Title- Supranational regions and groupings (delete "Security Groupings")
Description- This project contains machine- and human-readable mappings of international classifications of countries with respect to economic, geographic, health or security groupings. The classifications include those by the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, World Health Organisation, and International Monetary Fund amongst others. This project is cross-linked to other data standards hosted on this thesaurus.
Same as the others (
Title- Supranational regions and groupings (delete "Security Groupings")
Description- This project contains machine- and human-readable mappings of international classifications of countries with respect to economic, geographic, health or security groupings. The classifications include those by the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, World Health Organisation, and International Monetary Fund amongst others. This project is cross-linked to other data standards hosted on this thesaurus.
URI- http://joinedupdata.org/geo-pol