devnoname120 / vhbb

Browse, download, and launch Vita homebrews!
415 stars 39 forks source link

C2-12828-1 crash when clicking Download button for any homebrew #75

Closed CrazyCoder closed 4 years ago

CrazyCoder commented 5 years ago
VHBB started.
- Version: 00.91
- Commit: ca81c8c495ede05c2f64af9fdd8d1434d9ba49bb
- GitHub:
- OS: 3.65

[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/vitaPackage.cpp:199 VitaPackage::VitaPackage()]  Loading PAF
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/vitaPackage.cpp:213 VitaPackage::~VitaPackage()]  Unloading PAF
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:208 Network::TestConnection()]  Content length: 8
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/update.cpp:91 Update::getVersionInfo()]  sceIoRemove(ux0:/data/VitaHbBrowser/latest_version.yml) = 0x80010002
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:109 Network::Download()]  Downloading to ux0:/data/VitaHbBrowser/latest_version.yml
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:162 Network::Download()]  Done downloading
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/update.cpp:77 readVersionYAML()]  Version field successfully parsed 0 91
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/update.cpp:112 Update::getVersionInfo()]  Latest online version: 00.91
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/update.cpp:129 Update::getVersionInfo()]  Current version 00.91 is up-to-date
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:109 Network::Download()]  Downloading to ux0:/data/VitaHbBrowser/homebrews.yaml
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:162 Network::Download()]  Done downloading
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:88 ListView::ListView()]  posY: 0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:89 ListView::ListView()]  homebrews size: 315
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:88 ListView::ListView()]  posY: 0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:89 ListView::ListView()]  homebrews size: 89
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:88 ListView::ListView()]  posY: 0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:89 ListView::ListView()]  homebrews size: 80
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:88 ListView::ListView()]  posY: 0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:89 ListView::ListView()]  homebrews size: 18
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:88 ListView::ListView()]  posY: 0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:89 ListView::ListView()]  homebrews size: 128
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:88 ListView::ListView()]  posY: 0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:89 ListView::ListView()]  homebrews size: 315
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:93 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  Done tabs creation
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:142 CategoryView::selectCat()]  selectCat(unsigned 0)
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:148 CategoryView::selectCat()]  selectCat(unsigned) 0->SignalSelected()
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.h:24 ListView::SignalSelected()]  ListView::SignalSelected
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:108 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  countAutoWidth 5
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:131 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  0->minX=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:132 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  0->maxX=176
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:133 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  remainingWidth=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:131 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  1->minX=176
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:132 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  1->maxX=352
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:133 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  remainingWidth=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:131 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  2->minX=352
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:132 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  2->maxX=528
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:133 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  remainingWidth=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:131 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  3->minX=528
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:132 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  3->maxX=704
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:133 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  remainingWidth=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:131 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  4->minX=704
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:132 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  4->maxX=880
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:133 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  remainingWidth=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:131 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  5->minX=880
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:132 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  5->maxX=960
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/CategoryView/categoryView.cpp:133 CategoryView::CategoryView()]  remainingWidth=0
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:178 ListView::HandleInput()]  lastFullyDisplayedItem(): 4
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/ListView/listView.cpp:184 ListView::HandleInput()]  Pressed, adding view...
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:109 Network::Download()]  Downloading to ux0:/data/VitaHbBrowser/screenshots/439b029308191ea333ae11a513516cbc7802a0cbbb948917f90be57454147fd5.png
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:162 Network::Download()]  Done downloading
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/texture.cpp:13 DeleteTexture()]  Destroying texture...
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/HomebrewView/homebrewView.cpp:62 HomebrewView::HomebrewView()]  Checking if installed
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/homebrew.cpp:25 Homebrew::IsInstalled()]  Checking if QUAK00001 exists...
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/homebrew.cpp:27 Homebrew::IsInstalled()]  Done checking
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/HomebrewView/homebrewView.cpp:108 HomebrewView::checkInstalled()]  installed_ = 1
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/input.cpp:221 Input::TouchInRectangle()]  TouchInRectangle rectangle: 218.000000,198.000000:371.000000,244.000000
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/input.cpp:222 Input::TouchInRectangle()]  TouchInRectangle touch: 298.655550,224.706532
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/shapes.cpp:12 Rectangle::Inside()]  Inside point: 298.655550,224.706532
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/HomebrewView/homebrewView.cpp:118 HomebrewView::HandleInput()]  Touch in rectangle for install
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/Views/HomebrewView/homebrewView.cpp:95 HomebrewView::homebrewInstall()]  OK
[/home/devnoname120/psv/vhbb/src/network.cpp:109 Network::Download()]  Downloading to ux0:/temp/ 

