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fix(deps): update material-ui monorepo - autoclosed #387

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@mui/icons-material (source) 5.10.15 -> 5.11.11 age adoption passing confidence
@mui/lab (source) 5.0.0-alpha.109 -> 5.0.0-alpha.123 age adoption passing confidence
@mui/material (source) 5.10.15 -> 5.11.13 age adoption passing confidence
@mui/system (source) 5.10.15 -> 5.11.13 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

mui/material-ui (@​mui/icons-material) ### [`v5.11.11`](​51111) [Compare Source]( *Feb 27, 2023* A big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨: - πŸ“š added API documentation for the slots in MUI Base and Joy UI by [@​hbjORbj](, for e.g. [SliderUnstyled API]( - other πŸ› bug fixes and πŸ“š documentation improvements. ##### `@mui/material@5.11.11` - ​\[Autocomplete] Adds `sx` prop to `ListboxProps` type ([#​36243]( [@​sai6855]( - ​\[material] Add global CSS class for `readOnly` prop ([#​32822]( [@​jrparish]( - ​\[Stack]\[material] Use createStack from the system ([#​33795]( [@​mnajdova]( - ​\[Select] Fix incorrect selecting of first element ([#​36024]( [@​michaldudak]( - ​\[Slider] Miscellaneous improvements ([#​35941]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[Slider] Remove unnecessary `data-focusvisible` attribute ([#​36091]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[Snackbar] Replace component logic with `useSnackbar` hook ([#​36272]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[TextField] Fix floating label position ([#​36246]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - ​\[TextField] Fix floating label position ([#​36288]( [@​oliviertassinari]( ##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-alpha.119` ##### Breaking changes - ​\[base] Remove `classes` prop from the Base components that have it ([#​36157]( [@​hbjORbj]( These are the components affected by this change: ModalUnstyled, SliderUnstyled, TablePaginationUnstyled and TablePaginationActionsUnstyled. You can replace the `classes` prop by providing the class name prop directly to the prop via `slotProps`. Below is an example of how the migration should look like: ```diff ``` - ​\[base] Move hooks to their own directories ([#​36235]( [@​hbjORbj]( Base hooks (e.g., `useSelect`) are no longer exported from `{Component}Unstyled` directories and instead they have their own directories. Below is an example of how the migration should look like: ```diff -import { useBadge } from '@​mui/base/BadgeUnstyled'; +import useBadge from '@​mui/base/useBadge'; ``` You can use this [codemod]( to help with the migration. ##### Changes - ​\[Autocomplete] Add docs interface for the hook ([#​36242]( [@​HeVictor]( - ​\[MenuUnstyled] Remove extra useMemo ([#​36265]( [@​ivp-dev]( - ​\[base] Export all slot prop overrides interfaces ([#​36323]( [@​michaldudak]( ##### `@mui/codemod@5.11.11` - ​\[base] Codemod for hook directory migration ([#​36295]( [@​hbjORbj]( ##### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-alpha.69` - ​\[Joy] Able to remove default tokens from theme types ([#​36006]( [@​siriwatknp]( - ​\[Joy] Fix modal dialog overflow viewport ([#​36103]( [@​siriwatknp]( - ​\[Joy] Select popup should have max-height ([#​36156]( [@​Vivek-Prajapatii]( - ​\[Joy] Fix `ListDivider` to change semantic based on `List` ([#​36266]( [@​siriwatknp]( ##### Docs - ​\[docs]\[base] List slots in API documentation ([#​36104]( [@​hbjORbj]( - ​\[docs] Add missing sandbox adapter deps resolving ([#​36291]( [@​LukasTy]( - ​\[docs] Allow to pass navigation bar banner from outside ([#​36299]( [@​MBilalShafi]( - ​\[docs] Fix code on the Working with Tailwind CSS guide ([#​36090]( [@​mnajdova]( - ​\[docs] Remove See Slots Section text from Material UI slots description ([#​36284]( [@​hbjORbj]( - ​\[docs] Fix emotion warning `:first-child` ([#​36263]( [@​siriwatknp]( - ​\[docs]\[joy] Improve the descriptions of props in API docs ([#​36307]( [@​hbjORbj]( - ​\[docs]\[joy] List slots in API documentation ([#​36271]( [@​hbjORbj]( - ​\[docs]\[joy] Build API documentations ([#​36008]( [@​hbjORbj]( - ​\[examples] Update Next.js examples to use built-in font ([#​36315]( [@​Juneezee]( - ​\[examples] Update curl link in `material-next-ts-v4-v5-migration` example README ([#​36321]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[examples] Convert Next.js \_document