Open maybeec opened 3 years ago
Initial draft to start with is discussion is
I’m currently evaluating Spring native for my customer and is not quite polished experience as quarkus.
The objective for Spring Native is more ambitious because they want to accomplish the native image with no code changes at all on the traditional Spring application model…
So far I've already tested with a simple CRUD service and some annotations are required in order to detect simple things (serializing a Date to JSON, or cloning an object)
Quarkus is built with the quirks of the GraalVM from the start so it is easier for them to get it right.
My concerns with Quarkus is being backed by Red Hat. It is a perfect company for middleware related projects but for languages... I've been them betting on Ceylong, Vertx, Fission... projects that haven't got a lot of attention after the hype.
Spring on the other hand is still "the place to go" when looking for a Java solution.
As an architect I would like to understand why the choice of devonfw was taken for quarkus instead of spring-native in order to validate my assumptions and check whether devonfw microservice on java with quarkus fit's my needs.