
 0x050:  00 08 64 61 79 62 72 65 61 6B 00 03 62 6C 77 00
 0x060:  00 00 00 1F 00 01 00 14 95 11 01 7B 7D 53 F8 58 50 B2
 0x070:  EA 06 00 7C B1 10 46 78 AF 23 1D 8F E2 68 77 9D 72 0E
 0x080:  79 DE F1 71 BA 16 82 99 E7 B5 0C FF 67 3C 45 1F
 0x090:  00 04 14 9E 62 A8 29 BE 8D 9A

 7D 7B
 0x010:  00 98 00 05out[55] => packet length: 154 -- at  19466076.248700 ms
 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 10 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 02 00 00 00 34 A7 89
 0x040:  F0 AC 98 58 A7 D7 6E 3D A5 21 23 7E 52 05 85 F7
 0x050:  81 66 D1 7B C4 FB 03 DA E2 BC FF DC 7C AF 53 F3
 0x060:  32 56 F4 41 13 4C B9 44 F8 55 79 0A 20 16 37 D0
 0x070:  BD CE 6D 0F 68 F4 2B 48 B3 E9 23 2F B6 CD D1 FC
 0x080:  F7 42 BD 09 F3 7E E9 76 C3 57 9D 4E EB 0D 18 FB
 0x090:  CE 81 2C 87 27 12 C3 F7 EB 82 1B 09 09 1C 8C 50
 0x0A0:  EE 9D E2 2B F4 D1

** in[79]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7752)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[80]: net packet len: 60

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:48 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
in[80]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

Frame:                                  number = 138
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:48.206
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 52 54 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00out[56] => packet length: 60 -- at  19466206.112100 ms
 62 16
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 C0 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[80]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7812)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[81]: net packet len: 60
in[81]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:48 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

 0x000:  52
Frame:                                  number = 140
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:48.272
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 03  00 03          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 03 00 03

 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 16
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05out[57] => packet length: 60 -- at  19466261.239100 ms
 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 C0 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[81]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7872)

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:48 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Frame:                                  number = 142
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:48.335
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 c5  d8 fd          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00## in[82]: net packet len: 64
 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 C5 D8 FD

in[82]: forwarding packet, length = 64:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11out[58] => packet length: 60 -- at  19466330.758600 ms
 01 06 00 FD 4B
 0x010:  00 32 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 10 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 03 00 00 00 06 00 00

** in[82]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7936)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[83]: net packet len: 60
in[83]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 7C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 C0 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[83]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 7996)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:48 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 145
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:48.43
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 8a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 f4 c5  d8 fd          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 8A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 F4 C5 D8 FD

out[59] => packet length: 60 -- at  19466407.430400 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:52 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 146
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:52.871
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 9a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  02 77          .............w

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 9A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 02 77

out[60] => packet length: 60 -- at  19470845.430300 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:52 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 147
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:52.872
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 36 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .6.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 24          .............$

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 36
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 24

out[61] => packet length: 60 -- at  19470882.437800 ms
## in[84]: net packet len: 60
in[84]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 80 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[84]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8056)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:52 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
## in[85]: net packet len: 60
in[85]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

Frame:                                  number = 149
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:52.976
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 8a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10
 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 06
 0x010:  00 2A 00 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 8A 05 00 00
 0x010:  00 2A 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 80 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[85]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8116)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[62] => packet length: 60 -- at  19470991.357600 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:53 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 151
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:53.023
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[63] => packet length: 60 -- at  19471084.441500 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:57 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 152
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:57.49
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 9a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 9A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[64] => packet length: 60 -- at  19475462.083400 ms
## in[86]: net packet len: 60
in[86]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 80 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[86]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8176)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:57 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 154
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:57.573
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 8a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 8A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[65] => packet length: 60 -- at  19475548.330000 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:57 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 155
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:57.61
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 36 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .6.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 b4  d8 fc          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 36
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 B4 D8 FC

out[66] => packet length: 60 -- at  19475589.348200 ms
## in[87]: net packet len: 60
in[87]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 06
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 80 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[87]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8236)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:52:57 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 157
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:52:57.706
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[67] => packet length: 60 -- at  19475681.515000 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:02 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 158
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:02.051
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 9a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 9A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[68] => packet length: 60 -- at  19480028.708700 ms
## in[88]: net packet len: 60
in[88]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 80 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[88]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8296)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:02 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 160
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:02.144
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 8a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 8A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[69] => packet length: 60 -- at  19480126.497600 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:02 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 161
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:02.17
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 36 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .6.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 b4  d8 fc          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 36
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 B4 D8 FC

out[70] => packet length: 60 -- at  19480154.718400 ms
## in[89]: net packet len: 60
in[89]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 06
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 80 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[89]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8356)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:02 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 163
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:02.262
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[71] => packet length: 60 -- at  19480238.502400 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:06 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 164
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:06.61
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 9a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 01 40  00 15          ...........@..

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 9A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 01 40 00 15

out[72] => packet length: 60 -- at  19484770.813900 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:06 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 165
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:06.731
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 36 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .6.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 36
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[73] => packet length: 60 -- at  19484814.642500 ms
## in[90]: net packet len: 60
in[90]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 80 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[90]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8416)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:06 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 167
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:06.882
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 8a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 01 40  00 15          ...........@..