class components to function components ([#​36109]( [@​ossan-engineer]( ##### Core - ​\[Rating] Add a comment in Rating component to use `readOnly` state class ([#​36357]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[website] Fix broken links to role levels ([#​36333]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - ​\[website] Sync gold sponsors ([#​36312]( [@​oliviertassinari]( All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: [@​hbjORbj](, [@​HeVictor](, [@​ivp-dev](, [@​jrparish](, [@​Juneezee](, [@​LukasTy](, [@​MBilalShafi](, [@​michaldudak](, [@​mnajdova](, [@​oliviertassinari](, [@​ossan-engineer](, [@​sai6855](, [@​siriwatknp](, [@​Vivek-Prajapatii](, [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( ### [`v5.11.9`](​5119) [Compare Source]( *Feb 14, 2023* A big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨: - πŸ› [@​rangoo94](, [@​sai6855](, and [@​michaldudak]( fixed a couple of bugs in the Autocomplete component ([#​36116](, [#​35640](, [#​36076](, [#​36088]( - many other πŸ› bug fixes and πŸ“š documentation improvements ##### `@mui/material@5.11.9` - \[AppBar] Fix joinVars() not handling undefined ([#​36128]( [@​donaldnevermore]( - \[Autocomplete] Fix tag removal regression ([#​36116]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[Autocomplete] Correct padding of filled Autocomplete ([#​35640]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[Grid]\[Stack] classNames prefixed with Mui ([#​36167]( [@​sai6855]( ##### `@mui/styled-engine@5.11.9` - \[StyledEngineProvider] Fix issue with cache not being defined ([#​36162]( [@​mnajdova]( ##### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-alpha.67` - \[Joy] Add order dashboard template ([#​36081]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[Joy] Remove classes prop from the components that have it ([#​36159]( [@​hbjORbj]( - \[Joy] Miscellaneous fixes ([#​36163]( [@​siriwatknp]( ##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-alpha.118` - \[base] Override the types of `slotProps` per slot ([#​35964]( [@​hbjORbj]( - \[Select]\[base] Prevent unnecessary rerendering of Select options ([#​35946]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[Select]\[base] Update the generated docs ([#​36183]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[useAutocomplete] Pass only valid values for the getOptionLabel prop ([#​36088]( [@​rangoo94]( - \[useAutocomplete] Fix `useAutocomplete` disabled prop not disabling the input ([#​36076]( [@​sai6855]( - \[useInput] Add return value interface ([#​36036]( [@​Shorifpatwary]( - \[UseTabPanel] Add explicit return type ([#​36053]( [@​Shorifpatwary]( - \[useTabsList] Add explicit return type ([#​36048]( [@​sai6855]( - \[Tab] Add explicit return type to useTab ([#​36046]( [@​sai6855]( ##### `@mui/material-next@6.0.0-alpha.75` - \[Material You] Use `md` as a CSS var prefix ([#​36177]( [@​siriwatknp]( ##### Docs - \[docs] Fix the prop type regression on the API pages ([#​36168]( [@​mnajdova]( - \[docs] Fix virtualized table column resizing ([#​36066]( [@​petyosi]( - \[docs] Fix react-spring demos ([#​36023]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Fix classname mismatch on Joy docs ([#​36127]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[docs] Fix typo in the released version of [@​mui/styled-engine]( ([#​36121]( [@​m4theushw]( - \[docs] Fix demos showing TypeScript instead of JavaScript ([#​35850]( [@​mj12albert]( - \[docs] Update release instructions ([#​36113]( [@​mj12albert]( - \[docs] Rename `v6-alpha` to `v6-next` in navigation ([#​36102]( [@​LukasTy]( - \[docs] Revise Joy UI "Input" page ([#​35970]( [@​LadyBluenotes]( - \[docs] Revise Joy UI "Typography" page ([#​35868]( [@​LadyBluenotes]( ##### Examples - \[examples]\[vitejs] Load Roboto font ([#​35678]( [@​oliv37]( ##### Core - \[blog] Fix the look and feel of the media description ([#​36069]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[core] Add default preview url ([#​36118]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[core] Migrate all the internals exported by `tests/utils/index.js` to TypeScript ([#​35382]( [@​flaviendelangle]( - \[core] Convert the waterfall module to an internal package ([#​35323]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[website] Fix homepage MD theme demo ([#​36027]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[website] Revise the Lead Designer