devopvoid / webrtc-java

WebRTC for desktop platforms running Java
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APM process error #46

Closed nanguantong closed 2 years ago

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Version 0.5.0 AudioProcessing (processReverseStream and processStream) has problem that audio sounds abnormal and aec no effect compared with v0.4.0.

AudioProcessingStreamConfig far_frame_config = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 1);
AudioProcessingStreamConfig near_frame_config = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 1);

And v0.4.0 aec has no effect in some cases compared with c++ native webrtc (chrome master branch) using the same call.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Error as following:


**result = apm->ProcessStream(dstFrame, srcConfig, dstConfig, dstFrame);**

in JNI_AudioProcessing.cpp

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Error as following:


**result = apm->ProcessStream(dstFrame, srcConfig, dstConfig, dstFrame);**

in JNI_AudioProcessing.cpp

Please feel free to fix this bug and publish the release or snapshot to repo,thanks.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

According to your example you provide equal stream configs. With that config result = apm->ProcessStream(srcFrame, srcConfig, dstConfig, dstFrame); is being executed. In that case nothing has changed in the native code.

Please check your input/output buffer sizes.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

And v0.4.0 aec has no effect in some cases compared with c++ native webrtc (chrome master branch) using the same call.

This is a vague statement. I use this library und AEC works fine. As previously noted, you don't have to use the JNI version of AudioProcessing since the native code of WebRTC will configure the PeerConnection with AEC enabled. You can use AudioProcessing to tune or disable some processing features.

Without a minimal working example I can't reproduce your situation.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

And v0.4.0 aec has no effect in some cases compared with c++ native webrtc (chrome master branch) using the same call.

This is a vague statement. I use this library und AEC works fine. As previously noted, you don't have to use the JNI version of AudioProcessing since the native code of WebRTC will configure the PeerConnection with AEC enabled. You can use AudioProcessing to tune or disable some processing features.

Without a minimal working example I can't reproduce your situation.

In my case,I need not use PeerConnection, just only use apm to process near and far frame in the server-side,so the two client sides buffer need sync and do apm smoothly.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago


result = apm->ProcessStream(dstFrame, srcConfig, dstConfig, dstFrame); ------> modify to result = apm->ProcessReverseStream(dstFrame, srcConfig, dstConfig, dstFrame);

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

You are absolutely right. I overlooked it.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Please publish packet to the repo?

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

It's published as 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT. For 0.6.0 it is too early.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

It's published as 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT. For 0.6.0 it is too early.

0.6.0-SNAPSHOT repo is Incompleted in

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

And v0.4.0 aec has no effect in some cases compared with c++ native webrtc (chrome master branch) using the same call.

I tested many cases, found that this version webrtc(M95/4638) had no effect in two clients AEC (server-side mode). Please feel free to update webrtc M95/4638 to the latest version.

        config.echoCanceller.enabled = true;
        config.echoCanceller.enforceHighPassFiltering = true;

        config.gainControl.enabled = true;

        config.highPassFilter.enabled = true;

        config.noiseSuppression.enabled = true;
        config.noiseSuppression.level = AudioProcessingConfig.NoiseSuppression.Level.HIGH;

        config.residualEchoDetector.enabled = true;
        config.transientSuppression.enabled = true;
        config.levelEstimation.enabled = true;
        config.voiceDetection.enabled = true;


AudioProcessingStreamConfig far_frame_config = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 1);
AudioProcessingStreamConfig near_frame_config = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 1);
nanguantong commented 2 years ago

And v0.4.0 aec has no effect in some cases compared with c++ native webrtc (chrome master branch) using the same call.

I tested many cases, found that this version webrtc(M95/4638) had no effect in two clients AEC (server-side mode).

