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QR API is not returning Json Response #237

Closed hajanaone closed 7 months ago

hajanaone commented 7 months ago

Hi I am running QR API in my PHP Project. Its not giving me image url for QR Code, Kindly help me how it will return an Image of QR Code.

I am Just getting response some thing like this.


IHDR�p�yIDATx�~�CIDAT��A��ʒ�@R����e� T�������ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z�>R���P��P9��T��I半ߤ�EŤ2U��2U���Q��Iʼn�IŤ�7U|��Z�<���%k�u��Uܤ�/S9Q�&��bR�NT~S�IŤ2U�TLoT���T��nR��a��.yXk�K�Z�~��o�L'SŤrR1���2ULS���T1���2U|��Fʼn�T1UL'''�I半����Z�<���%k�u��cT~��IŤ2ULSŤ2U��L��o����TLoT��L��T1�LoTL�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.��L�o�LS�I�I�M�ʉ���IŤr�2ULSʼn���S�����ֺ�a��.yXk�K~�e��7&��bR�Be��T���7�P�T��IeR��P�&������bR�n���<���%k�u��Zk]��e���bR�&��bR�&��bR�&��bR�&��bR9Q�N&��bR9Q����T���Ie�8Q��=���%k�u��Zk]��G�������Ie��T��Ie�8��T��Ie��Tި��bR�nR�N&�7&��bRy������ֺ�a��.yXk�K~�He��Tn��NTN&�/NNT����7�ܤr�2U��L�ʉ�TqR1��TL''7U����ֺ�a��.yXk�K�.R���De�8Q��&�7�Py��D半7TN&��bR9��MS�'��7=���%k�u��Zk]b���IŤ2UL''S�SŤ2ULSʼnʿ��D半���D�bR9�8Qy��De�8Q��⋇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K~��bR�&���De��&�����I� ���bR�&�7&��7��8Q9��Ie�xCe��&�����Zk]��Z�<���%��L��IŤ�FŤ�7U���F�'��Tq�rS�ߤ�E�oT�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.�?�@e�xCe�8Q�&���I勊7TN&���I半/TN&��bR��P��� ���7Tn��T����Z뒇�ֺ�a��.�?�@半I勊I�� �7NTNNTNNTި�B�bRy�⿤2ULS�oT��2U|��Z�<���%k�u����Ie��T�P�nR�N���TNNT&���De��T&����T��Ie�8�8���bRyC�7=���%k�u��Zk]b���T1��T���TL''SŤ2U��L����I�oRy�bR���&���I��D�bR�&�/�xXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ���?�2U�MSʼn�T��Tq��EŤ2U���T���F�oT���FŤ2ULoTL*SŤ2U����Z�<���%k�u��L�����⍊��⋊��� ��T���bR�&���7NT�����T1�L'SŤ2U|��Z�<���%k�u��L勊I�bR�Tn���Py�bR������I勊���M''_T��L7=���%k�u��Zk]b����bR�&��� ��&���7TN&��bR�NTN�K'��T��T1�L��T�7=���%k�u��Zk]b���I�SŤ2UL_TL'��T1��Q��Tq�rR�TNNT��I�� ��bR��P9��TN&��⦇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�>P9��T���TN&���Ie��Tި��Le��Be��T��I�bRy�� ��bR�NT����bR��xXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ䇿�⦊I半7TN&�7TNNTި�T���bR9�8�8��TN&���I�D�b��T��I�⍊I�7=���%k�u��Zk]b���T1��T��|Q�TN&���I勊/T��/Tި�T��I半7T���T���Be���a��.yXk�K�Z�>�8��TNT����bR��� ��&���De��T�P�ި8�8��T��I��⋊��bR�NT����Z뒇�ֺ�a��.�?�@e��TNNT��/TN&���D�bR�NTި8Q�&�7�P�NT���T��I勊I�bR9�8Q9���a��.yXk�K�Z�~YŤr�2ULoTL�ʤ2ULS�Tq���T1���LSŤrR1��T1�L'��'���bRy�bR��a��.yXk�K�Z�>��B�D半���Ie�xCe���� �7TNTN&���De��T�P��bR�NT�P�����ֺ�a��.yXk�K~�H半Ie�xC半IeR���8Q9��T��8�xCe�8Q9Q�NTn��Be�x�� ������Z�<���%k�u��8���De��TN&��bR�&��� ��bR�nR�NTި8Q9�xCeR�MS�Sʼn��a��.yXk�K�Z����T��I�� ������Ie��Tn�xC勊7TNnR��&��bR��� ��� ��⋇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�>P�NT�?