devowlio / node-lame

LAME is an open-source encoder that encodes and decodes audio to the MP3 file format. For all MP3 needs a Node.js wrapper of the full LAME command line.
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Error encoding Buffer to Buffer #26

Closed jakobsuckow closed 3 years ago

jakobsuckow commented 3 years ago

How to reproduce

Code: `@Injectable() export class AudioService { lame: Lame; constructor( @InjectRepository(AudioEntity) private audioRepository: Repository, ) { this.lame = new Lame({ output: "buffer", bitrate: 128 }); }

async create(file: CreateFileDto) { this.lame.setBuffer(file.buffer); this.lame.encode().then(() => { const buffer = this.lame.getBuffer(); console.log(buffer); }) } }`

Error: ERROR: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/usr/src/app/node_modules/node-lame/lib/build/../../temp/encoded/tsYL33Yk2swI83......


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What is working: The following code works this.lame.setFile("./voice.mp3"); this.lame.encode().then(async () => { const buffer = this.lame.getBuffer(); const res = await this.azureBlobService.upload({ buffer: buffer, mimetype: "audio/mp3", originalname: "test" }); console.log(res); });

jankarres commented 3 years ago

Please take a look at (includes a demo) and Do these issues include the solution for you?

zouchengzhuo commented 3 years ago

@jankarres After two hours debug, I found a stupid problem! the real error is "Error: lame: Warning: unsupported audio format", but what i got is "RROR: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink ..."

.catch((error: Error) => {
      throw error;

and in removeTempFilesOnError

removeTempFilesOnError() {
    if (this.fileBufferTempFilePath != undefined) {
    if (this.progressedBufferTempFilePath != undefined) {

when error occurs, removeTempFilesOnError will always throw an error of "RROR: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink ...", the developers can not get the true reason!!

the true reason is i passed in raw pcm but not specified sampling rate and mono/stereo/jstereo.

jankarres commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing this bug out, @zouchengzhuo. I have fixed it and released node-lame@1.3.2.