devicons / devicon

Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools
MIT License
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Closed AnshSinghSonkhia closed 2 months ago

AnshSinghSonkhia commented 2 months ago

I have searched through the issues and didn't find my problem.

About the icon

Embedded JavaScript templating: EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. Fast development time, EJS has a large community of active users, and the library is under active development..

Links and sources

Icon links and previews

Got this svg from their github repo.

<svg id="ejs" data-name="ejs" xmlns="" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 8.5 8.5"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#b4ca65;}.cls-2{fill:#a91e50;}</style></defs><title>ejs</title><polygon class="cls-1" points="6.75 6.32 6.15 6.88 3.99 6.87 3.53 6.3 3.96 5.9 4.29 6.3 6.75 6.32"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="2.74 6.66 2.67 7.2 1.28 7.19 1.36 6.65 2.74 6.66"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="2.98 2.24 2.55 1.7 3.12 1.17 3.55 1.71 2.98 2.24"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="3.78 2.94 1.93 2.93 2 2.4 3.85 2.41 3.78 2.94"/><path class="cls-1" d="M8.35,3S-5.91,2.13,3.17,7.62c0,0-1.94-1.61-1.7-2.2,0,0,1-.16,1.21.13,0,0-.6-1-1.43-1C1.25,4.51,1.16,3.44,8.35,3Z"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="2.78 6.63 3.35 2.41 3.85 2.41 3.28 6.64 2.78 6.63"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="6.58 3.65 6.64 3.23 6.45 3 4.73 2.98 4.48 3.22 4.36 4.12 4.55 4.36 6.48 4.38 6.94 4.94 6.75 6.32 6 6.32 6.25 6.08 6.38 5.18 6.19 4.94 4.25 4.92 3.8 4.36 3.98 2.98 4.59 2.42 6.75 2.43 7.2 3 7.11 3.65 6.58 3.65"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="2.36 6.81 2.97 6.25 3.28 6.64 2.67 7.2 2.36 6.81"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="1.28 7.19 0.8 6.58 1.22 6.2 1.7 6.81 1.28 7.19"/></svg>

Additional information

I would like to work on this issue, kindly assign this to me!!

AnshSinghSonkhia commented 2 months ago

found that, this is duplicate of #1185.