devsoc-unsw / chaos

The eventual repository for the CHAOS Hiring and Offers System - used to manage sending and receiving of applications, interviews and results.
24 stars 5 forks source link

chore(deps): update weekly minor updates #430

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence Type Update
@babel/core (source) 7.20.2 -> 7.22.1 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@babel/eslint-parser (source) 7.19.1 -> 7.21.8 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@babel/preset-env (source) 7.20.2 -> 7.22.4 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@babel/preset-react (source) 7.18.6 -> 7.22.3 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@mui/icons-material (source) 5.10.15 -> 5.11.16 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
@mui/system (source) 5.12.3 -> 5.13.2 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
@mui/x-date-pickers (source) 6.3.1 -> 6.6.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
@types/node (source) 18.11.9 -> 18.16.16 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@types/react (source) 18.0.25 -> 18.2.8 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@types/react-dom (source) 18.0.9 -> 18.2.4 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.44.0 -> 5.59.8 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@typescript-eslint/parser 5.44.0 -> 5.59.8 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
date-fns 2.29.3 -> 2.30.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
eslint (source) 8.28.0 -> 8.41.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
eslint-config-prettier 8.5.0 -> 8.8.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
eslint-plugin-import 2.26.0 -> 2.27.5 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6.6.1 -> 6.7.1 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
eslint-plugin-react 7.31.11 -> 7.32.2 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
jsonwebtoken 8.1.1 -> 8.3.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
mikefarah/yq v4.30.5 -> v4.34.1 age adoption passing confidence action minor
nginx 1.23.2-alpine -> 1.25.0-alpine age adoption passing confidence final minor
node 18.11.0 -> 18.16.0 age adoption passing confidence minor
node 18.11.0-alpine -> 18.16.0-alpine age adoption passing confidence stage minor
once_cell 1.16.0 -> 1.17.2 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
react-router-dom 6.4.3 -> 6.11.2 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
tailwindcss (source) 3.2.4 -> 3.3.2 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
twin.macro 3.0.1 -> 3.3.1 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
typescript (source) 5.0.4 -> 5.1.3 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
uuid 1.2.2 -> 1.3.3 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
web-vitals 3.1.0 -> 3.3.2 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor

Release Notes

babel/babel ### [`v7.22.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-preset-env` - [#​15658]( Workaround for broken babel-preset-react-app ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :rocket: New Feature - `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#​15497]( \[ts] Support `import ... =` and `export =` in scripts ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-core`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-sets-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone` - [#​15636]( Add `unicode-sets-regex` transform to `preset-env` ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`, `babel-standalone` - [#​15633]( Implement transform support for `using` declarations ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-proposal-import-attributes-to-assertions` - [#​15620]( Create `@babel/plugin-proposal-import-attributes-to-assertions` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-syntax-import-attributes`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone`, `babel-types` - [#​15536]( Add support for the updated import attributes proposal ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#​15520]( Parse `await using` declarations ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-parser` - [#​15638]( Enable regexp unicode sets parsing by default ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#​15570]( Add decorators version `2023-05` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#​15549]( Improve type definitions for validators ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-parser` - [#​15630]( Unify parsing of import/export modifiers (type/typeof/module) ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-node`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs3` - [#​15531]( Allow polyfill providers to specify custom `@babel/runtime` pkg ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-proposal-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone` - [#​15614]( Rename `-proposal-`s that became standard to `-transform-` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.21.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-parser` - [#​15602]( Remove `using await` restriction in explicitResourceManagement ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin` - [#​15605]( Fix backward compat for semver checks in class\®exp feat plugins ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.21.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-types` - [#​15539]( fix: Remove `mixins` and `implements` for `DeclareInterface` and `InterfaceDeclaration` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx` - [#​15515]( fix: `)` position with `createParenthesizedExpressions` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-preset-env` - [#​15580]( Add syntax import meta to preset env ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-types` - [#​15546]( Improve the layout of generated validators ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-core` - [#​15535]( Use `lt` instead of `lte` to check TS version for .cts config ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-core` - [#​15575]( Use synchronous `import.meta.resolve` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-fixtures`, `babel-preset-typescript` - [#​15568]( Handle `.overrides` and `.env` when resolving plugins/presets from fixture options ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin` - [#​15548]( Use `semver` package to compare versions ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.21.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core`, `babel-helper-module-imports`, `babel-preset-typescript` - [#​15478]( Fix support for `import/export` in `.cts` files ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-generator` - [#​15496]( Fix compact printing of non-null assertion operators ([@​rtsao]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15427]( Fix moving comments of removed nodes ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - Other - [#​15519]( Update Prettier integration test ([@​fisker]( - `babel-parser` - [#​15510]( refactor: introduce `lookaheadInLineCharCode` ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-code-frame`, `babel-highlight` - [#​15499]( Polish babel-code-frame highlight test ([@​JLHwung]( ### [`v7.21.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-parser` - [#​15479]( disallow mixins/implements in flow interface ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-parser` - [#​15423]( \[ts] Allow keywords in tuple labels ([@​Harpica]( - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#​15489]( Register `var` decls generated by `import ... =` TS transform ([@​amoeller]( - [#​15494]( fix: Consider `export { type foo }` as type-only usage ([@​magic-akari]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#​15484]( Skip node deprecation warnings when used by an old `@babel` package ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-generator` - [#​15480]( chore: Improve `jsonCompatibleStrings` deprecation ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :house: Internal - [#​15465]( Add ESLint-readable package name ([@​nzakas]( ##### :microscope: Output optimization - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-preset-typescript` - [#​15467]( Optimize TS enums output ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( ### [`v7.21.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :rocket: New Feature - `babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object` - [#​15435]( feat: Implement `privateFieldsAsSymbols` assumption for classes ([@​fwienber]( - `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-regexp-modifiers`, `babel-standalone` - [#​15226]( feat: Support regexp modifiers proposal ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15022]( feat: Generate sourcemaps of friendly call frames ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-parser`, `babel-types` - [#​15384]( \[ts] Support `const` modifier in type parameters ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-generator`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#​15405]( Implement decorators as presented at `2023-01` TC39 meeting ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-parser` - [#​15114]( Parser option to allow `` outside functions ([@​overlookmotel]( - [#​15320]( Add `annexb: false` parser option to disable Annex B ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core` - [#​15283]( feat: Support `.cts` as configuration file ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#​15381]( \[ts] Support `export type * from` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#​15379]( \[ts5.0] Better inlining of constants in enums ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-core` - [#​15366]( handling circular/shared structures in deep-clone ([@​azizghuloum]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-new-target` - [#​15406]( Preserve class elements comments in class transform ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`, `babel-types` - [#​15414]( \[ts] Fix restrictions for optional parameters ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-parser` - [#​15400]( polish: improve "`await` as identifier" error in modules ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-core` - [#​15137]( Improve CJS compat with ESM-based `@babel/core` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :microscope: Output optimization - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#​15418]( \[ts] Handle exponentiation operator in constant folding ([@​ehoogeveen-medweb]( ### [`v7.20.12`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-traverse` - [#​15224]( Fix `TaggedTemplateLiteral` evaluation ([@​nmn]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties` - [#​15312]( fix: `delete this` in static class properties initialization ([@​SuperSodaSea]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-traverse` - [#​15313]( Implement support for evaluating computed properties. ([@​JBYoshi]( ### [`v7.20.