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 8A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 01 40 00 15

out[74] => packet length: 60 -- at  19484859.681400 ms
## in[91]: net packet len: 60
in[91]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 06
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 80 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[91]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8476)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:06 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 169
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:06.931
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 b4  d8 fc          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 B4 D8 FC

out[75] => packet length: 60 -- at  19484906.990000 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:11 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 170
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:11.431
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 9a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 9A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[76] => packet length: 60 -- at  19489411.972900 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:11 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 171
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:11.431
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 36 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .6.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 24          .............$

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 36
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 24

out[77] => packet length: 60 -- at  19489443.816100 ms
## in[92]: net packet len: 60
in[92]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 6C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 80 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[92]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8536)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:11 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
## in[93]: net packet len: 60

Frame:                                  number = 173
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:11.542
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 8a 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

in[93]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00
 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 8A
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 80 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

 12 34out[78] => packet length: 60 -- at  19489543.195500 ms
 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 06
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 80 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[93]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8596)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:11 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 175
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:11.618
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 26 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .&.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 d0  00 1b          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 26
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 80 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 D0 00 1B

out[79] => packet length: 60 -- at  19489598.919600 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:12 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 176
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:12.39
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: 09 87 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba 00 fe    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 60  00 f1          ...........`..

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 09 87
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA 00 FE D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 60 00 F1

out[80] => packet length: 60 -- at  19490366.351500 ms
## in[94]: net packet len: 60
in[94]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A1 BC
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 00 FF F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[94]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8656)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:13 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 178
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:13.351
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: e7 ea 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 00 fe    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 02 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 E7 EA
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 00 FE D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 02 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[81] => packet length: 60 -- at  19491327.396800 ms
## in[95]: net packet len: 60
in[95]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 7F 22
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 00 FF F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 05 00 03 00 0A 00 00 00 00

** in[95]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8716)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 180
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.165
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: f6 e3 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 00 05 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    ......RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 F6 E3
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 05
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00

out[82] => packet length: 60 -- at  19493138.607700 ms
## in[96]: net packet len: 60
in[96]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 B8
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 C0 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00

** in[96]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8776)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 182
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.219
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 42 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .B.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 00  00 43          .............C

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 42
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 43

out[83] => packet length: 60 -- at  19493193.467500 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=132  len=132  size=132

Frame:                                  number = 183
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.219
Frame:                             wire length = 132 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 132 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=118
000e: 62 43 00 76  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    bC.v............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 10 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 00 00 00  00 04 00 03  00 03 00 00    ................
003e: 00 00 00 00  00 02 00 03  00 05 00 01  2a 00 00 01    ............*...
004e: 00 01 00 14  95 7b 7d 53  f8 58 50 b2  ea 7c b1 10    .....{}S.XP..|..
005e: 46 78 af 23  1d 8f e2 68  77 9d 72 0e  79 de f1 71    Fx.#...hw.r.y..q
006e: ba 16 82 99  e7 b5 0c ff  67 3c 45 1f  00 04 2d a6    ........g<E..-.
007e: 13 f7 9b 38  26 82                                    ...8&.

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 62 43
 0x010:  00 76 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 10 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 03 00 03 00 00 00 00
 0x040:  00 00 00 02 00 03 00 05 00 01 2A 00 00 01 00 01
 0x050:  00 14 95 7B 7D 53 F8 58 50 B2 EA 7C B1 10 46 78
 0x060:  AF 23 1D 8F E2 68 77 9D 72 0E 79 DE F1 71 BA 16
 0x070:  82 99 E7 B5 0C FF 67 3C 45 1F 00 04 2D A6 13 F7
 0x080:  9B 38 26 82

out[84] => packet length: 132 -- at  19493235.563300 ms
## in[97]: net packet len: 60
in[97]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 93 4C
 0x010:  00 2E 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 00 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 03 00 03

** in[97]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8836)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[98]: net packet len: 60
in[98]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 BE
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 C0 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 00 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[98]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8896)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
## in[99]: net packet len: 64

Frame:                                  number = 186
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.43
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 50 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .P.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 01  00 05 00 03  00 03          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 50in[99]: forwarding packet, length = 64:

 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 52 54 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 00 12 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 34 56 01 00 01 00 05 00 03 00 03

 10 00 BBout[85] => packet length: 60 -- at  19493414.529500 ms
 10 11 01 06 00 51 F2
 0x010:  00 32 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 10 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 03 00 00 00 06 00 00

** in[99]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 8960)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[100]: net packet len: 64
in[100]: forwarding packet, length = 64:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 51 F2
 0x010:  00 32 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 10 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 03 00 00 00 06 00 00

** in[100]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9024)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
## in[101]: net packet len: 60
in[101]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

Frame:                                  number = 189
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.875
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

 0x000:  52out[86] => packet length: 60 -- at  19493866.225600 ms
 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 C6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 C0 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[101]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9084)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[102]: net packet len: 60
in[102]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB
Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60
 10 11 01 06 00 A4 C6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10
Frame:                                  number = 191
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.934
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 11 01 40 02 C0 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

 00 01 00 01out[87] => packet length: 60 -- at  19493915.636100 ms
 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[102]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9144)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:15 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 193
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:15.967
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[88] => packet length: 60 -- at  19493945.732000 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:17 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 194
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:17.011
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ca 3e 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .>.*............
001e: 40 01 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 ba c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fd f4 c5  00 02 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 CA 3E
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA C0 00 D8 FD
 0x030:  F4 C5 00 02 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[89] => packet length: 60 -- at  19494988.827100 ms
## in[103]: net packet len: 60
in[103]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 62 20
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BA
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 01 80 00 F4 C5
 0x030:  D8 FD 00 03 00 03 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[103]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9204)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:17 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 196
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:17.971
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: a8 a2 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    ...*............
001e: 40 00 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 b9 c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fc f4 b4  00 03 00 04  00 08 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 A8 A2
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9 C0 00 D8 FC
 0x030:  F4 B4 00 03 00 04 00 08 00 00 00 00

out[90] => packet length: 60 -- at  19495954.920100 ms
## in[104]: net packet len: 60
in[104]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 3F 86
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 B9
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 00 80 00 F4 B4
 0x030:  D8 FC 00 05 00 04 00 0A 00 00 00 00

