devsecops / restacker

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Feature: Grab CloudFormation Templates from S3 Bucket #7

Open pbnj opened 8 years ago

pbnj commented 8 years ago


As a developer, I'd like to specify a CloudFormation template in my parameter.yml file. Restacker CLI should be able to parse the parameter.yml file, find the CFNTemplate: configuration, and automatically grab the matching CFn template from S3 Bucket supplied in restacker.yml file.


# .restacker/restacker.yml
  :label: control_account
  :account_number: '123456789012'
  :role_name: xyz
  :role_prefix: "/role/prefix/"
    :name: my-bucket
    :prefix: "path/to/templates"
# parameter.yml
CFNTemplate: webapp
# s3://my-bucket/path/to/templates/
- webapp.json
- single_instance_no_elb.json