This is the Backend application of the Covid-19 Project for DR Congo, a project initiated and supported by Congolese developers community around the world to help with the fight against coronavirus.
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Dependabot needs permission to see polyfill-uuid #133
Dependabot couldn't resolve your project's dependencies as it couldn't access polyfill-uuid.
You can provide additional git credentials in your Dependabot dashboard by clicking into the account menu (in the top right) and selecting 'Config variables'. If you use a custom token for the host make sure it has read access to this repo, too.
Dependabot couldn't resolve your project's dependencies as it couldn't access polyfill-uuid.
You can provide additional git credentials in your Dependabot dashboard by clicking into the account menu (in the top right) and selecting 'Config variables'. If you use a custom token for the host
make sure it has read access to this repo, too.View the update logs.