** in[104]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9264)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:20 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 198
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:20.489
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 66 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .f.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 66
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[91] => packet length: 60 -- at  19498466.801600 ms
## in[105]: net packet len: 60
in[105]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 B6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 80 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[105]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9324)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:20 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 200
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:20.59
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[92] => packet length: 60 -- at  19498576.657700 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:25 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 201
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:25.18
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 66 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .f.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 66
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[93] => packet length: 60 -- at  19503157.777800 ms
## in[106]: net packet len: 60
in[106]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 B6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 80 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[106]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9384)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:25 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 203
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:25.267
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[94] => packet length: 60 -- at  19503241.151500 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:29 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 204
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:29.74
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 66 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .f.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 66
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[95] => packet length: 60 -- at  19507713.835800 ms
## in[107]: net packet len: 60
in[107]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 B6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 80 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[107]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9444)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:29 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 206
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:29.839
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[96] => packet length: 60 -- at  19507819.183400 ms
## in[108]: net packet len: 60
in[108]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B
 0x010:  00 26 00 01 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 01 00 02 00 00
 0x030:  04 1A 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

** in[108]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9504)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:34 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 208
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:34.361
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 66 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .f.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 66
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[97] => packet length: 60 -- at  19512339.076600 ms
## in[109]: net packet len: 60
in[109]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 B6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 80 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[109]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9564)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:34 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 210
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:34.452
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[98] => packet length: 60 -- at  19512426.635100 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:38 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 211
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:38.921
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 66 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .f.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 66
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[99] => packet length: 60 -- at  19516896.427100 ms
## in[110]: net packet len: 60
in[110]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 B6
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 80 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 01 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 00

** in[110]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9624)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:39 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 213
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:39.003
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 56 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .V.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 80 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 56
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 80 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[100] => packet length: 60 -- at  19516978.480600 ms

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:40 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 214
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:40.59
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: 2b b7 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    +..*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc 00 fe    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 01 00 02  00 06 f4 d6  d8 fe          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 2B B7
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC 00 FE D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 01 00 02 00 06 F4 D6 D8 FE

out[101] => packet length: 60 -- at  19518572.809200 ms
## in[111]: net packet len: 60
in[111]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 E4 6C
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 00 FF F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 03 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[111]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9684)
++ in :: awaiting next packet

Received packet at Fri Apr 30 13:53:45 TRT 2021 caplen=60   len=60   size=60

Frame:                                  number = 216
Frame:                               timestamp = 2021-04-30 13:53:45.17
Frame:                             wire length = 60 bytes
Frame:                         captured length = 60 bytes
Eth:  ******* Ethernet - "Ethernet" - offset=0 (0x0) length=14 protocol suite=LAN
Eth:                              destination = 10:00:bb:10:11:01
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                   source = 52:54:00:12:34:56
Eth:                    .... ..0. .... .... = [0] LG bit
Eth:                    .... ...0 .... .... = [0] IG bit
Eth:                                     type = 0x600 (1536)
Data:  ******* Payload offset=14 (0xE) length=46
000e: ec 6e 00 2a  00 05 00 00  04 1a 10 00  bb 10 11 01    .n.*............
001e: 40 02 00 00  04 1a 52 54  00 12 34 56  d9 bc c0 00    @.....RT..4V....
002e: d8 fe f4 d6  00 02 00 02  00 06 00 00  00 00          ..............

 0x000:  10 00 BB 10 11 01 52 54 00 12 34 56 06 00 EC 6E
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC C0 00 D8 FE
 0x030:  F4 D6 00 02 00 02 00 06 00 00 00 00

out[102] => packet length: 60 -- at  19523147.047500 ms
## in[112]: net packet len: 60
in[112]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  52 54 00 12 34 56 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 A4 D0
 0x010:  00 2A 00 05 00 00 04 1A 52 54 00 12 34 56 D9 BC
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 40 02 80 00 F4 D6
 0x030:  D8 FE 00 03 00 03 00 09 00 00 00 00

** in[112]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9744)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[113]: net packet len: 60
in[113]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B
 0x010:  00 26 00 01 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 01 00 02 00 00
 0x030:  04 1A 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

** in[113]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9804)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[114]: net packet len: 60
in[114]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B
 0x010:  00 26 00 01 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 01 00 02 00 00
 0x030:  04 1A 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

** in[114]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9864)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
## in[115]: net packet len: 60
in[115]: forwarding packet, length = 60:

 0x000:  FF FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B
 0x010:  00 26 00 01 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01
 0x020:  00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 01 00 02 00 00
 0x030:  04 1A 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

** in[115]: pCap.sendPacket() transmitted (totalSent: 9924)
++ in :: awaiting next packet
iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

Nethub Log:

