devlint / gridlex

Just a CSS Flexbox Grid System
MIT License
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Performances question #48

Open paztis opened 7 years ago

paztis commented 7 years ago

Hi, I recently read this article abouts the css selectors based on regular expressions:

It seems all the selectors [class*="..."] you use in your code cost a lot for the browser, because it needs to check all existing DomElements in the page to check if its class verify or not the regExp (even if this DomElement doesn't works at all with flexgrid).

So I'm wondering about the performances of your grid compared to another one that doesn't use your suffix management, ie instead of use a class name "grid-spaceAround-center", use a more simple "grid spaceArround center" class.

The problem for me is that your code is more readable / usable than others that's why I'm hesitant.

To improve this potential problem, i've got 3 possible solution for you.

And with this, basically everyone will have the same usage, and advanced user can change the attribute name if they want

I've no idea how to manage a benchmark for all these solutions because it's fully linked to the rendering / painting for the browser, so I cannot test all my ideas.

Are you interested by developping one of them, that can be backward compatible with olders versions ? I can help you if you want.


devlint commented 7 years ago

Hello, Thanks for your message! I haven't test the performance for now between class and attribute selectors :)

It can be interesting to deal with it, but I'm not sure that the results will be significant...

I've readed this recently: and his conclusion is:

weating over the selectors used in modern browsers is futile; most selection methods are now so fast it's really not worth spending much time over

Nevertheless your first solution can be great to do the test because of not changing final code in css without adaptating the selector's value: with it, we can generate 2 css and 2 html files to performe the test!

If you have time for that, it can be great!! :wink:

paztis commented 7 years ago

Hi Job is done on the fork

to test both you hust have to update the var gl-attributeName from "class" to "gridlex" in the .less or .sass files as you want.

I also test the perf quickly with chrome timeline with the doc/index page and it's quasi the same. Perhaps timeline is not representative for this.

Tell me if you want I PR my fork.

paztis commented 7 years ago

Ok I understand for the performances equality. It's because the all the index file used css classes are gridlex ones. Test must be done on a real website with a lot of other stylings to see the real impact of removing flex management from classes.

devlint commented 7 years ago

Hola @paztis ! Thank you for the fork. Yes please make the PR when you have time!

For the perf, sure that a file with a lot of different selectors must give us a more predicted result. Not the time to test in "real" project :) but if anyone wants, we now have the possibility!

paztis commented 7 years ago

Hi PR is done

engelfrost commented 7 years ago

Do you have any real world data to share yet? Performance on Safari for iOS and Chrome for Android would be especially interesting.

adcortes commented 5 years ago

Hi @David-Carty , i am facing the same performance issue, specially with IE (the latest one). It consumes a lot of 'styles calculation', but i mean... a lot :) Have you checked this? Trying to find a solution, that is becauseof to much selectors like regular expressions like: *=, |=, ^=, $=, or ~=

I have my project with gridlex consuming 'styles calculate' of 62% and without it goes to '10%' (IE11). If anyone has a solution or idea to it... Thanks.