devopshq / artifactory

dohq-artifactory: a Python client for Artifactory
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Remove relative_to function #442

Closed zhan9san closed 4 months ago

zhan9san commented 4 months ago

The more implementation there is, the more difficult maintenance becomes.

I'd like to hear if relative_to is actually used. Feel free to raise your concerns.

The ArtifactoryPath is intended to serve as a logical descendant of pathlib. But I don't think it should implement more function in Pathlib.

The related_to and is_related_to in pathlib is refactored in Python 3.12 and incompatible with ArtifactoryPath.

These functions are not used in artifactory-cleanup.

@allburov Your thoughts?

barneygale commented 4 months ago

I'd expect this package to implement all pure methods, including [is_]relative_to().

zhan9san commented 4 months ago


Thanks for your attention.

But is there a real scenario that relative_to function is used?

It's true that the Pure methods don't touch the underlying content. It's useful for OS ecosystem but maybe not in Artifactory.

As an ArtifactoryPath user, I don't use this method ever.

So I wonder if there is any ArtifactoryPath user who use this method.

beliaev-maksim commented 4 months ago

sorry, we cannot go with this change, it is OSS, you cannot break users' code