devmel / hass_airsend-addon

Home Assistant Addon permettant de contrôler un appareil AirSend ou AirSend duo en réseau local.
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 2 forks source link

Add-on does not work after update Home Assistant 2023.7.3 #2

Closed falconslag closed 1 year ago

falconslag commented 1 year ago


I just did the update to Home Assistant 2023.7.3 from Home Assistant 2023.7.2 and since then your add-on does not work anymore. I have tried to stop/start, reconstruct, and even uninstall/install it without succes.

I have a "Exception: Transfer error RDJ Bureau Volet : 404". My configuration file have not changed.

I am joing both log files (Airsend module and Home Assistant)

I also notice that the module is using around 50% CPU.

I hope you will fix the issue.

f5e830cd_airsend_2023-07-23T17-05-41.688Z.log home-assistant_2023-07-23T17-08-18.432Z.log

Regards. Sylvain

falconslag commented 1 year ago


after investigation, I noticed I had a second instance running for testing purpose. I think it simply took the "lead" and lock the Airsend Duo when I fully restart my production environnement. I stopped the dev one, and everything went back to normal.

Sorry for opening this issue, which is not one.

Your component is amazingly great.

titou4307 commented 1 year ago

I cannot made my airsend duo functionnaly Same lof like you for the Airsend duo.....

You coud share your conf YAML if you are in local ?

Titou43 from france

falconslag commented 1 year ago

Hi Titou4307,

I am using the Airsend Home Assistant Module in Home Assistant OS.

I have split my configuration in multiple files, for the Airsend part, here it is :

Note, the API key is commented, because it allows me to switch to the "cloud version" in case of issue. I then uncoumment it and comment the spurl lines instead. All the configuration of the devices are exported from in yaml. It allows you to download the file with all entry in "cloud mode"

And finally, I add an entry in the secrets.yaml file spurl: sp://the_password@

the password is written on module, and the IP address is the IP of you module. Use IP v4, not the IP v6 for local configuration.

this configuration works like a charm, is fast because not related to the cloud. I used to have some error 500 with the cloud service (unknow reason). The local configuration always works. And you can still use the appli on your smartphone in parallel. Just avoid using both at the same time (seconds) because there is a kind of lock set during couple of seconds. The 2nd action may fail. Simply retry 10 seconds after. The lock is temporary.

Hope it helps.

regards, Sylvain from france too ;-)

titou4307 commented 1 year ago


Thanks for this return..... I will try to reconfigure my Auirsend Duo in the end of the day

For clear esplanation : If password is AbcDDEFGFFfflkl so it needeed to put spurl: sp://AbcDDEFGFFfflkl@ ?

ApiKey is not needeed if we stay on local

And may be you must mask your ApiKey in your message if it is your ApiKey

Merci !!

falconslag commented 1 year ago


none value are real ;-). I have edited all, even the ID, the source ....

Before using HA OS, I used HA in a docker environment. I made my own airsend container. It allows me to play and pass command directly to the module using curl... and it was this module who prevent the real one to work.

I don't know what component you have, but there are lot of additional commands. I have :

titou4307 commented 1 year ago


My conf does not function.....

In configuration.yaml :

airsend: internal_url: "" devices: Volet Evier: id: 35890 type: 4098

apiKey: !secret apiKey

  spurl: !secret spurl
     id: 25455
     source: 53351
Volet cuisine:
  id: 35918
  type: 4098
  #apiKey: !secret apiKey
  spurl: !secret spurl      
     id: 25455
     source: 12391

In the file secret.yaml :

apiKey: 1234567894422555555555555abdfkfegjkegjzergjzgjmlgjdfsgfkdjgkdsfjgklfdjgmdfgmsdflkgmsfjgklfgjg spurl: sp://44m8Tqwzzzzzzzzzzzzzz@

with 44m8Tqwzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is the password under airsend

I have an error ...

Échec d'appel du service cover/open_cover. connection lost All the entity are in home assistant (appears in home assistant)

falconslag commented 1 year ago

Why do you have the line 'internal_url: ""' in the airsend section ?

I no more use this variable in my yaml file, but if I remember well, it has to be in the http: section. I don't use it anymore because it is part of the GUI and I did a fresh new install couple of weeks ago (docker => VM)

Do you confirm you have installed the module ? Capture d’écran 2023-07-27 184748 and that it is running .

titou4307 commented 1 year ago

Hello With the basic install (solution cloud....) all seems OK I come to test with apikey and I can pilot all my cover .....

When I try the install in local I had this problem :

So the solution is to add the line :

So with this solution I have not more the problem and the airsend is ok on cloud....

And yes I have the airsend addon and is running

titou4307 commented 1 year ago

Hi Falcon

The support Airsend Devmel has updated the addon Airsend on the last days

I will try to install new addon version and will give a return here....

There in the log an internal address IP:port... This address:port must be write in the file configuration YAML

It seems near the solution you have put in your docker....

titou4307 commented 1 year ago

The new version of addon not function in local mode.....

But is function in cloud mod....

I have access with command line into container addon but it not appears the port to map between Host and container... May be this is the problem

falconslag commented 1 year ago

Hi titou,

If you can log using ssh into your HA, can you try to do a ping of:

Maybe you have either a DNS issue preventing the resolution of the add-on's name or a more basic network error (routing or firewall, etc.).

I am on holidays, with limited access so I cannot do more currently.

PS: just in case, there is an add-on module in HASS for SSH to.

titou4307 commented 1 year ago

Hello I have done ping to the two address :

The two ping are OK, there 0% of packet lost

I have note when I type on SSH under root the command "docker ps" there is none port openened or linked between the docker airsend addon and the host.... For example for the docker container Z2M there is>8485/tcp.....