As a Customer
I need to store zipcode as strings So that customers from other countries can store the zipcode in strings (e.g. in Canada, K7M2N5 is a zipcode)
Details & Assumptions:
remove integer casting for zipcode in line 55
change db model for zipcode from integer to string(100) in line 231
change swagger model for zipcode from integer to string in line 48
change addresss_args zpicode to string in line 113
change UI input for zipcode in index.html line 114
delete parseInt() in rest_api.js line 205
change corresponding nosetests and address_factory
Added location='args' in customer_args and address_args
Acceptance Criteria:
Given refactored zipcode
When a user input the zipcode in the UI
Then the zipcode is stored in strings in the database
As a Customer I need to store zipcode as strings
So that customers from other countries can store the zipcode in strings (e.g. in Canada, K7M2N5 is a zipcode)
Details & Assumptions:
remove integer casting for zipcode in line 55
change db model for zipcode from integer to string(100) in line 231
change swagger model for zipcode from integer to string in line 48
change addresss_args zpicode to string in line 113
change UI input for zipcode in index.html line 114
delete parseInt() in rest_api.js line 205
change corresponding nosetests and address_factory
Added location='args' in customer_args and address_args
Acceptance Criteria: