devoworm / Group-Meeting-Projects-Questions

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Network Science submission #70

Open devoworm opened 3 years ago

devoworm commented 3 years ago

CompleNet deadline in February

jesparent commented 3 years ago

@devoworm curious about this as well - last meeting?

devoworm commented 3 years ago

Not discussed last meeting, but we need to follow up on the network theme. There are a few document in the following repo that we might work into a paper or conference presentation: (see .md files).

devoworm commented 3 years ago

Plan to submit something to CompleNet 2021 on embryo networks and connectomes. Can we use cell tracking data, and can we introduce materials from these documents:



jesparent commented 3 years ago

@devoworm I forget if this was actually mentioned today or has morphed into other things

Orthogonal-Research-Lab commented 3 years ago

We have a Network Science submission (Embryo Networks as Generative Divergent Integration ), but it may still morph into something else.