devryan / GamePanelX-V3

The Original Free and Open Source Game Control Panel
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Permission Problem, Error: internal server error, cannot start gmsrvs #199

Open scriptbee opened 5 years ago

scriptbee commented 5 years ago

HI Guys!

I've used the php7.0 version from will2therich and have only 1 problem remaining. The Site/Script always tries to use www:data as user and group, instead of web1:client1 , which ispconfig is using. I know this, because after i've created a new gameserver, it has it done with www:data .

If i try starting the gameserver, it gives a permission error. but where to hell is www:data defined ? All permissions are web1:client1 and i cant find the string www:data in a File of the Gamepanel neither in the database ??

Is it somewhere hardcoded or where it is the user/group defined?

Would be very glad if somebody could help me, thanks ricardo