role job ad ([#​35912]( [@​danilo-leal]( - \[POC] Add deploy preview to PR body ([#​35995]( [@​siriwatknp]( All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: [@​danilo-leal](, [@​donaldnevermore](, [@​flaviendelangle](, [@​hbjORbj](, [@​LadyBluenotes](, [@​LukasTy](, [@​m4theushw](, [@​michaldudak](, [@​mj12albert](, [@​mnajdova](, [@​oliv37](, [@​oliviertassinari](, [@​petyosi](, [@​rangoo94](, [@​sai6855](, [@​Shorifpatwary](, [@​siriwatknp]( ### [`v5.11.0`](​5110) [Compare Source]( *Dec 13, 2022* A big thanks to the 19 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨: - πŸ”₯ [@​mnajdova]( enabled configuration of the `sx` prop in the `theme` ([#​35150]( - Many other πŸ› bug fixes, πŸ“š documentation, and βš™οΈ infrastructure improvements. ##### `@mui/material@5.11.0` - \[Alert] Update icon color in all variants ([#​35414]( [@​danilo-leal]( - \[Select] Fix `MenuProps.PopoverClasses` being overriden ([#​35394]( [@​vitorfrs-dev]( - \[SwipeableDrawer] Fixed typescript warning "prop open undefined" ([#​34710]( [@​kraftware]( ##### `@mui/icons-material@5.11.0` - \[icons] Restore the PhoneInTalk icons ([#​35409]( [@​michaldudak]( ##### `@mui/system@5.11.0` ##### BREAKING CHANGES - \[system] Enable configuring the `sx` prop in the `theme` ([#​35150]( [@​mnajdova]( The breaking change is regarding an experimental API: ```diff -import { styled, experimental_sx } from '@​mui/material/styles'; +import { styled } from '@​mui/material/styles'; -const Component = styled('div)(experimental_sx({ p: 1 }}); +const Component = styled('div)(({ theme }) => theme.unstable_sx({ p: 1 }}); ``` ##### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-alpha.58` - \[Joy] Miscellaneous fixes ([#​35447]( [@​siriwatknp]( ##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-alpha.110` - \[PopperUnstyled] Update PopperTooltip to have correct width when closing with transition ([#​34714]( [@​EduardoSCosta]( ##### `@mui/material-next@6.0.0-alpha.66` - \[Material You] Add ripple on the button ([#​35299]( [@​mnajdova]( ##### Docs - \[docs] Simplify state management in Text Field demo page ([#​35051]( [@​PratikDev]( - \[docs] Improve `Responsive App bar with Drawer` demo ([#​35418]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - \[docs] Improve line-height readability ([#​35387]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Improve a bit the Composition docs ([#​35329]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Refactor `ToggleButtonSizes` demo ([#​35375]( [@​Armanio]( - \[docs] Standardize the usage of callouts in the MUI Core docs ([#​35361]( [@​samuelsycamore]( - \[docs] Format feedback to add a link to the commented section ([#​35381]( [@​alexfauquette]( - \[docs] Direct users from Material UI to MUI Base for duplicated components ([#​35293]( [@​samuelsycamore]( - \[docs] Fix typo in FormControl API docs ([#​35449]( [@​Spanishiwa]( - \[docs] Update callouts design ([#​35390]( [@​danilo-leal]( - \[website] New wave of open roles ([#​35240]( [@​mnajdova]( - \[website] Developer survey 2022 ([#​35407]( [@​joserodolfofreitas]( ##### Core - \[core] Fix [@​mui/material]( package building ([#​35324]( [@​timbset]( - \[core] Fix leaking theme color override ([#​35444]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[typescript] Add null to return type of OverridableComponent ([#​35311]( [@​tsollbach]( - \[website] Migrate X page to use CSS theme variables ([#​34922]( [@​jesrodri]( - \[website] Migrate `/core` page to use CSS variables ([#​35366]( [@​siriwatknp]( All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: [@​alexfauquette](, [@​Armanio](, [@​danilo-leal](, [@​EduardoSCosta](, [@​flaviendelangle](, [@​jesrodri](, [@​joserodolfofreitas](, [@​kraftware](, [@​michaldudak](, [@​mnajdova](, [@​oliviertassinari](, [@​PratikDev](, [@​samuelsycamore](, [@​siriwatknp](, [@​Spanishiwa](, [@​timbset](, [@​tsollbach](, [@​vitorfrs-dev](, [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( ### [`v5.10.16`](​51016) [Compare Source]( *Nov 28, 2022* A big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible. This release contains various πŸ› bug fixes, πŸ“š documentation, and βš™οΈ infrastructure improvements. ##### `@mui/material@5.10.16` - ​\[Autocomplete] Fix inferred value type when `multiple` prop is `true` ([#​35275]( [@​fenghan34]( - ​\[Chip] Add `skipFocusWhenDisabled` prop to not allow focussing deletable chip if disabled ([#​35065]( [@​sai6855]( - ​\[Chip] Remove unnecessary handleKeyDown event handler ([#​35231]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[FormControl] Add missing types in `useFormControl` ([#​35168]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[IconButton] Add missing color classes ([#​33820]( [@​Zetta56]( - ​\[SwipeableDrawer] Make paper ref accessible ([#​35082]( [@​sai6855]( ##### `@mui/system@5.10.16` - ​\[system] Remove unnecessary parsed theme ([#​35239]( [@​siriwatknp]( - ​\[theme] Fix TypeScript type for custom variants in responsive font sizes ([#​35057]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( ##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-alpha.108` - ​\[Base] Allow useSlotProps to receive undefined elementType ([#​35192]( [@​leventdeniz]( ##### Docs - ​\[docs] Improve feedback precision ([#​34641]( [@​alexfauquette]( - ​\[docs] Add Black Friday notification [@​oliviertassinari]( - ​\[docs] Fix migration feedback ([#​35232]( [@​alexfauquette]( - ​\[docs] Improve the useSelect demo styling ([#​33883]( [@​michaldudak]( - ​\[docs] Fix layout jump on first mistake ([#​35215]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - ​\[docs] Support demos with side effect imports ([#​35177]( [@​m4theushw]( - ​\[examples] Fix Next.js errors ([#​35246]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - ​\[examples] Updated Remix examples with the lates changes using React 18 ([#​35092]( [@​58bits]( ##### Core - ​\[core] Remove unused pattern ([#​35165]( [@​iamxukai]( - ​\[core] Fix Base version in changelog ([#​35224]( [@​siriwatknp]( - ​\[core] Migrate `describeConformance` to TypeScript ([#​35193]( [@​flaviendelangle]( - ​\[core] Skip CI for docs and examples paths ([#​35225]( [@​siriwatknp]( All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: [@​58bits](, [@​alexfauquette](, [@​fenghan34](, [@​flaviendelangle](, [@​iamxukai](, [@​leventdeniz](, [@​m4theushw](, [@​michaldudak](, [@​oliviertassinari](, [@​sai6855](, [@​siriwatknp](, [@​ZeeshanTamboli](, [@​Zetta56](
mui/material-ui (@​mui/lab) ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.123`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.122`]( [Compare Source]( - ​\[TreeView] Fix Tree View inside shadow root crashes ([#​36225]( [@​NoFr1ends]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.121`]( - ​\[base] Disable classes generation via a context ([#​35963]( [@​michaldudak]( - ​\[useMenu]\[base] Add return interface for useMenu hook ([#​36376]( [@​HeVictor]( - ​\[useBadge] Add interface for the return value ([#​36042]( [@​skevprog]( - ​\[useMenuItem] Add explicit return type ([#​36359]( [@​rayrw]( - ​\[useTabs] Add explicit return type ([#​36047]( [@​sai6855]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.120`]( ##### Breaking changes - ​\[Select]\[base] Add the multiselect functionality to SelectUnstyled ([#​36274]( [@​michaldudak]( The MultiSelectUnstyled was removed. The `SelectUnstyled` component with the `multiple` prop should be used instead. Additionally, the SelectUnstyledProps received a second generic parameter: `Multiple extends boolean`. If you deal with strictly single- or multi-select components, you can hard-code this parameter to `false` or `true`, respectively. Below is an example of how the migration should look like: ```diff -import MultiSelectUnstyled from '@​mui/base/MultiSelectUnstyled'; +import SelectUnstyled from '@​mui/base/SelectUnstyled'; export default App() { -return +return } ``` ##### Changes - ​\[useSnackBar] Add explicit return type ([#​36052]( [@​sai6855]( - ​\[useMenu] Fix `import type` syntax ([#​36411]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[useSwitch] Add explicit return type ([#​36050]( [@​sai6855]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.119`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Breaking changes - ​\[base] Remove `classes` prop from the Base components that have it ([#​36157]( [@​hbjORbj]( These are the components affected by this change: ModalUnstyled, SliderUnstyled, TablePaginationUnstyled and TablePaginationActionsUnstyled. You can replace the `classes` prop by providing the class name prop directly to the prop via `slotProps`. Below is an example of how the migration should look like: ```diff ``` - ​\[base] Move hooks to their own directories ([#​36235]( [@​hbjORbj]( Base hooks (e.g., `useSelect`) are no longer