devoxx / DevoxxGenieIDEAPlugin

DevoxxGenie is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that uses local LLM's (Ollama, LMStudio, GPT4All, Llama.cpp and Exo) and Cloud based LLMs to help review, test, explain your project code.
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Support for JLama #206

Open stephanj opened 1 month ago

stephanj commented 1 month ago

Jlama is a fast modern Java library for running many LLMs. Jlama is built on Java 21 and utilizes the Panama Vector API for fast inference.

ChatLanguageModel model = JlamaChatModel.builder()
                    .temperature(0.0f) //Force same output every run

Streaming model

 StreamingChatLanguageModel model = JlamaStreamingChatModel.builder()
                    .temperature(0.0f) //Force same output every run
stephanj commented 1 month ago

Claude Sonnet 3.5 suggestion:

To support JLama in your DevoxxGenie IntelliJ plugin, you'll need to make several changes to your existing codebase. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to integrate JLama:

  1. Add JLama dependency: First, add the JLama dependency to your build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'dev.langchain4j:langchain4j-jlama:0.24.0'
  1. Create a new JLamaChatModelFactory: Create a new class called JLamaChatModelFactory in the com.devoxx.genie.chatmodel.jlama package:
package com.devoxx.genie.chatmodel.jlama;

import com.devoxx.genie.chatmodel.ChatModelFactory;
import com.devoxx.genie.model.ChatModel;
import com.devoxx.genie.model.LanguageModel;
import com.devoxx.genie.model.enumarations.ModelProvider;
import dev.langchain4j.model.jlama.JlamaChatModel;
import dev.langchain4j.model.jlama.JlamaStreamingChatModel;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;

public class JLamaChatModelFactory implements ChatModelFactory {

    public ChatLanguageModel createChatModel(@NotNull ChatModel chatModel) {
        return JlamaChatModel.builder()

    public StreamingChatLanguageModel createStreamingChatModel(@NotNull ChatModel chatModel) {
        return JlamaStreamingChatModel.builder()

    public List<LanguageModel> getModels() {
        return List.of(
                .displayName("TinyLlama 1.1B Chat")
  1. Update ModelProvider enum: Add JLama to the ModelProvider enum in com.devoxx.genie.model.enumarations.ModelProvider:
public enum ModelProvider {
    // ... existing providers

    // ... rest of the enum implementation
  1. Update ChatModelFactoryProvider: Add JLama to the ChatModelFactoryProvider in com.devoxx.genie.chatmodel.ChatModelFactoryProvider:
public class ChatModelFactoryProvider {
    private static final Map<String, Supplier<ChatModelFactory>> FACTORY_SUPPLIERS = Map.of(
        // ... existing providers
        ModelProvider.JLama.getName(), JLamaChatModelFactory::new

    // ... rest of the class implementation
  1. Update DevoxxGenieSettingsService: Add JLama-related methods to the DevoxxGenieSettingsService interface:
public interface DevoxxGenieSettingsService {
    // ... existing methods

    String getJLamaModelUrl();
    void setJLamaModelUrl(String url);
  1. Update DevoxxGenieStateService: Implement the new JLama-related methods in the DevoxxGenieStateService class:
    name = "com.devoxx.genie.ui.SettingsState",
    storages = @Storage("DevoxxGenieSettingsPlugin.xml")
public final class DevoxxGenieStateService implements PersistentStateComponent<DevoxxGenieStateService>, DevoxxGenieSettingsService {
    // ... existing fields and methods

    private String jlamaModelUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; // Default URL

    public String getJLamaModelUrl() {
        return jlamaModelUrl;

    public void setJLamaModelUrl(String url) {
        this.jlamaModelUrl = url;

    // ... rest of the class implementation
  1. Update LLMProvidersComponent: Add JLama to the UI settings in com.devoxx.genie.ui.settings.llm.LLMProvidersComponent:
public class LLMProvidersComponent extends AbstractSettingsComponent {
    // ... existing fields

    private final JTextField jlamaModelUrlField = new JTextField(stateService.getJLamaModelUrl());

    // ... existing methods

    public JPanel createPanel() {
        // ... existing panel setup

        addSection(panel, gbc, "Local LLM Providers");
        // ... existing local providers
        addSettingRow(panel, gbc, "JLama URL", createTextWithLinkButton(jlamaModelUrlField, ""));

        // ... rest of the panel setup

    // ... rest of the class implementation
  1. Update LLMProvidersConfigurable: Update the LLMProvidersConfigurable class to handle JLama settings:
public class LLMProvidersConfigurable implements Configurable {
    // ... existing methods

    public boolean isModified() {
        DevoxxGenieSettingsService settings = DevoxxGenieSettingsServiceProvider.getInstance();

        boolean isModified = false;

        // ... existing checks

        isModified |= isFieldModified(llmSettingsComponent.getJlamaModelUrlField(), settings.getJLamaModelUrl());

        return isModified;

    public void apply() {
        DevoxxGenieSettingsService settings = DevoxxGenieSettingsServiceProvider.getInstance();

        // ... existing applications


        // ... rest of the method implementation

    public void reset() {
        DevoxxGenieSettingsService settings = DevoxxGenieSettingsServiceProvider.getInstance();

        // ... existing resets


        // ... rest of the method implementation
  1. Update ChatModelProvider: Add JLama to the ChatModelProvider class:
public class ChatModelProvider {
    private final Map<ModelProvider, ChatModelFactory> factories = new HashMap<>();

    public ChatModelProvider() {
        // ... existing factories
        factories.put(ModelProvider.JLama, new JLamaChatModelFactory());

    // ... rest of the class implementation
  1. Create JLamaChatModelFactoryTest: Create a new test class for JLama in the test directory:
package com.devoxx.genie.chatmodel.jlama;

import com.devoxx.genie.chatmodel.AbstractLightPlatformTestCase;
import com.devoxx.genie.model.ChatModel;
import com.devoxx.genie.model.LanguageModel;
import com.devoxx.genie.ui.settings.DevoxxGenieStateService;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.testFramework.ServiceContainerUtil;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.List;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

public class JLamaChatModelFactoryTest extends AbstractLightPlatformTestCase {

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        DevoxxGenieStateService settingsStateMock = mock(DevoxxGenieStateService.class);
        ServiceContainerUtil.replaceService(ApplicationManager.getApplication(), DevoxxGenieStateService.class, settingsStateMock, getTestRootDisposable());

    public void createChatModel() {
        JLamaChatModelFactory factory = new JLamaChatModelFactory();
        ChatModel chatModel = new ChatModel();

        ChatLanguageModel result = factory.createChatModel(chatModel);


    public void getModels() {
        JLamaChatModelFactory factory = new JLamaChatModelFactory();
        List<LanguageModel> models = factory.getModels();


These changes will integrate JLama into your DevoxxGenie IntelliJ plugin. Remember to update your documentation and any relevant UI elements to reflect the new JLama option. Also, ensure that you handle any potential exceptions or errors that may occur when using JLama, and provide appropriate feedback to the user.