devnacho / mountain_view

Living styleguide for Rails
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Gem to Gem Conflict - Ransack v Mountain View #89

Open ChristineP2 opened 5 years ago

ChristineP2 commented 5 years ago

Interesting thing happened today. We started receiving the error undefined local variable or method '_component' for #<#<Class:0x00007fb63c295be0>:0x00007fb645fcb180> in a page where we used both a component with the following properties defined properties :type, :title, :body, :url, :card_classes and a ransack sort call sort_link(@ransack_object, :foo, 'bar'))

When I dug into the form_helper within ransack and went to the sort_link method, I found that they had a call to an internal method to create the url `url(routing_proxy, s.url_options).

When the url method from ransack was called, mountain_view returned the error mentioned above from presenter.rb.

So now for my (possibly naive) question: Is there some way we can better encapsulate the MV components so that they don't end up trying to stomp on other gems?

kitop commented 4 years ago

Hi @ChristineP2,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I'd definitively like to avoid conflicts with other gems. Do you mind creating a small sample repo with a reproducible case of this issue? That'd help tremendously in understanding where the issue comes from so we can rearchitect were needed.