At this point the app crashes. It used to work fine before, but now crashes on both psv1000 and psv2000 without any changes on the devices (no new plug-ins or updates).

Core dump:

3.65 enso, plugins config.txt:

# This file is used as an alternative if ux0:tai/config.txt is not found.
# For users plugins, you must refresh taiHEN from HENkaku Settings for
# changes to take place.
# For kernel plugins, you must reboot for changes to take place.
# henkaku.skprx is hard-coded to load and is not listed here
# main is a special titleid for SceShell
# this is for modifying the version string
# this is for modifying the version string in settings widget

Uninstalling vhbb and cleaning all its folders,, then reinstalling didn't help. Other homebrews still work without issues.

CrazyCoder commented 5 years ago

Another user has reported the same issue at .

carlocgc commented 5 years ago

Also seeing this issue

CrazyCoder commented 5 years ago

Also reported at

ramarivera commented 5 years ago

For me it was filing in the same way, then I followed the steps here and it worked.

my config.txt

# For users plugins, you must refresh taiHEN from HENkaku Settings for
# changes to take place.
# For kernel plugins, you must reboot for changes to take place.





CrazyCoder commented 5 years ago

@ramarivera VHBB is using libCURL/cURLpp, so it doesn't depend on the sce functions and doesn't need itls plug-in to work with TLS 1.2 sites. It handled such sites just fine after this commit more than a year ago.

I do have the itls plug-in installed and enabled, also have the iTLS-Enso app, installed the certs. Browser has no problem opening HTTPS sites and I can download .vpk files from the vitadb site using the browser, but the VHBB app still crashes.

ramarivera commented 5 years ago

@CrazyCoder Then I must have done/fixed something while installing itls because it started working after doing so.

CrazyCoder commented 5 years ago

@ramarivera Unfortunately, it didn't change anything on my VITAs. Still crashes.

numbawon commented 5 years ago

I'm also experiencing this issue, I first noticed it after updating. I've deleted vhbb's folder on ux0:data, and I've also uninstalled and reinstalled and after reading through this thread I've made sure I had the tls pach, then removed it and re-applied it again to make sure I had the latest files. I'm still crashing when I download anything through vhbb. I've got the browser plugin and I'm able to browse github and download files so I feel certain I've got tls working fine.

tboinski commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue on 3.70 with Trinity. The VHBB crashes every time when I press the download button. Older versions do the same. I attached my logs. VHBB_2019-10-20_17-12-11.log

devnoname120 commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this bug and nothing in the logging is suspicious. I'll need to investigate this issue later on, I'm busy right now.

If anyone wants to use vita-parse-core in order to analyze the coredump, be my guest. You'll need to compile VHBB in debug mode first and make it crash again or the output won't be useful.