Please feel free to update webrtc M95/4638 to the latest version.

        config.echoCanceller.enabled = true;

        config.echoCanceller.enforceHighPassFiltering = true;

        config.gainControl.enabled = true;

        config.highPassFilter.enabled = true;

        config.noiseSuppression.enabled = true;

        config.noiseSuppression.level = AudioProcessingConfig.NoiseSuppression.Level.HIGH;

        config.residualEchoDetector.enabled = true;

        config.transientSuppression.enabled = true;

        config.levelEstimation.enabled = true;

        config.voiceDetection.enabled = true;


AudioProcessingStreamConfig far_frame_config = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 1);

AudioProcessingStreamConfig near_frame_config = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 1);

Please feel free to publish the build packet to the repo?

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

A new 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT is up.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

A new 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT is up.

It's incompleted.

Could not find webrtc-java-0.6.0-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.jar (dev.onvoid.webrtc:webrtc-java:0.6.0-SNAPSHOT:20211130.151623-6).

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

It's all there

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

It's all there


I use gradle that update error in my project.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

Try to use 0.6.0-20211130.150026-4 as version

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

The same result that had no effect in two clients AEC as following version: implementation "dev.onvoid.webrtc:webrtc-java:0.6.0-20211130.150550-5:windows-x86_64"

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

Do you have an analog native c/c++ version of what you are trying to do with Java?

Maybe discuss-webrtc can help you.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

Your timings with getStreamDelayMs() and setStreamDelayMs() must be right, otherwise AEC will have no effect.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Do you have an analog native c/c++ version of what you are trying to do with Java?

Maybe discuss-webrtc can help you.

Yes, I use the analog webrtc native c/c++ version (master branch) that works ok, but use your webrtc-java no effect aec.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Your timings with getStreamDelayMs() and setStreamDelayMs() must be right, otherwise AEC will have no effect.

Yes, I use the same demo code comared webrtc-java with native c++ version.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

Do you have the source code somewhere online of your native version?

nanguantong commented 2 years ago
bool WriteFrame(FILE* file, int16_t* data, size_t samples_per_channel) {
    size_t frame_size = samples_per_channel;
    size_t write_count = fwrite(data, sizeof(int16_t), frame_size, file);
    if (write_count != frame_size) {
        return false;  // This is expected.
    return true;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int ret = 0;
    int delay_ms = 0; // 200;

    // Usage example, omitting error checking:
    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioProcessing> apm = webrtc::AudioProcessingBuilder().Create();

    webrtc::AudioProcessing::Config config;
    config.echo_canceller.enabled = true;
    config.echo_canceller.mobile_mode = false;

    config.gain_controller1.enabled = true;
    config.gain_controller1.mode = webrtc::AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::kAdaptiveAnalog;

    config.gain_controller2.enabled = true;
    config.high_pass_filter.enabled = true;
    config.voice_detection.enabled = true;

    config.noise_suppression.enabled = true;
    config.noise_suppression.level = webrtc::AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::Level::kHigh;

    config.residual_echo_detector.enabled = true;
    config.transient_suppression.enabled = true;


    ret = apm->Initialize();

    webrtc::AudioFrame far_frame;
    webrtc::AudioFrame near_frame;

    float frame_step = 10; // ms
    int near_read_bytes = 0;

    far_frame.sample_rate_hz_ = 8000;
    far_frame.samples_per_channel_ = far_frame.sample_rate_hz_ * frame_step / 1000.0;
    far_frame.num_channels_ = 1;
    near_frame.sample_rate_hz_ = 8000;
    near_frame.samples_per_channel_ = near_frame.sample_rate_hz_ * frame_step / 1000.0;
    near_frame.num_channels_ = 1;

    webrtc::StreamConfig input_config(8000, 1);
    webrtc::StreamConfig output_config(8000, 1);

    size_t size = near_frame.samples_per_channel_;

        argv[3] = (char*) "xxx/test/ref8k-1ch.pcm";
        argv[4] = (char*) "xxx/test/mic8k-1ch.pcm";
        argv[5] = (char*) "xxx/test/out8k-1ch.pcm";

