devshawn / kafka-gitops

🚀Manage Apache Kafka topics and generate ACLs through a desired state file.
Apache License 2.0
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Nullpointer exception thrown on empty topic properties. #47

Closed RobinGoussey closed 3 years ago

RobinGoussey commented 4 years ago

Hi, I tried running the docker (through docker compose), and I received a nullpointer exception without explenation. I don't really know if it can be seen as a bug, or missing error message. Basically if I just fill in the name of the topic, and rely on defaults, it gives a nullpointer exception.

I tried to create topics, but with all settings in default, and I got a nullpointer exception. Command:

$ docker-compose -f kafka-gitops.yml up
Recreating kafka-gitops ... done
Attaching to kafka-gitops
kafka-gitops    | 14:32:51.731 [main] INFO com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.config.KafkaGitopsConfigLoader - Kafka Config: {bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092,}
kafka-gitops    | 14:32:51.735 [main] INFO com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.service.ParserService - Parsing desired state file...
kafka-gitops    | java.lang.NullPointerException
kafka-gitops    |       at com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.service.ParserService.parseStateFile(
kafka-gitops    |       at com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.service.ParserService.parseStateFile(
kafka-gitops    |       at com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.StateManager.getAndValidateStateFile(
kafka-gitops    |       at
kafka-gitops    |       at
kafka-gitops    |       at picocli.CommandLine.executeUserObject(
kafka-gitops    |       at picocli.CommandLine.access$900(
kafka-gitops    |       at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.handle(
kafka-gitops    |       at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.handle(
kafka-gitops    |       at picocli.CommandLine$AbstractParseResultHandler.execute(
kafka-gitops    |       at picocli.CommandLine.execute(
kafka-gitops    |       at com.devshawn.kafka.gitops.MainCommand.main(
kafka-gitops exited with code 1


version: '3'

    image: devshawn/kafka-gitops
    container_name: kafka-gitops
      - KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092
    entrypoint: kafka-gitops -v -f /state-test.yml validate
    - ./state-test.yml:/state-test.yml

my desired state:


      partitions: 1
      replication: 1
        cleanup.policy: delete -1
        - _confluent
devshawn commented 4 years ago

Hi @RobinGoussey, thanks for the detailed report! You're receiving a null pointer exception as this isn't valid yaml (per the parser kafka-gitops is using, at least. It may be transforming it to an array instead of an object):


That probably needs a better error message. It would need to be structured as:

  test: {}

With this fix, if you run it, you'll get the following error message:

[INVALID] Not set: [partitions] in state file definition: topics -> test

We currently only support setting a default replication factor, and do not support defaulting partitions / configs, as it says in the specifications page of the docs:

defaults [Optional]: Specify topic defaults so you don’t need to specify them for every topic in the state file. Currently, only replication is supported.

I hope that helps! If setting defaults such as partitions and topic configs is desired, we can open an enhancement issue to look into that for the future. :-)

RobinGoussey commented 4 years ago

Hi @devshawn, I think all settings should be able to be defaulted, as this would make a default template possible, and only the topic names as a list of topics. So an enhancement would be nice :)

devshawn commented 3 years ago

We can open a new issue for the enhancement 👍