Starting NetHub
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => starting
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => starting
.. getInt(2) -> 66
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 1 with net size: 66
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 66
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 1 with net size: 72
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 2 with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 66
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 2 with net size: 66
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 66
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 3 with net size: 72
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 72
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 3 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 4 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 4 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 130
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 5 with net size: 130
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 130
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 5 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 6 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 7 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Distribute: sent data
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 8 with net size: 60
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 6 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 9 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 10 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 11 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 12 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 13 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 14 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 15 with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 16 with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 17 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 18 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 19 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 20 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 21 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 22 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 23 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 24 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 25 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 26 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 27 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 28 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 7 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 90
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 29 with net size: 90
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 90
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 8 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 30 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 9 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Distribute: flushed data
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 31 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 10 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 32 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 11 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 33 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 12 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 34 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 13 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 35 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 14 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 36 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 15 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 37 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 16 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 38 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 17 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 39 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 18 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 40 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 19 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 41 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 20 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 42 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 21 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 43 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 22 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 44 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 23 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 45 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 24 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 46 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 25 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 47 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 26 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 48 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 27 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 49 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 28 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 50 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 29 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 51 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 30 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 52 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 31 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 53 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 32 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 54 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 33 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 55 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 34 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 56 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 35 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 57 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 36 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 58 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 128
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 37 with net size: 128
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 128
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 144
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 59 with net size: 144
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 144
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 66
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 38 with net size: 66
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 66
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 60 with net size: 72
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 61 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 72
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 66
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 39 with net size: 66
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 66
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 62 with net size: 72
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 72
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 66
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 40 with net size: 66
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 66
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 63 with net size: 72
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 72
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 66
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 41 with net size: 66
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 66
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 72
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 64 with net size: 72
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 72
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 42 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 65 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 43 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 66 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 44 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 130
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 45 with net size: 130
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 130
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 67 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 68 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 69 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Distribute: sent data
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 70 with net size: 60
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 46 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 152
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 47 with net size: 152
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 152
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 71 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 72 with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
.. getInt(2) -> 166
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 73 with net size: 166
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 166
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 48 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 49 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 82
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 74 with net size: 82
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 82
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 75 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 76 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 77 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 50 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
.. getInt(2) -> 152
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 51 with net size: 152
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 52 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 152
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
.. getInt(2) -> 62
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 78 with net size: 62
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 62
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 53 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 54 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 166
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 79 with net size: 166
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 80 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 166
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 81 with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 154
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 55 with net size: 154
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 154
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 64
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 82 with net size: 64
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 64
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 83 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 56 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 57 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 58 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 59 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 60 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 61 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 84 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 85 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 62 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 63 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 64 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 86 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 65 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 66 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 87 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 67 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 68 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 88 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 69 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 70 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 89 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 71 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 72 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 90 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 73 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 74 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 91 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 75 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 76 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 77 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 92 with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 93 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 78 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 79 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 80 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 94 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 81 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 95 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 82 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 96 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 83 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 132
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 84 with net size: 132
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 132
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 97 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 98 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 64
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 99 with net size: 64
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 64
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 85 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 64
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 100 with net size: 64
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 64
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 101 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 102 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 86 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 87 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 88 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 89 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 103 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 90 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 104 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 91 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 105 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 92 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 93 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 106 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 94 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 95 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 107 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 96 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 108 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 97 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 109 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 98 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 99 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 110 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 100 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 101 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 111 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #0 => received packet 102 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #1 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 112 with net size: 60
Distribute: flushed data
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 113 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 114 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 115 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 116 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 117 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 118 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
.. getInt(2) -> 60
Rcv-Thread: connection #1 => received packet 119 with net size: 60
Distribute: connection #0 => sending packet with net size: 60
Distribute: sent data
Distribute: flushed data
iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

DodoServer log:

#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 16383, listener =$PexRequestHandler@2fc14f68 ): socket bound
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 16383, listener =$PexRequestHandler@2fc14f68 ): listener started
#----# opening connection to hub
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000800 -> EtherInitialDove.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000808 -> Moonrise.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000810 -> MesaDaybreak.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000818 -> Dove.germ
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000820 -> SimpleNetExecDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000801 -> SpecialEtherInitialDove.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000809 -> Moonrise.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000811 -> SpecialMesaDaybreak.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000819 -> SpecialDove.germ
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000821 -> OfflineDiagnosticsDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000802 -> SpecialEtherInitialDove.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00080A -> Moonrise.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000812 -> SpecialMesaDaybreak.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00081A -> SpecialDove.germ
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000822 -> OfflineScnrDiagDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000803 -> SpecialEtherInitialDove.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00080B -> Moonrise.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000813 -> SpecialMesaDaybreak.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00081B -> SpecialDove.germ
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000823 -> OfflineCartTapeDiagDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000807 -> EtherInitialDove.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00080F -> Moonrise.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000817 -> MesaDaybreak.db
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00081F -> Dove.germ
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000827 -> InstallerNSDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000838 -> SimpleNetExecDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000839 -> OfflineDiagnosticsDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00083A -> InstallerNSDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA000842 -> OfflineScnrDiagDove.boot
bootSvc: bootFileId 0x0000AA00083C -> OfflineCartTapeDiagDove.boot
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 10, listener = dev.hawala.xns.level4.boot.BootResponder@6e3c1e69 ): socket bound
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 10, listener = dev.hawala.xns.level4.boot.BootResponder@6e3c1e69 ): listener started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 2, listener = dev.hawala.xns.level4.echo.EchoResponder@6adca536 ): socket bound
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 2, listener = dev.hawala.xns.level4.echo.EchoResponder@6adca536 ): listener started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 8, listener =$PexServer@4ec6a292 ): socket bound
#----#     PexServer.start( localEndpoint = [1050-10.00.BB.10.11.01:8] , sender = ... )
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 8, listener =$PexServer@4ec6a292 ): listener started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 1, listener = ): socket bound
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 1, listener = ): listener started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 20, listener =$PexServer@396a51ab ): socket bound
#----#     PexServer.start( localEndpoint = [1050-10.00.BB.10.11.01:20] , sender = ... )
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 20, listener =$PexServer@396a51ab ): listener started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 21, listener =$PexServer@204f30ec ): socket bound
#----#     PexServer.start( localEndpoint = [1050-10.00.BB.10.11.01:21] , sender = ... )
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 21, listener =$PexServer@204f30ec ): listener started
Starting mail service 'postman:daybreak:blwstudios' (mailboxes volume directory: ./vol-mailservice)
Opening volume 'vol-mailservice' from directory: D:\SoftwareHD\Software\Emulators\Mesa\dodo\.\vol-mailservice
loading metadata from: 00000179223F84CF.full-meta
Volume 'vol-mailservice' opened
+++ ChsDatabase.findObjectNames( pattern = '.*' , reqProperty = 10003 )
+++ ChsDatabase.findObjectNames() -> found 'guest'
+++ ChsDatabase.findObjectNames() -> found 'blw'
Mail: user 'blw:daybreak:blwstudios' : currently 0 mail(s) in mailbox
Mail: user 'guest:daybreak:blwstudios' : currently 0 mail(s) in mailbox
Mail service 'postman:daybreak:blwstudios' started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 26, listener =$PexServer@7cbd213e ): socket bound
#----#     PexServer.start( localEndpoint = [1050-10.00.BB.10.11.01:26] , sender = ... )
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 26, listener =$PexServer@7cbd213e ): listener started
####### Printing3, supported paperSizes: a4
####### Printing3, using ip-to-ps proc: ./prt-poseidon/res/IPPROC.PS
####### Printing3, patched ip-to-ps proc for Xerox PS font usage
####### Printing3, using ps post-processor: ./prt-poseidon/res/postprocess-ps.cmd
Starting file service 'publicfs:daybreak:blwstudios' (volume directory: ./vol-publicfs)
Opening volume 'vol-publicfs' from directory: D:\SoftwareHD\Software\Emulators\Mesa\dodo\.\vol-publicfs
loading metadata from: 00000179223F8673.full-meta
Volume 'vol-publicfs' opened
File service 'publicfs:daybreak:blwstudios' started
Starting file service 'userfs:daybreak:blwstudios' (volume directory: ./vol-userfs)
Opening volume 'vol-userfs' from directory: D:\SoftwareHD\Software\Emulators\Mesa\dodo\.\vol-userfs
loading metadata from: 00000179223F8821.full-meta
Volume 'vol-userfs' opened
File service 'userfs:daybreak:blwstudios' started
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 5, listener = ): socket bound
#----#     clientBindToSocket( sockNo = 5, listener = ): listener started
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#proc #0# call
#proc #0# encodeReturn
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#proc #0# call
#proc #0# encodeReturn
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
COURIER CourierServer - new connection opened, starting new CourierServerConnection
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0000# CourierConnection - needVersions: low = 3 , high = 3
#CR0000# CourierConnection - sendVersions: low = high = 3
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - begin
#CR0000# CourierConnection - dispatching call with transaction 0
COURIER CourierRegistry: dispatching to program 2 version 3
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- invoking proc #1
#proc #1# call
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listDomainServed() :: start
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listDomainsServed() :: sending data via bulk data transfer
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listDomainServed() :: end
#proc #1# encodeReturn
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- finished proc #1
#CR0000# CourierConnection - done call with transaction 0

!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 2 (actor: handshake thread)
!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 2 (actor: handshake thread)
!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 2 (actor: handshake thread)
!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 2 (actor: handshake thread)
!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 2 (actor: handshake thread)
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#proc #0# call
#proc #0# encodeReturn
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=14 , version=2 , procedure=0
#BfsAth# BfsAuthenticationResponder.processRequest() - begin
#proc #0# call
#proc #0# encodeReturn
#BfsAth# BfsAuthenticationResponder.processRequest() - done
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=14 , version=2 , procedure=0
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#proc #0# call
#proc #0# encodeReturn
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=0
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=14 , version=2 , procedure=0
#BfsAth# BfsAuthenticationResponder.processRequest() - begin
#proc #0# call
#proc #0# encodeReturn
#BfsAth# BfsAuthenticationResponder.processRequest() - done
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=14 , version=2 , procedure=0
COURIER CourierServer - new connection opened, starting new CourierServerConnection
COURIER CourierServer - new connection opened, starting new CourierServerConnection
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0001# CourierConnection - needVersions: low = 3 , high = 3
#CR0001# CourierConnection - sendVersions: low = high = 3
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - begin
#CR0001# CourierConnection - dispatching call with transaction 0
COURIER CourierRegistry: dispatching to program 2 version 3
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- invoking proc #1
#proc #1# call
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listDomainServed() :: start
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listDomainsServed() :: sending data via bulk data transfer
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listDomainServed() :: end
#proc #1# encodeReturn
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- finished proc #1
#CR0001# CourierConnection - done call with transaction 0

COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0002# CourierConnection - needVersions: low = 3 , high = 3
#CR0002# CourierConnection - sendVersions: low = high = 3
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - begin
#CR0002# CourierConnection - dispatching call with transaction 0
COURIER CourierRegistry: dispatching to program 14 version 2
COURIER CrProgram[ 14 , 2 ].dispatch() -- invoking proc #1
#proc #1# call
#Auth2# Authentication2Impl.getStrongCredentials(), (omitted)
#Auth2# Authentication2Impl.getStrongCredentials() -- got both strong passwords
#Auth2# Authentication2Impl.getStrongCredentials() -- credentials package encrypted => done
#proc #1# encodeReturn
COURIER CrProgram[ 14 , 2 ].dispatch() -- finished proc #1
#CR0002# CourierConnection - done call with transaction 0

!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 2 (actor: handshake thread)
#BfsX# Bfs with courier protocol-version[3,3] , transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=16
#BfsChs# processRequest() -> rejecting with CallError[useCourier]
#BfsX# Bfs call done for transaction=0 , program=2 , version=3 , procedure=16
!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 1 (actor: handshake thread)
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - begin
#CR0001# CourierConnection - dispatching call with transaction 0
COURIER CourierRegistry: dispatching to program 2 version 3
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- invoking proc #16
#proc #16# call
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3Impl.retrieveItem( pattern = 'blw:daybreak:blwstudios' , property = 31 )
creds.initiator: blw:daybreak:blwstudios
creds.expiration: 2913706367 (now: 2913619968)
verifier.timeStamp: 0xF2559762 = 4065695586 -> xor-ed(machineId): 0xE2552C72 = 3797232754 (now: 0xADAA5000 =  2913619968)
verifier.ticks: 0x79C9E3FF = 2043274239 -> xor-ed(machineId): 0x68C8E3FF = 1757996031
** checkStrongCredentials() => ERR: now < verifierTimestamp
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3Impl.retrieveItem() -> rejecting with AuthenticationError[credentialsInvalid]
#proc #16# encodeAbort
#proc #16#   abortData: RECORD [
      problem: credentialsInvalid
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- finished proc #16
#CR0001# CourierConnection - done call with transaction 0

COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0002# CourierServerConnection: processSingleCall() failed, closing CourierConnection (null)
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0001# CourierServerConnection: processSingleCall() failed, closing CourierConnection (null)
COURIER CourierServer - new connection opened, starting new CourierServerConnection
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0003# CourierConnection - needVersions: low = 3 , high = 3
#CR0003# CourierConnection - sendVersions: low = high = 3
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - begin
#CR0003# CourierConnection - dispatching call with transaction 0
COURIER CourierRegistry: dispatching to program 2 version 3
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- invoking proc #5
#proc #5# call
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3.listOrganizations( name = 'dev.hawala.xns.level3.courier.STRING@8106693' )
creds.initiator: blw:daybreak:blwstudios
creds.expiration: 2913706367 (now: 2913619995)
verifier.timeStamp: 0xF255979F = 4065695647 -> xor-ed(machineId): 0xE2552C8F = 3797232783 (now: 0xADAA501B =  2913619995)
verifier.ticks: 0x7B8F17A0 = 2072975264 -> xor-ed(machineId): 0x6A8E17A0 = 1787697056
** checkStrongCredentials() => ERR: now < verifierTimestamp
#CHS3# Clearinghouse3Impl.listOrganizations() -> rejecting with AuthenticationError[credentialsInvalid]
#proc #5# encodeAbort
#proc #5#   abortData: RECORD [
      problem: credentialsInvalid
COURIER CrProgram[ 2 , 3 ].dispatch() -- finished proc #5
#CR0003# CourierConnection - done call with transaction 0

!!!! resent un-acknowledged packets starting with seqNo = 1 , count = 1 (actor: handshake thread)
COURIER CourierConnection.processSingleCall() - waiting for ingoing call
#CR0003# CourierServerConnection: processSingleCall() failed, closing CourierConnection (null)
iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

UPDATE: Time sync on boot works!

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

Another update: Just restarting the system mysteriously made networking work! I can now go in the Network directory on GVX! It all works! I don't even understand why it didn't initially work, but I just rebooted the OS (without closing QEMU) and it suddenly connected and started working.

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

However, it is EXTREMELY unstable, as restarting it simply broke everything and now I can't get anything to connect. At least we know the protocols are supported now.

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

The issue might be related to either NetHubGateway, QEMU, or the TAP bridge itself, I believe, as nothing on Dodo, NetHub or GVX is wrong.

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

In the times that the system doesn't work, every like 30-40 seconds this packet is sent but no response:

0x000: FF FF FF FF FF FF 10 00 BB 10 11 01 06 00 18 0B 0x010: 00 26 00 01 00 00 04 1A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01 0x020: 00 00 04 1A 10 00 BB 10 11 01 00 01 00 02 00 00 0x030: 04 1A 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

Well, just restarted NetHubGateway, now it (appearantly) works?? I don't understand this at all.

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago


Found this while searching for Basic PCedar, the thing that GVX runs on, esentially.

devhawala commented 3 years ago


you seem to have much more time to play around with old Xerox systems than me :-)

For the networking issue(s):

If you want to know what's going on on the XNS network, the server log and the NetSpy tool are the most useful, as NetSpy looks into the packets and logs relevant metadata at different protocol levels, so you can get an idea of what the workstations queries and what are the answers of the server. Once the NetHubGateway log indicates that the gateway works as expected, this log becomes uninteressant if you have a NetSpy started in parallel.

As i had no problems with the NetHubGateway under Windows-10 during my initial experiments with Darkstar for running StarOS (DarkStar version or, i suppose the problem is probably in the cooperation of QEmu networking and SunOS... Maybe it helps to bind QEmu and NetHubGateway to 2 different devices (hardware-network card resp. loopback device) so they do not compete on the lower level?

For running GVX 1.05 outside SunOS (for example with Dwarf):

You already found out that GVX is based on the PCR (Portable Cedar Runtime). Cedar is both an upward-compatible(?) successor to Mesa with garbage collection, safe modules, type-inference and the like, and a further OS environment in the Xerox ecosystem. Somewhere mit 80-ies Xerox decided to have a cooperation with Sun where the SPARC architecture would be the new base hardware instead of the homebrew microcoded machines and UNIX would be the low-level OS. So they created PCR to run many parts of this ecosystem, probably the Cedar environment in the first place but also the commercial ViewPoint system now called GlobalView. The Mesa programs had a common Mesa code base, so there was only one source code for GlobalView, which was compiled either to Xerox machine code (the "old" Mesa compiler) or to C for the SPARC (or other?) machines. The document CSL-89-8_Experiences_Creating_a_Portable_Cedar has some infos on this. As far as i know, only GlobalView for SPARC/PCR was publicly available, there was no port of XDE to SunOS and Cedar was probably only for internal use..

So in fact, i suppose any executable program file in GVX 1.0x is a SPARC binary, even if the name corresponds to its equivalent in the 6085 or 8010 world. The file and directory structures for the applications on SPARC will probably be the same or at least very similar to the old world, as the running program (compiled from the same Mesa source) will do the same IO operations for accessing fonts, message files or other resources independently of the OS environment where it runs. Also, there is no need for a bootfile, a germ or a microcode, all this being replaced by PCR resp SunOS+SPARC.