exported from `{Component}Unstyled` directories and instead they have their own directories. Below is an example of how the migration should look like: ```diff -import { useBadge } from '@​mui/base/BadgeUnstyled'; +import useBadge from '@​mui/base/useBadge'; ``` You can use this [codemod]( to help with the migration. ##### Changes - ​\[Autocomplete] Add docs interface for the hook ([#​36242]( [@​HeVictor]( - ​\[MenuUnstyled] Remove extra useMemo ([#​36265]( [@​ivp-dev]( - ​\[base] Export all slot prop overrides interfaces ([#​36323]( [@​michaldudak]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.118`]( [Compare Source]( - \[base] Override the types of `slotProps` per slot ([#​35964]( [@​hbjORbj]( - \[Select]\[base] Prevent unnecessary rerendering of Select options ([#​35946]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[Select]\[base] Update the generated docs ([#​36183]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[useAutocomplete] Pass only valid values for the getOptionLabel prop ([#​36088]( [@​rangoo94]( - \[useAutocomplete] Fix `useAutocomplete` disabled prop not disabling the input ([#​36076]( [@​sai6855]( - \[useInput] Add return value interface ([#​36036]( [@​Shorifpatwary]( - \[UseTabPanel] Add explicit return type ([#​36053]( [@​Shorifpatwary]( - \[useTabsList] Add explicit return type ([#​36048]( [@​sai6855]( - \[Tab] Add explicit return type to useTab ([#​36046]( [@​sai6855]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.117`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.116`]( [Compare Source]( - ​\[ListboxUnstyled] Fix option state highlighted to prevent unnecessary focus ([#​35838]( [@​SaidMarar]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.115`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Breaking changes - ​\[SliderUnstyled] Improved logic for displaying the value label ([#​35805]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - The `valueLabelDisplay` prop is removed from `SliderUnstyled`. The prop was not working as intended in `SliderUnstyled` (See [#​35398]( You can instead provide a `valueLabel` slot with the `slots` prop API to show the value label: ```diff - + ``` The following demo shows how to show a value label when it is hovered over with the thumb: - The following classes are removed from `sliderUnstyledClasses` since they are not needed for the value label: ```diff - valueLabel - valueLabelOpen - valueLabelCircle - valueLabelLabel ``` In the custom value label component, you can define your own classNames and target them with CSS. - The `SliderValueLabelUnstyled` component is removed from SliderUnstyled. You should provide your own custom component for the value label. - To avoid using `React.cloneElement` API in value label, the component hierarchy structure of the value label is changed.Β The value label is now inside the Thumb slot - `Thumb` -> `Input`, `ValueLabel`. ##### Changes - ​\[InputUnstyled] Fix externally provided `inputRef` is ignored ([#​35807]( [@​sai6855]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.114`]( [Compare Source]( - \[base] Fix typos ([#​35802]( [@​nnmax]( - \[Slider] Convert code to TypeScript ([#​35445]( [@​sai6855]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.113`]( - \[Portal]\[base] Convert code to TypeScript ([#​35657]( [@​sai6855]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.112`]( - ​\[FocusTrap]\[base] Convert code to TypeScript ([#​35005]( [@​trizotti]( - ​\[Modal]\[base] Convert code to TypeScript ([#​34793]( [@​leventdeniz]( - ​\[Popper]\[base] Convert code to TypeScript ([#​34771]( [@​danhuynhdev]( - ​\[Slider] Exclude `isRtl` from Material UI's Slider props ([#​35564]( [@​michaldudak]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.111`]( [Compare Source]( - \[Button]\[base] Set active class when a subcomponent is clicked ([#​35410]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[Popper]\[base] Fix Tooltip Anchor Element Setter ([#​35469]( [@​sydneyjodon-wk]( ### [`v5.0.0-alpha.110`]( [Compare Source]( - \[PopperUnstyled] Update PopperTooltip to have correct width when closing with transition ([#​34714]( [@​EduardoSCosta](


πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

πŸ‘» Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

Branch automerge failure

This PR was configured for branch automerge. However, this is not possible, so it has been raised as a PR instead.