devopshq / artifactory

dohq-artifactory: a Python client for Artifactory
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Including http_error as attribute in exception #445

Open FCamborda opened 4 months ago

FCamborda commented 4 months ago

It looks to me like the current implementation of ArtifactoryException currently only includes the http error code as part of the string message (e.g. dohq_artifactory.exception.ArtifactoryException: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url: Unfortunately our infrastructure is sometimes unstable so we need to retry some operations in case of some specific errors (e.g. 429).

We prefer not to parse the exception message string, as there are some numbers (IDs) in the URL and we would create a dependency to the format of your exception message.

Instead, we think that including an optional (i.e. None on initialization) http_error_code would greatly help us. That is anyway what the HTTPError of requests includes:

beliaev-maksim commented 4 months ago

We raise from requests, you should be able to parse it

FCamborda commented 4 months ago

You mean by accessing __cause__? In that case, that means that we still have to import requests and declare it as a direct dependency, which feels kind of artificial.

import artifactory
import requests

def should_retry(exception) -> bool:
    recoverable_errors = {429}
    dohq_exception = isinstance(exception, artifactory.ArtifactoryException)
    raised_from = dohq_exception.__cause__
    if dohq_exception and raised_from is not None:
        requests_exception = isinstance(raised_from, requests.exceptions.HTTPError)
        if requests_exception and requests_exception.response is not None:
            if requests_exception.response.status_code in {recoverable_errors}:
                return True
    return False

Or is there a way to access response.status_code directly from ArtifactoryException? I thought raise ArtifactoryException(str(exception)) from exception means that the Exception Object only has a messsage attribute.

beliaev-maksim commented 4 months ago

it feels somehow wrong

first of all, you can directly catch HTTP exceptions if you know that you expect 429. No need to catch artifactory exception. then just use some lib like:

FCamborda commented 4 months ago

We're already using Tenacity. The snippet I posted is a variation of what we run in our codebase. I wanted to abstract that implementation detail.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in general your code is comparable to:

class RequestsException(Exception):
    message = "bar"  # Not a direct dependency of any user of `dohq-artifactory`


class ArtifactoryException(Exception):
    pass  # Custom exception

def raise_exception():
    """Mimics code in dohq-artifactory that would raise exception."""
        raise RequestsException
    except RequestsException as exc:
        raise ArtifactoryException("Copied message") from exc  # Not hiding the original exception is a good idea IMO

Which means that your users have the following possibilities:

What I'm proposing in this issue is that the public API dohq.exceptions.ArtifactoryException includes an optional http_error, since you're the only ones who know which lower-level libraries (and exceptions) you're accessing (i.e. Requests in this case). This is to leverage these checks from the users and avoid artificial dependencies. If somebody can guide me through that part of your code, I would gladly prepare a PR.

beliaev-maksim commented 4 months ago

hmm, I see what you mean.

At the same time, where to draw the line of what should be attached to ArtifactoryException ? only http code? http msg ?

the simplest would be to attach the original response, but that will not solve the issue, since you anyway will depend on the implementation detail then

@allburov thoughts on this ?

FCamborda commented 4 months ago

I don't know the complexity of your project, but perhaps in this case it's worth having a Base exception and different exceptions types inheriting?

class ArtifactoryException(Exception):
    """Base exception for all custom exceptions in dohq-artifactory."""

class ArtifactoryHTTPError(ArtifactoryException):  # PEP-8 recommends ending exception names with 'Error'
   def __init__(self):
       # ... perhaps inherit from requests.exceptions.HTTPError?
class ArtifactoryConfigError(ArtifactoryException):
     """Probably worth adding docstrings."""

I'm not a huge fan of custom exceptions, but I think that your dependency to requests leads you this way...

Iff you only use ArtifactoryException for HTTP errors and reraised ArtifactoryExceptions are always/only raised from exceptions.requests.HTTPError. then I'd be ok by inspecting __cause__. You'd have to update your documentation to mention this, as this is your public API. I'd then live by this contract, avoid checks ala isinstance(exception, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) and have some peace of mind.


Exceptions in this library are represented by dohq_artifactory.exception.ArtifactoryException or by OSError. Exceptions including __cause__ are always a facade of  `requests.exceptions.HTTPError`, so you can always drill down the root cause like in the following example:
allburov commented 4 months ago

I agree on the point that we shouldn't even show the underlying library (requests) we use to make http requests and we should allow to switch that library by providing some client (in the ideal word...)

FCamborda commented 4 months ago

what do you think of my proposal with the base exception?