devoxin / lavaplayer

A fork of Walkyst's Lavaplayer fork.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

"The following content is not available on this app" upon loading a YouTube track #19

Closed hypr1342 closed 3 weeks ago

hypr1342 commented 3 weeks ago


Since somewhere around end of June, start of July, I noticed following method: always returns the following JSON:

Full JSON ```json { "responseContext" : { "serviceTrackingParams" : [ { "service" : "GFEEDBACK", "params" : [ { "key" : "is_alc_surface", "value" : "false" }, { "key" : "is_viewed_live", "value" : "False" }, { "key" : "ipcc", "value" : "0" }, { "key" : "wh_paused", "value" : "0" }, { "key" : "logged_in", "value" : "0" }, { "key" : "e", "value" : "23888717,23966208,23998056,24004644,24077241,24078649,24117491,24132305,24143331,24166867,24181174,24230811,24232551,24241378,24267186,24290971,24397985,24406318,24458684,24459435,24468724,24522874,24534952,24542367,24548629,24556101,24585134,24585737,51009781,51016856,51017346,51020570,51025415,51041512,51043774,51050361,51053689,51060353,51064835,51068313,51080128,51095478,51111738,51115184,51116067,51117318,51123611,51124104,51137671,51139379,51141472,51149607,51152050,51157411,51157841,51158514,51160545,51162170,51163612,51165467,51169118,51176511,51177013,51177817,51178982,51179435,51183211,51183909,51184022,51190652,51194136,51195231,51209050,51209702,51214636,51217077,51217274,51217504,51219800,51221011,51223962,51224135,51227037,51227881,51228350,51228352,51230240,51230478,51230492,51231814,51234407,51234853,51237842,51239210,51241028,51242447,51243940,51248255,51251509,51251811,51251837,51255678,51255742,51256074,51256084,51256923,51258067,51258292,51260294,51261162,51264983,51266946,51268553,51269542,51269578,51270086,51272292" }, { "key" : "visitor_data", "value" : "CgtTOENPUExmUmFUZyjdwI22BjIiCgJGUhIcEhgSFgsMDg8QERITFBUWFxgZGhscHR4fICEgMzoMCAEgr_zk_9eL2OFm" } ] }, { "service" : "CSI", "params" : [ { "key" : "c", "value" : "ANDROID" }, { "key" : "cver", "value" : "18.11.34" }, { "key" : "yt_li", "value" : "0" }, { "key" : "GetPlayer_rid", "value" : "0xe07518fe610a9d76" } ] }, { "service" : "GUIDED_HELP", "params" : [ { "key" : "logged_in", "value" : "0" } ] }, { "service" : "ECATCHER", "params" : [ { "key" : "client.version", "value" : "18.11" }, { "key" : "", "value" : "ANDROID" } ] }, { "service" : "LISTNR", "params" : [ { "key" : "e", "value" : "51043774,51234853,51111738,24542367,51234407,51256084,24548629,51116067,24397985,51080128,24406318,51260294,51258292,24220751,51095478,51177013,51219800,24181174,24585737,51025415,51117318,51050361,51169118,51230240,51230492,51190652,24286257,51149607,24290971,24254870,51064835,51230478,51237842,51194136,51248255,51269578,51009781,51269542,51162170,51158514,24232551,24230811,24195012,51217504,51160545,51251509,51053689,51221011,51184022,24181216,51224135,51176511,51227881,51251811,51255742,24585134,51123611,24033252,24458684,51258067,51264983,51209050,51266946,51268553,24556101,51223962,51272292,24250570,51217077,24267186,51251837,24143331,51157411,51242447,24195115,24117491,51178982,24024517,51060353,51137671,24274141,24459435,51139379,51074286,51141472,51179435,51183211,24166867,51016856,51195231,51152050,51245837,51124104,51255678,24522874,51256074,51256923,51270086,51020570,51177817" } ] } ], "maxAgeSeconds" : 0 }, "playabilityStatus" : { "status" : "ERROR", "reason" : "This video is unavailable", "errorScreen" : { "playerErrorMessageRenderer" : { "subreason" : { "runs" : [ { "text" : "Watch on the latest version of YouTube.", "navigationEndpoint" : { "clickTrackingParams" : "CAAQu2kiEwiD27jcq4GIAxUyMvEFHdh7JQA=", "urlEndpoint" : { "url" : "market://details?", "target" : "TARGET_NEW_WINDOW" } } } ] }, "learnMore" : { "runs" : [ { "text" : "Learn more", "navigationEndpoint" : { "clickTrackingParams" : "CAAQu2kiEwiD27jcq4GIAxUyMvEFHdh7JQA=", "urlEndpoint" : { "url" : "//", "target" : "TARGET_NEW_WINDOW" } } } ] }, "reason" : { "runs" : [ { "text" : "The following content is not available on this app." } ] }, "thumbnail" : { "thumbnails" : [ { "url" : "//", "width" : 140, "height" : 100 }, { "url" : "//", "width" : 140, "height" : 100 } ] }, "icon" : { "iconType" : "ERROR_OUTLINE" } } }, "skip" : { "playabilityErrorSkipConfig" : { "skipOnPlayabilityError" : false } }, "contextParams" : "Q0FFU0FnZ0I=" }, "trackingParams" : "CAAQu2kiEwiD27jcq4GIAxUyMvEFHdh7JQA=", "playerSettingsMenuData" : { "loggingDirectives" : { "trackingParams" : "CAEQtc4GIhMIg9u43KuBiAMVMjLxBR3YeyUA", "visibility" : { "types" : "12" }, "enableDisplayloggerExperiment" : true } }, "adBreakHeartbeatParams" : "Q0FBJTNE", "frameworkUpdates" : { "entityBatchUpdate" : { "mutations" : [ { "entityKey" : "Eg0KC1BQaU5IQnc3S184IPYBKAE%3D", "type" : "ENTITY_MUTATION_TYPE_REPLACE", "payload" : { "offlineabilityEntity" : { "key" : "Eg0KC1BQaU5IQnc3S184IPYBKAE%3D", "addToOfflineButtonState" : "ADD_TO_OFFLINE_BUTTON_STATE_UNKNOWN" } } } ], "timestamp" : { "seconds" : "1724080328", "nanos" : 699367614 } } } } ```

Note the following lines:

This video is unavailable
Watch on the latest version of YouTube.
The following content is not available on this app.


Basically, LavaPlayer never find any YouTube tracks. Any other sources is working as expected.


JDK: Eclipse Temurin 17.0.9

I run this on multiple devices, and they all have the issue, so I think uname output is not noteworthy.

hypr1342 commented 3 weeks ago

@devoxin could you give more insights on what's missing to get the issue discussed?

devoxin commented 3 weeks ago (which your IDE should've warned you about).

hypr1342 commented 3 weeks ago

#17 (comment) #15 (comment) #14 (comment) (which your IDE should've warned you about).

Thanks alot, it works like a charm.

It did not warn me about since I was using new DefaultAudioPlayerManager() without instantiating a YoutubeAudioSourceManager manually.

devoxin commented 3 weeks ago

Lavaplayer never instantiates sources for you. You would've had to register the source somewhere.

hypr1342 commented 3 weeks ago

Lavaplayer never instantiates sources for you. You would've had to register the source somewhere.

It's automatically done in here: com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.source.AudioSourceManagers#registerRemoteSources(com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.player.AudioPlayerManager), so I am not directly instantiating the YoutubeAudioSourceManager.