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[ICON REQUEST]: Pocketbase #2103

Open jeoooo opened 8 months ago

jeoooo commented 8 months ago

I have searched through the issues and didn't find my problem.

About the icon

Pocketbase is a open source backend developed by Gani Georgiev

Links and sources

Links and sources

This section includes the necessary links to the icon's official website/repository/anywhere that shows what the technology is about, and its official logo.

  1. Pocketbase official website contains the logo but it is in a smaller size:

  2. The hi-res icon of Pocketbase i can find:

The logo in this website however, provides the "outlined" version of the pocketbase logo image

  1. This version includes the complete logo with its white background: image'

  2. Other version of the logo includes it logo + text provided here: image

Additional information

Why add Pocketbase?

It is an open source backend that is currently on the rise due to its simplicity. PocketBase is a Backend as a Service (BaaS) that provides developers with a user-friendly interface. It is a good choice for small and midsize applications.

PocketBase is an open source backend that consists of:

Yashh56 commented 8 months ago

I Would like to Contribute

jeoooo commented 8 months ago

I Would like to Contribute

hello! @Yashh56 see here for contributions

Yashh56 commented 8 months ago

I am facing some error after merging the paths of logo can anyone help me regarding this?

Snailedlt commented 8 months ago

@Yashh56 Perhaps if you can show me the code for both the unmerged and merged paths

Snailedlt commented 8 months ago

I Would like to Contribute

hello! @Yashh56 see here for contributions

@jeoooo Thanks for providing the link! Sadly the README is outdated. Our up-to-date documentation can be found in the wiki. More specifically the documentation for adding new icons can be found here

Snailedlt commented 8 months ago
I think you can use these versions from the official repo as a base: original plain
jeoooo commented 8 months ago

I Would like to Contribute

hello! @Yashh56 see here for contributions

@jeoooo Thanks for providing the link! Sadly the README is outdated. Our up-to-date documentation can be found in the wiki. More specifically the documentation for adding new icons can be found here

@Snailedlt can I submit a PR updating the README? we can inform new contributors by forwarding them to the proper up-to-date documentation. This could be helpful in forwarding new contributors to this repo.

I think you can use these versions from the official repo as a base:

original plain

Things to consider

there is also a logo with the "Pocketbase" text in it

plain transparent
image image

image source

Yashh56 commented 8 months ago

This code is before the edit


This code is after the edit

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128" fill="none" version="1.1" id="svg6" sodipodi:docname="edited-logo-original.svg" inkscape:version="1.3 (0e150ed6c4, 2023-07-21)" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""> <defs id="defs6" /> <sodipodi:namedview id="namedview6" pagecolor="#ffffff" bordercolor="#000000" borderopacity="0.25" inkscape:showpageshadow="2" inkscape:pageopacity="0.0" inkscape:pagecheckerboard="0" inkscape:deskcolor="#d1d1d1" showgrid="false" inkscape:zoom="16.025" inkscape:cx="20" inkscape:cy="20" inkscape:window-width="1600" inkscape:window-height="837" inkscape:window-x="-8" inkscape:window-y="-8" inkscape:window-maximized="1" inkscape:current-layer="svg6" /> <path id="rect1" style="stroke-width:4.92308" d="M 39.643869 -4.8545441 C 37.376461 -2.5084435 37.440266 1.2322937 39.786367 3.4997017 L 116.25004 77.398641 C 118.59635 79.66625 122.33688 79.602243 124.60429 77.256142 L 161.55444 39.023602 L 198.50323 0.79246637 C 200.77084 -1.5538493 200.70705 -5.2941637 198.36073 -7.5617794 L 160.12959 -44.51057 L 121.89705 -81.460719 C 119.55095 -83.728127 115.81042 -83.664529 113.54281 -81.31822 L 39.643869 -4.8545441 z " transform="rotate(45.9772)" /> </svg>
After merging the paths logo disappeared

Yashh56 commented 8 months ago

@Snailedlt did you review the code?