    FILE *far_file = fopen(argv[3], "rb");
    FILE *near_file = fopen(argv[4], "rb");
    FILE *aec_out_file = fopen(argv[5], "wb");

    int16_t far_frame_dest[AudioFrame::kMaxDataSizeSamples] = {0};
    int16_t near_frame_dest[AudioFrame::kMaxDataSizeSamples] = { 0 };

    size_t read_count = 0;
    while (true) {
            read_count = fread((void*), sizeof(int16_t), size, far_file);
            if (read_count != size) {
              //fseek(near_file, read_count * sizeof(int16_t), SEEK_CUR);
            ret = apm->ProcessReverseStream(, input_config, output_config, far_frame_dest);

        read_count = fread((void*), sizeof(int16_t), size, near_file);
        near_read_bytes += read_count * sizeof(int16_t);

        if (read_count != size) {
            break;  // This is expected.

        AudioProcessingStats stats = apm->GetStatistics();
        if (stats.delay_ms.has_value()) {
            std::cout << "!!!!delay_ms " << stats.delay_ms.value() << " voice detected " << stats.voice_detected.value() << std::endl;


        ret = apm->ProcessStream(, input_config, output_config, near_frame_dest);

        WriteFrame(aec_out_file, near_frame_dest, size);


    std::cout << "over.";
    return 0;
nanguantong commented 2 years ago



devopvoid commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I will have a look at that and will report back.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

I tested AEC with 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT and to me it works. I used the reference PCM samples from the WebRTC repository (far8_stereo.pcm and near8_stereo.pcm). You can see the result below.


With the code below.



public class Test {

    private static void testAEC() throws IOException {
        AudioProcessingConfig config = new AudioProcessingConfig();
        config.echoCanceller.enabled = true;
        config.echoCanceller.enforceHighPassFiltering = true;

        // Optionally enable gain control.
        config.gainControl.enabled = false;
        config.gainControl.adaptiveDigital.enabled = true;

        config.highPassFilter.enabled = true;

        config.noiseSuppression.enabled = true;
        config.noiseSuppression.level = Level.MODERATE;

        AudioProcessing audioProcessing = new AudioProcessing();

        AudioProcessingStreamConfig streamConfig = new AudioProcessingStreamConfig(8000, 2);

        InputStream farStream = Test.class.getResourceAsStream("/far8_stereo.pcm");
        InputStream nearStream = Test.class.getResourceAsStream("/near8_stereo.pcm");

        OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("output.pcm");

        int inputBufferSize = streamConfig.sampleRate / 100 * streamConfig.channels * 2;
        int outputBufferSize = audioProcessing.getTargetBufferSize(streamConfig, streamConfig);

        byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[inputBufferSize];
        byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[outputBufferSize];

        while ( > 0) {
            int result = audioProcessing.processReverseStream(inputBuffer,
                    streamConfig, streamConfig, inputBuffer);

            if (result != 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();


            result = audioProcessing.processStream(inputBuffer, streamConfig,
                    streamConfig, outputBuffer);

            if (result != 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();



    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
nanguantong commented 2 years ago

Yeh,I also tested some samples that work,but some samples that not work used same code. I'll try to sync strictly the near and far samples time in some cases, and look at the result.

Can you please feel free to update webrtc to the lastest version (e.g.` master or branch 47xx) ?

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

I update the branches according to this schedule.

I guess the issue is, you have an offset in your example between far and near. For this apm->set_stream_delay_ms must be set. In this case its a static delay which can be calculated.

nanguantong commented 2 years ago

I guess the issue is, you have an offset in your example between far and near. For this apm->set_stream_delay_ms must be set. In this case its a static delay which can be calculated.

apm->set_stream_delay_ms has been set, native and webrtc-java had the different result output, I guess the APM module has modified between the two versions.

devopvoid commented 2 years ago

Closing as it is working as expected.