In addition to #214, the following warnings appear in Elixir 1.17:
==> poison
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
warning: single-quoted strings represent charlists. Use ~c"" if you indeed want a charlist or use "" instead
180 │ when char <= 0x1F or char in '"\\' do
│ ~
└─ lib/poison/encoder.ex:180:37
warning: single-quoted strings represent charlists. Use ~c"" if you indeed want a charlist or use "" instead
77 │ whitespace = '\s\t\n\r'
│ ~
└─ lib/poison/parser.ex:77:16
warning: single-quoted strings represent charlists. Use ~c"" if you indeed want a charlist or use "" instead
355 │ for e <- 'eE' do
│ ~
└─ lib/poison/parser.ex:355:12
In addition to #214, the following warnings appear in Elixir 1.17: