due to some problems i followed your steps again in a vagrant box and after downloading and chmoding the binary i got that error request:
vagrant@debian10:~$ ./binenv update updating distributions 76% |..... | (57/75, 4 it/s) [16s:5s]2020-11-23T15:21:15Z ERR unable to fetch versions for "stern" error="github rate limit is close: remaining 4 of 60; please retry after 2020-11-23 16:20:59 +0000 UTC"
it looks like i get an error with the distributions. i am not sure, why this happens. i have not much requests to github atm.
could it be that fetching your LATEST binenv creates some problem? should you at least use a binenv from a release where all the distributions are verified? or is it another problem?
Hi, due to some problems i followed your steps again in a vagrant box and after downloading and chmoding the binary i got that error request:
vagrant@debian10:~$ ./binenv update updating distributions 76% |..... | (57/75, 4 it/s) [16s:5s]2020-11-23T15:21:15Z ERR unable to fetch versions for "stern" error="github rate limit is close: remaining 4 of 60; please retry after 2020-11-23 16:20:59 +0000 UTC"
it looks like i get an error with the distributions. i am not sure, why this happens. i have not much requests to github atm. could it be that fetching your LATEST binenv creates some problem? should you at least use a binenv from a release where all the distributions are verified? or is it another problem?