As a Supplier Manager
I need a RESTful supplier catalog service
So that I can keep track of all my suppliers and their products
UI for the application exist
BDD .feature file and accompanying files to test RESTful API from the outside in
Acceptance Criteria:
Scenario: List all suppliers
Given the following suppliers
| name | category | preferred |
| John | home & furnishing | True |
| Jane | apparel | False |
| Jack | apparel | True |
When I visit the "Home Page"
And I press the "Search" button
Then I should see "John" in the results
And I should see "Jane" in the results
And I should not see "Liyana" in the results
REFERENCE 8BDD Notes Slide #24 & 40
Make the hit counter persistently survive service restarts
As a User
I need the hit counter to persist the last known count
So that I don't loose track of the count after the service is restarted
• We will use Redis as the persistent store
• A Redis service from Bluemix should be used
Acceptance Criteria:
When I advance the hit counter to 2
And I restart the hit counter services
And I call the hit counter URL
Then I should see 3 returned from the service
As a Supplier Manager I need a RESTful supplier catalog service So that I can keep track of all my suppliers and their products
UI for the application exist BDD .feature file and accompanying files to test RESTful API from the outside in Acceptance Criteria:
Scenario: List all suppliers
Given the following suppliers | name | category | preferred | | John | home & furnishing | True | | Jane | apparel | False | | Jack | apparel | True |
When I visit the "Home Page" And I press the "Search" button Then I should see "John" in the results And I should see "Jane" in the results And I should not see "Liyana" in the results
REFERENCE 8BDD Notes Slide #24 & 40 ---EXAMPLE--- Make the hit counter persistently survive service restarts
As a User I need the hit counter to persist the last known count So that I don't loose track of the count after the service is restarted
Assumptions: • We will use Redis as the persistent store • A Redis service from Bluemix should be used
Acceptance Criteria: When I advance the hit counter to 2 And I restart the hit counter services And I call the hit counter URL Then I should see 3 returned from the service
---End of EXAMPLE---