Edit: here is the analysis

vita-parse-core analysis

``` rop@rop:~/vhbb/debug-build$ vita-parse-core psp2core-1571639814-0x0001782d23-eboot.bin.psp2dmp VitaHBBrowser.elf -s 50 === THREADS === VHBB00001 ID: 0x40010003 Stop reason: 0x30004 (Data abort exception) Status: 0x1 (Running) PC: 0xe009d218 (SceGxm@1 + 0x1abf8) update_check_thread ID: 0x40040021 Stop reason: 0x0 (No reason) Status: 0x10 (Not started) PC: 0xe0010fd4 (SceLibKernel@1 + 0x6744) SceCommonDialogWorker ID: 0x40010073 Stop reason: 0x0 (No reason) Status: 0x8 (Waiting) PC: 0xe0010b94 (SceLibKernel@1 + 0x6304) nosleep_thread ID: 0x400100ad Stop reason: 0x0 (No reason) Status: 0x8 (Waiting) PC: 0x812ae808 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@1 + 0x2aa808 => sceKernelDelayThread at :?) SceGxmDisplayQueue ID: 0x40010109 Stop reason: 0x0 (No reason) Status: 0x8 (Waiting) PC: 0xe0010fa4 (SceLibKernel@1 + 0x6714) install_thread ID: 0x400404cf Stop reason: 0x0 (No reason) Status: 0x8 (Waiting) PC: 0xe052d528 (SceNet@1 + 0xa148) === THREAD "VHBB00001" <0x40010003> CRASHED (Data abort exception) === DISASSEMBLY AROUND LR: 0x8108c748 (Thumb): 00088738 : 88738: 2114 movs r1, #20 8873a: 2050 movs r0, #80 ; 0x50 8873c: f7ff fc82 bl 88044 88740: 4604 mov r4, r0 88742: 4630 mov r0, r6 88744: f221 ed84 blx 2aa250 !!! 4603 mov r3, r0 !!! 8874a: 4630 mov r0, r6 8874c: ee08 3a10 vmov s16, r3 88750: f221 ed5e blx 2aa210 88754: ee07 0a10 vmov s14, r0 REGISTERS: R0: 0x0 R1: 0x18e20 R2: 0x81741d04 R3: 0x86e00000 R4: 0x86e18e20 R5: 0x81741d04 R6: 0x0 R7: 0x818009b0 R8: 0xdeadbeef R9: 0xdeadbeef R10: 0xdeadbeef R11: 0xdeadbeef R12: 0xe009d218 SP: 0x81800980 PC: 0xe009d218 (SceGxm@1 + 0x1abf8) LR: 0x8108c749 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@1 + 0x88749) STACK CONTENTS AROUND SP: 0x81800940: 0x81741d04 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@2 + 0x341d04) 0x81800944: 0x81a29360 0x81800948: 0x81741d04 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@2 + 0x341d04) 0x8180094c: 0x8205c0f0 0x81800950: 0x3f000000 0x81800954: 0x8108d24d (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@1 + 0x8924d => vita2d_draw_texture_scale at :?) 0x81800958: 0x4 0x8180095c: 0x82057520 0x81800960: 0x81741d04 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@2 + 0x341d04) 0x81800964: 0x0 0x81800968: 0x818009b0 0x8180096c: 0xdeadbeef 0x81800970: 0xdeadbeef 0x81800974: 0xdeadbeef 0x81800978: 0x82057520 0x8180097c: 0x81741d04 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@2 + 0x341d04) SP => 0x81800980: 0x8178a264 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@2 + 0x38a264) 0x81800984: 0x82057514 0x81800988: 0x1 0x8180098c: 0x7039eb14 0x81800990: 0x7f80dead 0x81800994: 0x7ff8dead 0x81800998: 0x7f80dead 0x8180099c: 0x7ff8dead 0x818009a0: 0x82057520 0x818009a4: 0x1 0x818009a8: 0x0 0x818009ac: 0x810485e3 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@1 + 0x445e3 => Texture::Draw(Point const&) at /home/rop/vhbb/src/texture.cpp:107) 0x818009b0: 0x81800a48 0x818009b4: 0x82057520 0x818009b8: 0x818009c8 0x818009bc: 0x81029e93 (/VitaHBBrowser.elf@1 + 0x25e93 => ProgressView::Display() at /home/rop/vhbb/src/Views/ProgressView/progressView.cpp:65 (discriminator 4)) 0x818009c0: 0x0 0x818009c4: 0x0 0x818009c8: 0x0 0x818009cc: 0x820574ac 0x818009d0: 0x0 0x818009d4: 0x406b0000 0x818009d8: 0x0 0x818009dc: 0x4063e000 0x818009e0: 0x0 0x818009e4: 0x40656000 0x818009e8: 0x0 0x818009ec: 0x40630000 0x818009f0: 0x0 0x818009f4: 0x40770000 0x818009f8: 0x0 0x818009fc: 0x4069a000 0x81800a00: 0x0 0x81800a04: 0x40770000 0x81800a08: 0x0 0x81800a0c: 0x4070d000 0x81800a10: 0x820af2c8 0x81800a14: 0x16 0x81800a18: 0x16 0x81800a1c: 0x408b7800 0x81800a20: 0x0 0x81800a24: 0x40790000 0x81800a28: 0x0 0x81800a2c: 0x406c4000 0x81800a30: 0x0 0x81800a34: 0x4072c000 0x81800a38: 0x0 0x81800a3c: 0x0 0x81800a40: 0x0 0x81800a44: 0x40260000 ```

KamikazeRaven commented 5 years ago

This happened to me as well. I'm glad I find this thread.

This is the second time I jailbreak my vita. Last time was very long time ago with very different method. When I saw the crash message I thought I did something wrong, and I was so worried.

Now it seems like a bug everyone is experiencing. I feel relived. At least I know my jailbreak is successful.

JosePepowner commented 5 years ago

Having the same issues. I was able to get one item downloaded and installed and now its just failing no matter what I try.

KojakWeb commented 5 years ago

Same thing now happens to me. Can confirm that this happens with FW 3.60/3.65 (with or without Enso) as well as FW 3.68.

brussijr commented 5 years ago

I saw a lot of people disappointed with this homebrew, there is no solution this error and the developer does not help us, so I really already left my position on this, and the same opinion of many people in gbatemp, forget this homebrew, is not good! Download from the browser and don't break your head with crap!

devnoname120 commented 5 years ago

I'm not paid a single dollar to work on VHBB and I'm really busy right now. This sort of self entitled behavior is what drives open-source developers out.

Besides, davee will take a look.

JosePepowner commented 5 years ago

I saw a lot of people disappointed with this homebrew, there is no solution this error and the developer does not help us, so I really already left my position on this, and the same opinion of many people in gbatemp, forget this homebrew, is not good! Download from the browser and don't break your head with crap!

Why are you being a prick. These are people's passion project not their jobs.

tboinski commented 5 years ago

I saw a lot of people disappointed with this homebrew, there is no solution this error and the developer does not help us, so I really already left my position on this, and the same opinion of many people in gbatemp, forget this homebrew, is not good! Download from the browser and don't break your head with crap!

So do so and leave people who are willing to share their free time alone. The rest of us are grateful for all those useful tools.

brussijr commented 5 years ago


JosePepowner commented 5 years ago


Just need to wait. The dev already replied someone is getting to it later.

Also no need for caps.

Tommy544 commented 5 years ago

I'm also having the exact same issue on Enso 3.65. Patiently waiting for a solution.

WeaselTongue commented 5 years ago

Having similar issue when attempting to download from VHBB.

MayheMFuneraL commented 5 years ago

I really think the problem is in Enso version 3.65. All problems reported are mostly in this release, I am also waiting for a solution! Thanks

JosePepowner commented 5 years ago

I really think the problem is in Enso version 3.65. All problems reported are mostly in this release, I am also waiting for a solution! Thanks

No I'm on 3.60 and I also have the issue.

mcdelijani commented 5 years ago

Having the same issue on 3.60

EralpCelebi commented 5 years ago

having the same issue on 3.65

Dizzy611 commented 5 years ago

same issue, 3.60, freshly installed

EralpCelebi commented 5 years ago

Maybe off-topic, but I realised that vitaRTCW and vitaQuake3 also threw the same error. Im starting to think this is about storage access.

MayheMFuneraL commented 5 years ago


JasonCubed132 commented 5 years ago

Same issue - Enso 3.60. Really looking forward to a fix :)

JasonCubed132 commented 5 years ago

Virtual GC from Vita DB also throws the same issue, so maybe a wider issue here based on previous comments.

Bonclove commented 5 years ago

Same problem with a fresh install on Homebrew Browser, on 3.73

WiteWulf commented 5 years ago

Same problem here with a 1000 on Enso 3.60

namiks commented 5 years ago

This issue suddenly popped up for me a few weeks ago. I don't install any additional plugins other than what's recommended when activating HB, so no conflicts there.

In my case I can't download anything from Vita DB, as well as HBB. I lost my sanity attempting to find out what originally caused this, and went as far as a fresh install of everything. Issue still randomly springs up and sticks around.

Can confirm that other HB applications run as intended; games run as intended. I can provide additional info if requested.

Attempted the itls option posted here, didn't change anything. VBB still produces the same error code when attempting to install something.

zandrillian commented 5 years ago