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-replace-supers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes` - [#​15223]( fix: Deleting super property should throw ([@​SuperSodaSea]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-super` - [#​15241]( fix: Throw correct error types from sed ant class TDZ helpers ([@​SuperSodaSea]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#​15209]( fix: Support auto accessors with TypeScript annotations ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-traverse` - [#​15287]( Fix `.parentPath` after rename in `SwitchCase` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15284]( fix: Ts import type and func with duplicate name ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping` - [#​15278]( Fix tdz analysis for reassigned captured for bindings ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions`, `babel-preset-env` - [#​15235]( fix: Transform `for await` with shadowed variables ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining` - [#​15258]( fix: Correctly generate `(a ?? b) as T` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-types` - [#​15233]( fix: Emit correct sourcemap ranges for `JSXText` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-core`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#​15232]( fix: Computed properties should keep original definition order ([@​SuperSodaSea]( - `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-replace-supers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes` - [#​15223]( fix: Deleting super property should throw ([@​SuperSodaSea]( - `babel-generator` - [#​15216]( fix: Print newlines for leading Comments of `TSEnumMember` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15275]( Improve relative execution tracking in fn exprs ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-define-map`, `babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators` - [#​15274]( Inline & simplify `@babel/helper-define-map` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15200]( Rewrite `transform-block-scoping` plugin ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :running_woman: Performance - `babel-helper-compilation-targets` - [#​15228]( perf: Speed up `getTargets` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( ### [`v7.20.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15183]( Improve array destructuring spec compliance ([@​SuperSodaSea]( - `babel-cli`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env` - [#​15182]( fix: apply toPropertyKey when defining class members ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#​15133]( fix: validate rhs of `in` when transpiling `#p in C` ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-parser` - [#​15225]( Parse `using[foo]` as computed member expression ([@​JLHwung]( - [#​15207]( Export `ParseResult` type ([@​davydof]( - [#​15198]( fix: parse `import module, ...` ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15181]( fix: Edge cases for async functions and `noNewArrow` assumption ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15163]( fix: Throw error when compiling `super()` in arrow functions with default / rest parameters ([@​SuperSodaSea]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-node`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#​15194]( fix: Bump `regenerator` and add tests ([@​SuperSodaSea]( - `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin` - [#​15192]( fix: Update `regjsparser` for `@babel/standalone` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-parser`, `babel-types` - [#​15109]( fix: Babel 8 types ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-generator` - [#​15143]( Don't print inner comments as leading when wrapping in `(``)` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-traverse` - [#​15167]( Register `switch`'s `discriminant` in the outer scope ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-generator` - [#​15173]( Improve generator behavior when `comments:false` ([@​liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping` - [#​15164]( Only extract IDs for TDZ checks in assign when necessary ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-core`, `babel-parser` - [#​15202]( Bump typescript to 4.9.3 ([@​JLHwung](
mui/material-ui ### [`v5.11.16`](​51116) [Compare Source]( *Apr 4, 2023* A big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨: - 💅 Added tabs on API pages of Base UI to switch between component and hook references ([#​35938]( [@​mnajdova]( - 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements. ##### `@mui/material@5.11.16` - \[Autocomplete] Listen for click on the root element ([#​36369]( [@​sai6855]( - \[Autocomplete] Fix navigation issue on mouse hover ([#​35196]( [@​sai6855]( - \[Card] Fix Card focus effect overflowing parent card ([#​36329]( [@​mj12albert]( - \[Grid] Missing slot ([#​36765]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[Select] Make error part of the `ownerState` to enable overriding styles with it in theme ([#​36422]( [@​gitstart]( - \[Slider] Fix ValueLabel UI issues comes when size="small" and orientation="vertical ([#​36738]( [@​yushanwebdev]( ##### `@mui/icons-material@5.11.16` - \[icons] Do not ignore popular icons ([#​36608]( [@​michaldudak]( ##### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-alpha.74` - \[Joy] Add `ModalOverflow` component ([#​36262]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[Joy] Fix `Checkbox` custom color prop type warning ([#​36691]( [@​amal-qb]( ##### Docs - \[docs]\[base] Add return type for `useFormControlUnstyledContext` hook ([#​36302]( [@​HeVictor]( - \[docs]\[base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for `FormControl` ([#​36579]( [@​gitstart]( - \[docs]\[base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for `Menu` ([#​36582]( [@​gitstart]( - \[docs]\[base] Move styles code to bottom in the `Button` demos ([#​36590]( [@​sai6855]( - \[docs]\[base] Show components & hooks API on the components page ([#​35938]( [@​mnajdova]( - \[docs] Describe slotProps in MUI Base customization doc ([#​36206]( [@​michaldudak]( - \[docs] Fix double API page redirection ([#​36743]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Remove hash property and leverage pathname ([#​36764]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[docs] Introduce markdown permalink to source ([#​36729]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Tabs API add slots section ([#​36769]( [@​mnajdova]( - \[docs] Update feedbacks management on slack ([#​36705]( [@​alexfauquette]( - \[docs] Fix Joy UI URL to tokens ([#​36742]( [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Add toggle-button coming soon page ([#​36618]( [@​siriwatknp]( - \[docs] Fix typo on the Joy UI theme builder ([#​36734]( [@​danilo-leal]( - \[docs] Fix small typo ([#​36727]( [@​RBerthier]( - \[docs] Fix Joy UI template broken image loading [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[docs] Hide the default API column if it's empty ([#​36715]( [@​mnajdova]( - \[docs] Update Material UI Related Projects page ([#​34203]( [@​viclafouch]( - \[docs] Revise Joy UI "Circular Progress" page ([#​36126]( [@​LadyBluenotes]( - \[docs] Revise Joy UI "Radio" page ([#​35893]( [@​DevinCLane]( - \[docs] Support Google Analytics 4 ([#​36123]( [@​alexfauquette]( - \[docs]\[material] Keep consistency in description of classes ([#​36631]( [@​hbjORbj]( - \[docs] Remove redundant files and fix regression ([#​36775]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( ##### Core - \[blog] Compress images [@​oliviertassinari]( - \[core] Remove unused token ([#​36722]( [@​oliviertassinari]( All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: [@​alexfauquette](, [@​amal-qb](, [@​danilo-leal](, [@​DevinCLane](, [@​gitstart](, [@​hbjORbj](, [@​HeVictor](, [@​LadyBluenotes](, [@​michaldudak](, [@​mj12albert](, [@​mnajdova](, [@​oliviertassinari](, [@​RBerthier](, [@​sai6855](, [@​siriwatknp](, [@​viclafouch](, [@​yushanwebdev]( ### [`v5.11.11`](​51111) [Compare Source]( *Feb 27, 2023* A big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨: - 📚 added API documentation for the slots in Base UI and Joy UI by [@​hbjORbj](, for e.g. [SliderUnstyled API]( - other 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements. ##### `@mui/material@5.11.11` - ​\[Autocomplete] Adds `sx` prop to `ListboxProps` type ([#​36243]( [@​sai6855]( - ​\[material] Add global CSS class for `readOnly` prop ([#​32822]( [@​jrparish]( - ​\[Stack]\[material] Use createStack from the system ([#​33795]( [@​mnajdova]( - ​\[Select] Fix incorrect selecting of first element ([#​36024]( [@​michaldudak]( - ​\[Slider] Miscellaneous improvements ([#​35941]( [@​ZeeshanTamboli]( - ​\[Slider] Remove unnecessary `data-focusvisible` attribute ([#​36091](


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "before 5am on monday" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

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Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

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This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.