devongovett / node-wkhtmltopdf

A wrapper for the wkhtmltopdf HTML to PDF converter using WebKit
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PDF is missing Charts. When used Google Charts, Nivo Chart and few other charts. #130

Open chdharm opened 4 years ago

chdharm commented 4 years ago

`const wkhtmltopdf = require('wkhtmltopdf');

//On local:3000 I am running the service which returns chart based web page. const baseUrl = "http://localhost:3000/"; let fileName = "output.pdf";

wkhtmltopdf( baseUrl, { output: fileName }, function(){ console.log("Successfull") }); ` No charts are printed in PDF. What should I do. I know that if I can delay the PDF generation after page load but here in this API I have no such control.

zxlin commented 4 years ago

If the charts are running JS to be generated, they likely need time to be generated, you should see the docs on

All options on there can be passed into this lib using camelCase