devinaconley / arduino-plotter

An Arduino library for easy graphing on host computer via serial communication
MIT License
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enhancement / recording data to text file for further analysis #33

Closed phdv61 closed 4 years ago

phdv61 commented 4 years ago

Hello @devinaconley I modified your "listener" source code attached below to be able, by pressing the space key, to toggle time-stamped recording of all variables on hard disk, in a date&time-stamped CSV - text file. first line gives the names of the variables stored in the file. rgds


This listener is the main processing script that corresponds to the Arduino Plotter library for Arduino. This driver script handles serial port information and manages a set of Graph objects to do the actual plotting.

The library stores and handles all relevant graph information and variable references, and transfers information via the serial port to a listener program written with the software provided by Processing. No modification is needed to this program; graph placement, axis-scaling, etc. are handled automatically. Multiple options for this listener are available including stand-alone applications as well as the source Processing script.

The library, these listeners, a quick-start guide, documentation, and usage examples are available at:

Arduino Plotter Listener Modified PhDV61 : On-off recording in a text file for excel off-line analysis) v2.2.1 by Devin Conley


import processing.serial.*; import java.util.Map;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

// FLAG FOR DEBUG MODE final boolean DEBUG = false;

//CONSTANTS final char OUTER_KEY = '#'; final int MARGIN_SZ = 20; // between plots final int BG_COL = 75; // background final int PORT_INTERVAL = 5000; // time to sit on each port final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 2000; // force timeout on connecting to serial port final int BAUD_RATE = 115200;

final HashMap<String, Integer> COLORMAP = new HashMap<String, Integer>() { { put( "red", color( 255, 0, 0 ) ); put( "green", color( 0, 255, 0 ) ); put( "blue", color( 0, 0, 255 ) ); put( "orange", color( 255, 153, 51 ) ); put( "yellow", color( 255, 255, 0 ) ); put( "pink", color( 255, 51, 204 ) ); put( "purple", color( 172, 0, 230 ) ); put( "cyan", color( 0, 255, 255 ) ); } };

// Setup and config Globals int h; int w; int numGraphs; String configCode = "This will not be matched!"; String lastLabels = "Also will not be matched"; boolean configured = false; int lastConfig; int lastPortSwitch; int portIndex; Serial port; ArrayList graphs;

// variables to create file name, and manage recording ( see keypressed at the bottom ). The space bar will toggle ON-OFF simultaneous recording in a text file during graph display PrintWriter output; int d = day(); // Values from 1 - 31 int m = month(); // Values from 1 - 12 int y = year(); // 2003, 2004, 2005, etc. int sec = second(); // Values from 0 - 59 int min = minute(); // Values from 0 - 59 int hr = hour(); // Values from 0 - 23 boolean Recording=false; // We do NOT record initially. Only pressing the space bar will toggle recording. Esc to get out will flush the outstanding data to file.

void setup() { // Canvas size( 1430, 830 ); surface.setResizable( true ); h = height; w = width; frameRate(20); // 20 (50ms) instead of 50 frames/s = 4ms

// Serial comms
while ( Serial.list().length < 1 )
text( "No serial ports available. Waiting...", 20, 20 );    
delay( 100 );
portIndex = 0;
lastPortSwitch = millis();
attemptConnect( portIndex );

// creating a "time-stamped" file name  : "listeneryyyy-mm-dd" including a full date to be able to recover files easilyt later...
String sd = str(y) + "-" + nf(m,2) + "-" + nf(d,2) + " " + nf(hr,2) + "." + nf(min,2) + "." + nf(sec,2);
output = createWriter("listener"+sd+".txt"); 
output.print(" time(ms), "); // Write the legend to the first line of text file


void draw() { //PLOT ALL try { background( BG_COL );

if ( configured )
    for( int i = 0; i < graphs.size(); i++ )
  // Continue to scan ports if not configuring
    text( "Scanning serial ports... (" + Serial.list()[portIndex] + ")", 20, 20 );

    if ( millis() - lastPortSwitch > PORT_INTERVAL )
    {   // Go to next port      
    if ( portIndex >= Serial.list().length )
        portIndex = 0;

    logMessage( "Trying next port... index: " + portIndex + ", name: " + Serial.list()[portIndex],
            true );

    attemptConnect( portIndex );
// Resize if needed
if ( h != height || w != width)
    h = height;
    w = width;
    float[][] posGraphs = setupGraphPosition( numGraphs );
    for ( int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++ )
    graphs.get(i).Reconfigure( posGraphs[i][0], posGraphs[i][1], posGraphs[i][2], posGraphs[i][3] );
catch ( Exception e )


void serialEvent( Serial ser ) { // Listen for serial data until #, the end of transmission key try { String message = ser.readStringUntil( OUTER_KEY ); if ( message == null || message.isEmpty() || message.equals( OUTER_KEY ) ) { return; }

JSONObject json = parseJSONObject( message );

if ( json == null )

// ********************************************************* //
// ************* PLOT SETUP FROM CONFIG CODE *************** //
// ********************************************************* //

String tempCode = "";
boolean config = false;
if ( json.hasKey( "ng" ) && json.hasKey( "lu" ) )
    tempCode = Integer.toString( json.getInt( "ng" ) ) + Integer.toString( json.getInt( "lu" ) );
    config = true;

// If config code has changed, need to go through setup again
if ( config && !configCode.equals( tempCode ) )
    lastPortSwitch = millis(); // (likely on the right port, just need to reconfigure graph layout)

    // Check for size of full transmission against expected to flag bad transmission
    numGraphs = json.getInt( "ng" );

    JSONArray jsonGraphs = json.getJSONArray( "g" );

    if ( jsonGraphs.size() != numGraphs )

    configured = false;
    String concatLabels = "";