��T��I�bR�&�7&�YŤ2U���Tܤ�FŤrS�S�k�u��Zk]��Z��\�2U���TLSŤ2U���E�7ULSŤ2ULoT|�2UL7Uܤ2ULSŤ�F�'_<���%k�u��Zk]����D�De�����xCe�8��TNTN�P��P��bR�NTN&��bR�B��ozXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ����L_��Tq�rR1��TL''TLoT|�rR1�L'S�'7�L��T��Tq��Zk]��Z�<���%?\�2UL'��T1�L��T�FŤ2��&���Ie��TnR��bR9��T�P9�8��TN&�����Ie�xCe���a��.yXk�K�Z�>R�Ie��T��Ie��T����bR�~SŤ2U��2U��L���ʤ2UL7U��2ULS�����Z�<���%k�u���oT���K�P9��T�����bRy�bR��P�&�7&�Iʼn�T1�L7=���%k�u��Zk]��G��T1��Q1�L'SŤ2U��L'''SŤ2ULSŤ�E�M*����7Tި�TNT����Ie���a��.yXk�K�Z�~��SŤ2UL��o�L��T�ʉ�T1�LSŤ2UL''��Tq�2U�Qq�2U��T����a��.yXk�K�Z����Ie��B��De��T������7T��/T��I� ���D�&����&��bRy�bR��%k�u��Zk]��Z����oRy�bR�TN&�7&���D��De��TNTި8Q9���� �7��I� ��T����ֺ�a��.yXk�K�.R�&������ �/&���I半Ie�xCe�8Q9�8Q��bR9��TN&���Ie�8Q�&��bR�NT����Z뒇�ֺ�a��.��#��bR9�8QyC�bR�NT����bR��P�NNT�P��bR�T��/&���Ie��TN&��� ��b��Mk�u��Zk]��Z���Q�''_T��L'oTLS���bR�&���I��De�x�bRyCe�8QyCe�xCe���a��.yXk�K�Z���Tި8Q���De�xCe��Be��Tި�T��7T��8Q��P�&��bR9��TNNT���7&�7�xXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�L�ߤ2UL_��T�Qq�2U���Qq�2��T|QqS�IŤ�Fʼn�T1�L'��ozXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�����T���TL_TLoT���TL'��Tq�2UL_T���Qq��Fʼn���I�MSʼn�T���Zk]��Z�<���%?|��n��TNNT&�7�P9Q���I�bR�NTި�T��7&��b��TNT����bR9�xC�7=���%k�u��Zk]b��Tn��B�bR��P9�xCe��T���T��I半I妊Ie��T��I��De��TN&���xXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ����7&���D�o��B�bR��P�NT��Ie�8Q��P�&��⿤2UL_T���Z�<���%k�u���T������7NTn�xC�7U��|Qq��F�'���bR9���a��.yXk�K�Z�>��M'SŤ2ULS�I�M'SŤrS�oT��&���bR9��TN�Py��7=���%k�u��Zk]��GS�T1�L�ʉ�T1�L'Sʼn�T�F�'S�oRy��� �7&���I�De�8��Tި��a��.yXk�K�Z�.��I�D半I�De��T����&����7�Py�bR�N&���7T&���D半/&��⦇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K~�eoTܤrRq���YŤr���IŤ2�L��T1��T��L��*S�T1�L<���%k�u��Zk]�����ߤr�2U�/�xC��� ��b��Be���P��ek�u��Zk]��Z���?F�o�8Q9��N&����D�⋊IeRy�b��T�����ߤ2ULSŤrR��Z뒇�ֺ�a��.��U���I�bRy�bR9��TNT����Ie��I半��I��De��T���� �����bRy�����Z�<���%k�u����MSʼn�Tq�2�LoT�TLoT�T1�L�ʤ�7UL_��Q��Tq��/yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ����.xXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ�a��.yXk�K�Z뒇�ֺ���3�+��4fIEND�B

allburov commented 7 months ago

Hi! Correct, it's not JSON, it's binary JPEG format. You need to download and render it as is. If you look at Content-Type HTTP header you'll it's not application/json but rather image/jpeg.

We have an enhancement request about similar problem -

With that there'll be two flag base64 and raw which you can use to get

  1. ?format=base64 - base64 encoding of the JPEG QR image
  2. ?format=raw - the raw value of the QR, so you can generate your own custom QR code without parsing the existed one.
  3. ?format=jpeg - it's value by default, returns the binary image

Thank you for flagging this, we'll prioritize the related task

hajanaone commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your reply. Please provide sample php code to echo qr code. It is difficult for me.

On Mon, 27 Nov 2023, 7:09 am Alex, @.***> wrote:

Hi! Correct, it's not JSON, it's binary JPEG format. You need to download and render it as is. If you look at Content-Type HTTP header you'll it's not application/json but rather image/jpeg.

We have an enhancement request about similar problem - #177

With that there'll be two flag base64 and raw which you can use to get

  1. ?format=base64 - base64 encoding of the JPEG QR image
  2. ?format=raw - the raw value of the QR, so you can generate your own custom QR code without parsing the existed one.
  3. ?format=jpeg - it's value by default, returns the binary image

Thank you for flagging this, we'll prioritize the related task

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allburov commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I haven't worked with PHP for years... Last project was in 2016, I don't remember anything :)

You should ask either chatgpt or stackoverflow about that, they'll help faster and better!

hajanaone commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much 😊for your reply

On Mon, 27 Nov 2023, 10:45 am Alex, @.***> wrote:

Sorry, I haven't worked with PHP for years... Last project was in 2016, I don't remember anything :)

You should ask either chatgpt or stackoverflow about that, they'll help faster and better!

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tecysismx commented 7 months ago

@hajanaone, hello bro, catch the body raw and convert it to base64 (in php there is the base64_encode($str) function), once you have converted it print it img src="data:image/png;base64, data, this helped me

allburov commented 7 months ago

Hi! In 2023.12.1 release there'll be a way to get QR code in different formats.

QR formats

You can get QR in different formats:

  1. binary image - GET /api/{session}/auth/qr
  2. base64 image - GET /api/{session}/auth/qr and set Accept: application/json header
  3. raw - GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=raw

Here's detailed information about each format:

  1. binary image, binary image - default format, you'll get image in response
    # Get image - binary
    GET /api/{session}/auth/qr


GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=image

OR specify Accept header as well

GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=image Accept: image/png

2. **base64 image** - you'll get image in base64 format in response if you set `Accept: application/json` header.
GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=image
Accept: application/json
  "mimetype": "image/png",
  "data": "base64-encoded-data"

You can change it in Swagger by clicking on Media Type dropdown and selecting application/json:

  1. raw - you'll get raw data in response, you can use it to generate QR code on your side
    GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=raw
  "value": "value-that-you-need-to-use-to-generate-qr-code"
hajanaone commented 7 months ago

Thanks. It is really appreciated 👍

On Thu, 30 Nov 2023, 4:06 pm Alex, @.***> wrote:

Hi! In 2023.12.1 release there'll be a way to get QR code in different formats.

QR formats

You can get QR in different formats:

  1. binary image - GET /api/{session}/auth/qr
  2. base64 image - GET /api/{session}/auth/qr and set Accept: application/json header
  3. raw - GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=raw

Here's detailed information about each format:

  1. binary image, binary image - default format, you'll get image in response

Get image - binary

GET /api/{session}/auth/qr


GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=image

OR specify Accept header as well

GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=image Accept: image/png

  1. base64 image - you'll get image in base64 format in response if you set Accept: application/json header.

GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=image Accept: application/json

{ "mimetype": "image/png", "data": "base64-encoded-data" }

You can change it in Swagger by clicking on Media Type dropdown and selecting application/json:

  1. raw - you'll get raw data in response, you can use it to generate QR code on your side

GET /api/{session}/auth/qr?format=raw

{ "value": "value-that-you-need-to-use-to-generate-qr-code" }

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