devour-js / devour-client

Don't just consume your JSON API, Devour it...
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Create sss #242

Closed Hunter-13SSS closed 2 years ago

Hunter-13SSS commented 2 years ago


Is this PR blocking your next action?


Provide a screenshot, GIF, or video of the change if possible. People like pictures.

What Changed & Why

Explain what changed and why.


List step-by-step how to test the changes.

Bug/Ticket Tracker

Link to any relevant task(s) or ticket(s) in the bug tracker.


Link to any existing documentation that could make the change easier to understand for the reviewer.

In Progress/Follow Up

Mark any areas that are work in progress or require follow up. Note anything that is waiting on other departments or team members.


Call out any legal, security, or privacy concerns.


If any third-party dependencies have been added, explain what they are and why you chose them.


Mention people who would be interested in the changeset: Engineer(s) who wrote the old version Designer(s) Product manager (if they’re interested)

auvipy commented 2 years ago

what is SSS?

tijn commented 2 years ago

@auvipy It's a partial copy of the README file in another file called sss it seems... :shrug:

I'm closing it since they can't even be bothered to fill in the pull request template text.