    // Setup new layout
    float[][] posGraphs = setupGraphPosition( numGraphs );

    graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>();

    // Iterate through the individual graph data blocks to get graph specific info
    for ( int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++ )
    JSONObject g = jsonGraphs.getJSONObject( i );

    String title = g.getString( "t" );
    boolean xvyTemp = g.getInt( "xvy" ) == 1;
    int maxPoints = g.getInt( "pd" );
    int numVars = g.getInt( "sz" );
    String[] labelsTemp = new String[numVars];
    int[] colorsTemp = new int[numVars];

    concatLabels += title;

    JSONArray l = g.getJSONArray( "l" );
    JSONArray c = g.getJSONArray( "c" );

    for ( int j = 0; j < numVars; j++ )
        labelsTemp[j] = l.getString( j );
    output.print(labelsTemp[j]); // Write the legend to the first line of text file
    if (j < numVars-1)  output.print(", ");
        colorsTemp[j] = COLORMAP.get( c.getString( j ) );
        if ( colorsTemp[j] == 0 )
        logMessage( "Invalid color: " + c.getString( j ) + ", defaulting to green.", true );
        colorsTemp[j] = COLORMAP.get( "green" );
        concatLabels += labelsTemp[j];


    if ( xvyTemp )
        numVars = 1;

    // Create new Graph
    Graph temp = new Graph( this, posGraphs[i][0], posGraphs[i][1], posGraphs[i][2], posGraphs[i][3],
                xvyTemp, numVars, maxPoints, title, labelsTemp, colorsTemp );
    graphs.add( temp );

    // Set new config code
    if ( concatLabels.equals( lastLabels ) ) // Only when we're sure on labels
    configCode = tempCode;
    lastConfig = millis();
    logMessage( "Configured " + graphs.size() + " graphs", false ); 
    lastLabels = concatLabels;
    logMessage( "Config code: " + configCode + ", Label config: " + concatLabels, true );
    // Matching a code means we have configured correctly
    configured = true;

    // *********************************************************** //
    // ************ NORMAL PLOTTING FUNCTIONALITY **************** //
    // *********************************************************** //
    int tempTime = json.getInt( "t" );

    JSONArray jsonGraphs = json.getJSONArray( "g" );

    for ( int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++ )
        JSONArray data = jsonGraphs.getJSONObject( i ).getJSONArray( "d" );
        double[] tempData = new double[ data.size() ];

    if (Recording) output.print(millis() + ", ");
        // Update graph objects with new data
        for ( int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++ )
        tempData[j] = data.getDouble( j );
    if (Recording)  
       if (j < data.size()-1)  output.print(", ");
        graphs.get( i ).Update( tempData, tempTime );
    if (Recording) output.println("");


catch ( Exception e )
logMessage( "Exception in serialEvent: " + e.toString(), true );


// Helper method to calculate bounds of graphs float[][] setupGraphPosition( int numGraphs ) { // Determine orientation of each graph
int numHigh = 1; int numWide = 1; // Increase num subsections in each direction until all graphs can fit while ( numHigh * numWide < numGraphs ) { if ( numWide > numHigh ) { numHigh++; } else if ( numHigh > numWide+1 ) { numWide++; } else if ( height >= width ) { numHigh++; } else { // Want to increase in high first numHigh++; }

float[][] posGraphs = new float[numGraphs][4];

float subHeight = round( h / numHigh );
float subWidth = round( w / numWide );

// Set bounding box for each subsection
for(int i = 0; i < numHigh; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numWide; j++)
    int k = i * numWide + j;
    if ( k < numGraphs )
    posGraphs[k][0] = i*subHeight + MARGIN_SZ / 2;
    posGraphs[k][1] = j*subWidth + MARGIN_SZ / 2;
    posGraphs[k][2] = subHeight - MARGIN_SZ;
    posGraphs[k][3] = subWidth - MARGIN_SZ;

return posGraphs;


void attemptConnect( int index ) {
// Attempt connect on specified serial port if ( index >= Serial.list().length ) { return; } String portName = Serial.list()[portIndex]; logMessage( "Attempting connect on port: " + portName, false );

// Wrap Serial port connect in future to force timeout
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Future<Serial> future = exec.submit( new ConnectWithTimeout( this, portName, BAUD_RATE ) );    

// Close port if another is open
if ( port != null && )

// Do connect with timeout
port = future.get( CONNECT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

lastPortSwitch = millis(); // at end so that we try again immediately on invalid port
logMessage( "Connected on " + portName + ". Listening for configuration...", false );
catch ( TimeoutException e )
future.cancel( true );
logMessage( "Timed out.", true );
catch ( Exception e )
logMessage( "Exception on connect: " + e.toString(), true );    



// Callable class to wrap Serial connect class ConnectWithTimeout implements Callable { private final PApplet parent; private final String portName; private final int baudRate;

public ConnectWithTimeout( PApplet parent, String portName, int baud )
this.parent = parent;
this.portName = portName;
this.baudRate = baud;

public Serial call() throws Exception
return new Serial( this.parent, this.portName, baudRate );


// Logger helper void logMessage( String message, boolean debugOnly ) { if ( DEBUG || !debugOnly ) { String level = debugOnly ? "DEBUG" : "STATUS"; println( "[Time: " + millis() + " ms]" + "[" + level + "] " + message ); } }

void keyPressed() { if (key==ESC) // to exit listener { output.flush(); // Writes the remaining data to the file output.close(); // Finishes the file exit(); // Stops the program
} else if (key==' ') // to toggle record - otehr keys can be implemented to do other things Recording=!Recording; }

devinaconley commented 4 years ago

@phdv61 - would welcome a PR to add optional logging from the listener

devinaconley commented 4 years ago

Closing as this request is already being tracked here #12