devops-works / binenv

One binary to rule them all. Manage all those pesky binaries (kubectl, helm, terraform, ...) easily.
MIT License
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Versions for some distributions are missing #168

Closed vasti closed 2 years ago

vasti commented 2 years ago

It looks like entries in versions file is missing for some of the supported distributions, at least in the latest at the moment:

binenv itself is not there and if one follows the quick install instructions there are errors:

user@nix:~/tmp/binenv$ ./binenv install binenv
2021-10-16T22:25:24+03:00 WRN version for "binenv" not specified; using ""
2021-10-16T22:25:24+03:00 ERR unable to install "binenv" () error="unable to select latest stable version for \"binenv\": no stable version available. May be run 'binenv update binenv' ?"

The 'full' install instructions instructs to specify a version of binenv to install, i.e.

./binenv install binenv <version>

This way installation works.

Is this expected behavior? It is somewhat inconvenient compared to running binenv versions.

leucos commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this @vasti I think this issue has been solved yesterday (see #156 #157 #159 #162) Could you try again please ? Staring from ./binenv update should be enough.

patsevanton commented 2 years ago

Checked on clean server. Worked

apatsev@binenv:~$ wget -q
sha256sum  --check --ignore-missing checksums.txt
mv binenv_linux_amd64 binenv
chmod +x binenv
./binenv update
./binenv install binenv
rm binenv
if [[ -n $BASH ]]; then ZESHELL=bash; fi
if [[ -n $ZSH_NAME ]]; then ZESHELL=zsh; fi
echo -e '\nexport PATH=~/.binenv:$PATH' >> ~/.${ZESHELL}rc
echo "source <(binenv completion ${ZESHELL})" >> ~/.${ZESHELL}rc
exec $SHELL

apatsev@binenv:~$ wget -q
apatsev@binenv:~$ sha256sum  --check --ignore-missing checksums.txt
binenv_linux_amd64: OK
apatsev@binenv:~$ mv binenv_linux_amd64 binenv
apatsev@binenv:~$ chmod +x binenv
apatsev@binenv:~$ ./binenv update
2021-10-18T05:52:07Z INF updating distribution list
2021-10-18T05:52:08Z INF retrieving distribution cache from
2021-10-18T05:52:08Z INF fetched updates for 152 distributions
apatsev@binenv:~$ ./binenv install binenv
2021-10-18T05:52:08Z WRN version for "binenv" not specified; using "0.14.0"
fetching binenv version 0.14.0 100% |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| (7.3/7.3 MB, 13.345 MB/s)        
2021-10-18T05:52:09Z INF executing self install
2021-10-18T05:52:09Z INF "binenv" (0.14.0) installed
apatsev@binenv:~$ rm binenv
apatsev@binenv:~$ if [[ -n $BASH ]]; then ZESHELL=bash; fi
apatsev@binenv:~$ if [[ -n $ZSH_NAME ]]; then ZESHELL=zsh; fi
apatsev@binenv:~$ echo $ZESHELL
apatsev@binenv:~$ echo -e '\nexport PATH=~/.binenv:$PATH' >> ~/.${ZESHELL}rc
apatsev@binenv:~$ echo "source <(binenv completion ${ZESHELL})" >> ~/.${ZESHELL}rc
apatsev@binenv:~$ exec $SHELL
vasti commented 2 years ago

It seems to be fixed for some of supported utilities (e.g. asciigraph).

As for binenv cache file seems to be either missing it or not: 508cdc8 seems to have removed it. 49ddfb8 added it back 13b0353 removed it again.

I think @patsevanton was lucky and tried when bits in cache file were there.

And it seems there are no rate limits if binenv update -f -v -c2 is running under github's actions.

leucos commented 2 years ago

Agreed for the rate limit. However I can not explain why I can build the cache locally without any issues.

I removed the action and pushed a clean cache.

It has been updated; you can binenv update.

Will look into a more long term solution. I never liked this method anyway.

vasti commented 2 years ago

binenv versions binenv now shows versions (after binenv update).

@leucos thanks for the help.