So as a result, i see no chance to run GVX 1.0x programs outside the SPARC world, as i suppose that the are no .bcd or similar files intended for the "old" architecture on the SPARC installation CDs (except these would be compiled "on-the-fly" to the SPARC architecture, but this is highly improbable).

BTW: the XNS server environment was not ported to PCR; instead Siemens (or Siemens-Nixdorf == SNI, not sure) re-implemented most services (Clearinghouse, Filing, Printing, Mailing) as native UNIX programs, which are probably the XNS services you found in the GVX 1.0x environment. These are compatible at XNS services protocol level, but store their data in UNIX files. There were at least ports of these UNIX-XNS-services to SunOS and SCO Unix, i believe to remember to have seen the text "HP-UX" somewhere, but i may confound things here...

(Siemens had a full license for the Xerox 8000 family (including XDE), they sold Viewpoint, 6085 machines and the XNS servers as "System 5800" in Germany, with a market success comparable to Xerox :-( )

OK, i hope that helps...

Greetings, Hans

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago


Yep! These systems pique my interest, as this is technology unlike any other I've seen from this time era. The folks at PARC really were ahead of everyone in terms of everything in their field. Sad that this technology and this raw potential isn't used anywhere today.

I will try it with NetSpy tomorrow, although I very much doubt it's related to QEMU's networking. I'll try opening a bug report in QEMU's official project once I narrow down the issue.

I tried disassembling and inspecting the GVXPackage binary using NSA's Ghidra (even though I had no prior experience with SPARC ISAs, beside Ghidra only supports SPARC V9 and not V8, and all the binaries are in a.out format, and I had no experience with that either. There is the REC Decompiler, however I could not get that to work, and I eventually gave up.) and found out that whatever the microcode + bootfile + germ does in terms of functionality is also baked into the binary, probably the reason why it's 15 MBs in size.

I did try extracting the applications' BCDs but it didn't work (I tried using Applize.bcd by first copying the file over to Duchess, but the filetype wasn't set properly, and according to this icon sheet the filetype for an Application is 4387. So I set the type to that using Developer mode, and it works. So I try applize on it ( Application => Folder), aandd.. BWS dies with this:

dev.hawala.dmachine.engine.Cpu$MesaERROR: DbgSubst :: ?unknown(80)?, uncaught signal : BWSSTUFFBC RA?ISSCONFI X AC? [ 9999 8049 0223 1919 2021 0606 0203 0018 0133 0919 1903 1514 0609 0024 0001 0386 ]
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.dwarf.DebuggerSubstituteMpHandler.newMP(
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.engine.Cpu.setMP(
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.engine.opcodes.Ch03_Memory_Organization.lambda$15(
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.engine.Opcodes.lambda$0(
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.engine.Opcodes.dispatch(
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.engine.Cpu.processor(
        at dev.hawala.dmachine.Duchess.lambda$1(
        at java.base/

*** processor exited: DbgSubst :: ?unknown(80)?, uncaught signal : BWSSTUFFBC RA?ISSCONFI X AC? [ 9999 8049 0223 1919 2021 0606 0203 0018 0133 0919 1903 1514 0609 0024 0001 0386 ]

very interesting. That's why I couldn't test out running the Linux file command on the BCD files. So, there might be slight differences on the directory format? Or, did I set the wrong type? No idea! Since the filetype for applications aren't noted anywhere.) So I'm not sure if they're SPARC binaries, but they probably are. I know for a fact that, for example, QEMU provides SPARC userland emulation, so could a similar approach be taken here?

I know that XNS services and GVX was also ported to RS/6000 (PowerPC) but that media seems to be lost.

And the fact that Siemens sold these rebranded is very interesting! I've never seen anyone mention this to me so that's quite new.


iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

Managed to find Sources to PCR 3.4 and 4.4 in a Xerox PARC FTP archive! This is the link to an archive, since the original FTP servers closed a while ago.

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago


Managed to make it run on Duchess! It works better on VP2.x on Draco though. It works with a workaround. Since the app expects VP1.x there's a version mismatch. But there is the option named "Ignore Version Mismatch" on applications' developer props sheets, so what I did was I created an application around the BCD myself so that "disabling version mismatch check" works in Developer mode (create folder, name it "BWS Compiler", place BCD, make .adf file (with simple text editor) with only one line defining the BCD:

Bcd: BWSCompiler.bcd

load Applize, use Folder => Application, load and run the application) and it actually worked!

However, with some really minor issues (that's hopefully just cosmetic rendering problems): Because of the version mismatches, the app loads and the Compiler in Basic Icons shows. The only problem though: It's either a big black blob on GVWIN, or a weirdly-scaled smiley face on VP2. I guess there are some issues rendering? Neverthless, the GUI does in fact work. You just have to go into the props sheet of the app with Developer Mode turned on, Set ignore version mismatch to ON: image Close, load it in and run it, and it should work! You can retrieve a compiler icon now. image How it looks on the desktop: image The user interface: image And it seems to be actually compiling code! image I don't have all the impl files currently copied to Draco though, so it (obviously) fails. Quick note that you need the file type of Mesa code to be Simple Text files (type "2"), and the files provided in floppies had type "65535" for me, so I had to manually change them.


devhawala commented 3 years ago


You seem to become a true Xerox developer, you're already mastering the advanced low-level things in the ViewPoint world...

Greetings and congratulations, Hans

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

Thank you a lot!