jeoooo commented 8 months ago

This code is before the edit

<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect x="25.536" y="13.4861" width="1.71467" height="16.7338" transform="rotate(45.9772 25.536 13.4861)" fill="white"/> <path d="M26 14H36.8C37.4628 14 38 14.5373 38 15.2V36.8C38 37.4628 37.4628 38 36.8 38H15.2C14.5373 38 14 37.4628 14 36.8V26" fill="white"/> <path d="M26 14H36.8C37.4628 14 38 14.5373 38 15.2V36.8C38 37.4628 37.4628 38 36.8 38H15.2C14.5373 38 14 37.4628 14 36.8V26" stroke="#16161a" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M26 14V3.2C26 2.53726 25.4628 2 24.8 2H3.2C2.53726 2 2 2.53726 2 3.2V24.8C2 25.4628 2.53726 26 3.2 26H14" fill="white"/> <path d="M26 14V3.2C26 2.53726 25.4628 2 24.8 2H3.2C2.53726 2 2 2.53726 2 3.2V24.8C2 25.4628 2.53726 26 3.2 26H14" stroke="#16161a" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M10 20C9.44772 20 9 19.5523 9 19V8C9 7.44772 9.44772 7 10 7H13.7531C14.4801 7 15.1591 7.07311 15.7901 7.21932C16.4348 7.35225 16.9904 7.58487 17.4568 7.91718C17.9369 8.2362 18.3141 8.6682 18.5885 9.21319C18.8628 9.74489 19 10.4029 19 11.1871C19 11.9448 18.856 12.6028 18.5679 13.161C18.2936 13.7193 17.9163 14.1779 17.4362 14.5368C16.9561 14.8957 16.4005 15.1616 15.7695 15.3344C15.1385 15.5072 14.4664 15.5936 13.7531 15.5936H13.0247C12.4724 15.5936 12.0247 16.0413 12.0247 16.5936V19C12.0247 19.5523 11.577 20 11.0247 20H10ZM12.0247 12.2607C12.0247 12.813 12.4724 13.2607 13.0247 13.2607H13.5679C15.214 13.2607 16.037 12.5695 16.037 11.1871C16.037 10.5092 15.8244 10.0307 15.3992 9.75153C14.9877 9.47239 14.3772 9.33282 13.5679 9.33282H13.0247C12.4724 9.33282 12.0247 9.78054 12.0247 10.3328V12.2607Z" fill="#16161a"/> <path d="M22 33C21.4477 33 21 32.5523 21 32V21C21 20.4477 21.4477 20 22 20H25.4877C26.1844 20 26.8265 20.0532 27.4139 20.1595C28.015 20.2526 28.5342 20.4254 28.9713 20.6779C29.4085 20.9305 29.75 21.2628 29.9959 21.6748C30.2555 22.0869 30.3852 22.6053 30.3852 23.2301C30.3852 23.5225 30.3374 23.8149 30.2418 24.1074C30.1598 24.3998 30.0232 24.6723 29.832 24.9248C29.6407 25.1774 29.4016 25.4034 29.1148 25.6028C28.837 25.7958 28.5081 25.939 28.1279 26.0323C28.1058 26.0378 28.0902 26.0575 28.0902 26.0802V26.0802C28.0902 26.1039 28.1073 26.1242 28.1306 26.1286C29.0669 26.3034 29.7774 26.6332 30.2623 27.1181C30.7541 27.6099 31 28.2945 31 29.1718C31 29.8364 30.8702 30.408 30.6107 30.8865C30.3511 31.365 29.9891 31.7638 29.5246 32.0828C29.0601 32.3885 28.5137 32.6212 27.8852 32.7807C27.2705 32.9269 26.6011 33 25.8771 33H22ZM24.0123 24.2239C24.0123 24.7762 24.46 25.2239 25.0123 25.2239H25.3443C26.082 25.2239 26.6148 25.0844 26.9426 24.8052C27.2705 24.5261 27.4344 24.1339 27.4344 23.6288C27.4344 23.1503 27.2637 22.8113 26.9221 22.612C26.5943 22.3993 26.0751 22.2929 25.3648 22.2929H25.0123C24.46 22.2929 24.0123 22.7407 24.0123 23.2929V24.2239ZM24.0123 29.7071C24.0123 30.2593 24.46 30.7071 25.0123 30.7071H25.6311C27.2432 30.7071 28.0492 30.1222 28.0492 28.9525C28.0492 28.3809 27.8511 27.9688 27.4549 27.7163C27.0724 27.4637 26.4645 27.3374 25.6311 27.3374H25.0123C24.46 27.3374 24.0123 27.7851 24.0123 28.3374V29.7071Z" fill="#16161a"/> </svg>

@Snailedlt checked this with an SVG editor, this svg LGTM.

the second one, however, didnt work.


@Snailedlt damn, the pocketbase + text logo is already svg, but just very big, might need to resize/scale it down