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Command line for automating Azure Marketplace publishing
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Support publishing SIG images to marketplace offers #34

Open kkeshavamurthy opened 2 years ago

kkeshavamurthy commented 2 years ago

Hi, Since Azure Shared Image Gallery is the recommended way of publishing images to Azure Marketplace offers, it would be great if the cli could support that.

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 3 36 00 PM

Thank You.

devigned commented 2 years ago

Great idea! Are you interested in hacking on that? I would be delighted to review a PR.

invidian commented 2 years ago

I'm interested working on this, but I cannot find any references to any kind of API which would take SIG (Compute Gallery) details as an input. Searching for something around microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.vmImages or osVhdUrl is not helpful either. Do you have some pointer what kind of API the Azure Portal use for this operations?

marosset commented 2 years ago should have some information on the APIs used here

devigned commented 2 years ago

I was expecting an API for supplying that to the marketplace. I'm going to search through the docs, and if I can't find the API for the marketplace, I'll reach out to the team to get details.

marosset commented 2 years ago

I didn't think image gallery images had anything to do with the marketplace.

marosset commented 2 years ago

I didn't think image gallery images had anything to do with the marketplace.

Oops, i misread the initial issue :( Yea, i'll also try and look to see to specify an image gallery reference to the marketplace publishing APIs.

invidian commented 2 years ago

I was hoping to find something around, but there doesn't seem to be anything related to Compute Galleries (formerly SIGs IIRC) :/

devigned commented 2 years ago

@iqshahmicrosoft can you offer any guidance toward docs or how to specify a SIG in the cloud partner API?