Exact same issue as Bonclove, error on a fresh install of Homebrew Browser, on 3.73. Hope we get a solution soon.

NeverExists07 commented 5 years ago

Wow 2 months and no word...... Do people have trouble being honest or what? If you're not doing anything about it just say so and people can move on. Instead of leading people on to thinking it's being worked on........ free or not it's just rude!!!

WeaselTongue commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I just gave up. Wiped my device and moved on.

Get Outlook for Android

From: NeverExists07 Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 10:26:19 PM To: devnoname120/vhbb Cc: WeaselTongue; Comment Subject: Re: [devnoname120/vhbb] C2-12828-1 crash when clicking Download button for any homebrew (#75)

Wow 2 months and no word...... Do people have trouble being honest or what? If you're not doing anything about it just say so and people can move on. Instead of leading people on to thinking it's being worked on........ free or not it's just rude!!!

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe

Masamune3210 commented 5 years ago

Turns out, if it was a simple issue, it likely would have been fixed by now. If you are so sure that it's easy to find the fix and explain it to people, do it yourself. Complaining that someone who isn't paid hasn't updated you on the issue is kind of dumb.

Masamune3210 commented 5 years ago

For the record, the error code is almost useless afaik, since it seems to just be a generic error code thats thrown when the Vita doesnt know why something crashed. Either be patient or move on

NeverExists07 commented 5 years ago

Simple or not doesn't matter. It's normal these days to just leave people hanging without a response and its rude no matter how you look at it. I guess rude passes for normal these days but it's actually rather cowardes or not caring enough about the people waiting to hear back............. be right back............. psych!!!

jackb-4824 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I don't have much to contribute (barely a noob still) but I built a debug version of the app, and it crashes after transmitting this line via debugnet:

[DEBUG] [/Users/jack_/projects/vhbb/src/network.cpp:125 Network::Download()] Downloading to ux0:/temp/download.vpk

Girotin commented 4 years ago

Same problem here. I'll use the internet browser to download stuff while the app doesn't get fixed, it still works great. Hopefully it's not a big problem

Mulverine commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, I have had the same issues as you with this, tried everything then had a brainwave...

Looked in UX0 Tai folder in taiconfig file and my download enabler text entry was pointing to UX0, I changed this to UR0 and it let me download.

:D :D

Let me know if this works for you, if it does, I am a legend haha

EralpCelebi commented 4 years ago

@Mulverine Yep. Seemed to fix my issue :D

Mulverine commented 4 years ago

@Mulverine Yep. Seemed to fix my issue :D

great stuff!!

NeverExists07 commented 4 years ago

didn't fix mine. I have sd2vita so my thai folder isn't in the same place and the config is pointing the the proper directory for my download enabler.

Mulverine commented 4 years ago

didn't fix mine. I have sd2vita so my thai folder isn't in the same place and the config is pointing the the proper directory for my download enabler.

Do you have more than 1 tai folder and tai config?

NeverExists07 commented 4 years ago

Nope just one and it points to the correct place..... bummer cause my tai folder and config is where it mistakenly points for you guys. All my other plugins/hacks work fine.

NeverExists07 commented 4 years ago

one thing you say taiconfig like it's one file and mine just says config but it's in the tai folder. My Tai folder is in ur0

EralpCelebi commented 4 years ago

So after a reboot the crash started to happen again. I'm going to try to find the issue but I think it has something to do with the download enabler instead of its location.

Mulverine commented 4 years ago

one thing you say taiconfig like it's one file and mine just says config but it's in the tai folder. My Tai folder is in ur0

sorry yes I mean the config file in the tai folder