devkeydet / dyn365-ce-devops

DevOps for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) is becoming a popular topic. The goal of this project is to help Dynamics 365 CE solution builders understand and accelerate their implementation of DevOps practices with Dynamics CE and VSTS.
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Add automated ui testing #21

Open devkeydet opened 7 years ago

devkeydet commented 7 years ago

devkeydet commented 7 years ago

We already have automated ui testing in the reference app:

However, there is a known issue with when executing a headless test with the phantomjs driver:


Once the issue is resolved, we'll update one of the release builds to show how to run the ui automation test.

devkeydet commented 7 years ago

Two options: -Spin up our own agent with a browser installed and use the browser driver (adds complexity) -Wait until phantomjs is working

camelCaseDave commented 6 years ago

@devkeydet I believe there's another working option you can use today.

Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.BrowserOptions now supports headless for Chrome, which works in a hosted build agent:

public static class TestSettings
    public static BrowserOptions Options { get { return _options; } }

    private static BrowserOptions _options = new BrowserOptions
        BrowserType = BrowserType.Chrome,
        PrivateMode = true,
        FireEvents = true,
        Headless = true

Then in your build definition, just install Chrome before running your UI tests by running a PowerShell script task:

$Path = $env:TEMP;
$Installer = "chrome_installer.exe";
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile $Path\$Installer;
Start-Process -FilePath $Path\$Installer -Args "/silent /install" -Verb RunAs -Wait;
Remove-Item $Path\$Installer