The default description set by the .NET SDK ('Package Description') is being used for your package. This will look poorly in the NuGet gallery.
The Description property used for the package must be up to 4000 characters long.
The PackageIcon project property can specify the path to a JPEG or PNG file to use as the package icon, which will be automatically packed properly.
Setting the PackageReadmeFile project property is enough to get the file packed properly.
Set the PackageLicenseExpression project property to an accepted value such as 'MIT' or 'Apache-2.0'. See accepted values at
Provide a short description of your package for improved discoverability.
Source Link is the recommended way to automatically include this information. Install the relevant NuGet package for your source control provider (such as GitHub, AzureRepos, GitLab, etc.) and NuGetizer will automatically use the provided information.
This should be a publicly available url that can be invoked directly by a version control software. Populated automatically when setting the PublishRepositoryUrl project property to 'true' and using SourceLink.
Make sure PackageProjectUrl is an actual homepage users can navigate to directly from RepositoryUrl, on the other hand, is intended for version control software.
Source Link is the recommended way to automatically include source information with your package. Install the relevant NuGet package for your source control provider (such as GitHub, AzureRepos, GitLab, etc.) and NuGetizer will automatically use the provided information.
When EmbedUntrackedSources is set to 'true', Source Link will embed in your PDB the items that participated in the compile, but not are included in source control.
Provided analyzers: