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2024Year03Month22Day #108

Closed dbut2 closed 4 months ago

dbut2 commented 5 months ago

Good morning, this post comes from the day after because I forgot/was too tired yesterday to manage to pull together a post.

We started the day by landing into Tokyo in the early hours of Friday morning, approximately around 5am in the morning. It was a rough start. I had maybe 2-3 hours of sleep on the plane, though it was very uncomfortable because the seats are so small and I am so large so I didn't get too much rest.

By the time we made it through the airport and on our way into Tokyo it was around 7am which is 9am Melbourne time.

We had found a space to code not too far from where we were staying and we hopped on in to start coding until our B&B was ready. This space offered different packages and length of times, this ranges from half an hour to a full day and either an unlimited soft drink package or an unlimited alcohol package. Unfortunately for us the full day package didn't offer the unlimited alcohol so we had to maintain our sobriety for the length of the day.


Most of us then spent the day coding from there, except for Damian who is not writing code for the full length of the trip. We did find a nearby ramen spot that we went to for lunch, and boy oh boy did that get my appetite for ramen and Japanese food going! We also went for a little adventure to walk to the airbnb that we would be staying at whilst we're in Tokyo and had a little peek around at the surroundings and scoping the neighbourhood.

Once we got through the morning the first thing on our agenda was to get some devhouse tshirts printed. We wanted to make a statement through fashion of our adventures in Japan. We had suspected the ユニクロ may have offered clothing printing, but due to the poorly translated website we were unsure of their actual offerings, so this was our first venture.

We made it there and discovered they do have printing so we had to pull together the designs and send them off to get printed. There were a few different options for clothing items, colours, and styles that we could choose from. When we first planned this we had desired to get some hoodies printed with the devhouse logo printed on the back, and tshirts with it printed on the front breast. We found that ユニクロ only offered the tshirts so we opted for that and figured we could find somewhere later that could print us the hoodies.


They turned out amazing, and we were very happy with the shirts. We lated had a ceremony to celebrate the existance of the devhouse merchandise.

Once we had received our tshirts and gone for a far too long ユニクロ shop, we found a nearby Yakitori where we could delve into some delicious grilled chicken, it was delicious!

We then headed back to home after a long day on very little sleep, had our devhouse tshirt ceremony and quickly dropped into bed, tired from the lack of sleep and long day, ready for another big day ahead!

dbut2 commented 5 months ago


github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

"/post" to publish the blog post

dbut2 commented 5 months ago


dbut2 commented 5 months ago


dbut2 commented 5 months ago


dbut2 commented 5 months ago


dbut2 commented 5 months ago


JamesBLewis commented 5 months ago


JamesBLewis commented 5 months ago


JamesBLewis commented 5 months ago


dbut2 commented 5 months ago