I've also been wondering if there would be any way to obtain Cedar (from somewhere, I haven't figured out that part yet!) and do something similar to dwarf but for Cedar, maybe more like the PCR? Since sources for that do exist in the Parc FTP, it could very well be possible. There is next to none documentation, however I do know that Cedar at least exists even today, for example Eric Bier demonstrated the environment in this video, and it was in 2019! From what we can see, there are a few details:

1) Cedar / Viewer's running in X, and natively too. The bar at the top says that it's running X11Viewers. So this is probably running under PCR. 2) This detail confirms the first one, as the directory paths contain the name "sunos5" (so, Solaris), a UNIX-based file system layout (also confirming Cedar's probably running in a remote Solaris box, and Eric does X-Forwarding from that machine to his mac. 3) We can see that the copyright for Tioga is from 2001, and the version for Cedar is 13.0.79, so the system must've been in development even after PARC "officialy" ended support for PCR. And we can be sure that Cedar at least (in at least some shape or form) still exists somewhere in the world.

Moving from these, if we get our hands on Cedar and Viewers (or XViewers), can we make it run? -blw

devhawala commented 3 years ago

Well, if any version of Cedar gets ever available, the best would be to revive it in its intended habitat and then see where and what the dependencies are...

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

That's true. Xerox might actually plan to release Cedar to the public sometime- I mean, it's not like there are any copyright issues or anything (which was the case with ViewPoint), and there aren't any public Cedar versions. If we get on contact with a former Cedar developer, maybe they'll even be willing to release it!

iblowmymind commented 3 years ago


Interesting find! The file in Bitsavers is actually not XDE 3, but rather Star OS 3.3! Noticed this when I was looking inside floppies out of curiosity, and saw that the files were not CoPilotDLion / TajoDLion, but rather StarDLion! And the utility I used reported that the disks were in Star 3.3 format. Interesting! After creating a 42 MB disk and formatting it in Darkstar, I booted the first disk, but it wasn't bootable. So, I took a peek at the disk layout, then booted from the Star OS 5 installer, but the disk names mismatched and it didn't accept my disk! Besides, the microcode files were missing from the disks, so I booted into Prometheus, and manually started tracing through the steps. For the initial files & the microcodes, I took them from the XDE 4.0 set, and I installed the bootfile in the StarOS 3.3 set, so it's essentially a mix & match of parts. Now I'm trying to install the datafiles, I'll report once that's finished!


iblowmymind commented 3 years ago

Installed data files properly, however..

While booting it gave an uncaught signal error, here is the MPCode cycle (in order):

7530 0014 0116 0028 0808 0014 0432 0001 0005 which translates to:

Uncaught Signal: 014116 Global Frame of Module 0028 Program Counter of Current Instruction 808014 Global Frame of Signal 001 Index of Signal in Frame 005 First Word of Signal Argument


AlKossow commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is Al, runner of bitsavers and software curator at CHM. We are in negotiations to get code released from PARC, so no need to talk to Cedar friends. I noticed that you say the 6085 Smalltalk images are missing tracks, just the single-density ones, or both of the 256 byte sector one as well. I thought someone had gotten this running The issue I got stuck on was my 6085 had too much memory installed. Someone wrote me saying that they got it working, but didn't mention the .imd files had to be hacked.

AlKossow commented 2 years ago

FYI, there are some new images today in the 6085 directory, more on the way. I'm trying to find the 3.x installer to go with the 3.2.28 update

AlKossow commented 2 years ago

BTW, it's nice someone is hacking on this stuff. I never hear from anyone about this other than Josh Dersch

iblowmymind commented 2 years ago

Wow, I wasn't even sure GVWin 2.2 was archived!

I have a copy of FX GVWin 2.3 (in Japanese, assuming circa 1997 for the release date since the timestampes are messed up), courtesy of Hasegawa:

And the 6085 floppies are certainly interesting finds too, I'll make sure to update my local archive and test them out sometime. Thank you! @AlKossow

iblowmymind commented 2 years ago

Also, hid the previous XNS/Dodo logs since they were not related to the ongoing discussion here and made my browser lag every time I entered this page.

iblowmymind commented 2 years ago


Interesting find! The file in Bitsavers is actually not XDE 3, but rather Star OS 3.3! Noticed this when I was looking inside floppies out of curiosity, and saw that the files were not CoPilotDLion / TajoDLion, but rather StarDLion! And the utility I used reported that the disks were in Star 3.3 format. Interesting! After creating a 42 MB disk and formatting it in Darkstar, I booted the first disk, but it wasn't bootable. So, I took a peek at the disk layout, then booted from the Star OS 5 installer, but the disk names mismatched and it didn't accept my disk! Besides, the microcode files were missing from the disks, so I booted into Prometheus, and manually started tracing through the steps. For the initial files & the microcodes, I took them from the XDE 4.0 set, and I installed the bootfile in the StarOS 3.3 set, so it's essentially a mix & match of parts. Now I'm trying to install the datafiles, I'll report once that's finished!


Also, forgot to add: Disk was another 8010 OS 5.0, but it was interestingly incomplete (as in the files in floppies), however not corrupt. Maybe it got mixed in with the XDE disk set?

iblowmymind commented 2 years ago

Well, if any version of Cedar gets ever available, the best would be to revive it in its intended habitat and then see where and what the dependencies are...

And I did reach out to Eric Bier. He mentioned that, yes, it was running on a remote Sun Ultra while the demo ran, and was connected remotely. He did also mention that the files on a running Cedar system were read live from an XNS fileserver, so we'd probably need a directory backup. (In Archivist tape?)

He did also mention that there were negotiations with CHM to release Tioga for document archival purposes, however it lead to no end as at the end there was no need for it after all, so there were no undergoing work done to make Cedar public as of now.

iblowmymind commented 2 years ago

Curiously, there actually is full sources for PCR available, publicly on the internet... Or, at least, there was.

It was hosted on a public Xerox FTP, which was shut down, but there exists a mirror of it from circa-2014 with the sources on!