devsoc-unsw / chaos

The eventual repository for the CHAOS Hiring and Offers System - used to manage sending and receiving of applications, interviews and results.
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Dependency Dashboard #98

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

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Pending Branch Automerge

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Ignored or Blocked

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Detected dependencies

backend/seed_data/Cargo.toml - `diesel 1.4.8` - `chrono 0.4.23` - `dotenv 0.15.0`
backend/server/Cargo.toml - `rocket 0.5.0-rc.2` - `rocket_sync_db_pools 0.1.0-rc.2` - `diesel 1.4.8` - `diesel-derive-enum 1` - `dotenv 0.15.0` - `dotenv_codegen 0.15.0` - `reqwest 0.11.13` - `jsonwebtoken 8.3.0` - `serde 1.0` - `serde_json 1.0.89` - `chrono 0.4` - `itertools 0.10.5` - `once_cell 1.18.0` - `diesel_migrations 1.4.0` - `figment 0.10` - `image 0.24.4` - `strum 0.24` - `webp 0.2` - `uuid 1.3.3`
frontend/Dockerfile - `node 18.16.0-alpine` - `nginx 1.25.0-alpine`
.github/workflows/docker.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/cache v3` - `docker/login-action v2.2.0` - `docker/build-push-action v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `mikefarah/yq v4.34.1`
.github/workflows/rust.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions-rs/toolchain v1` - `Swatinem/rust-cache v2`
frontend/package.json - `@date-io/date-fns 2.16.0` - `@emotion/react 11.11.0` - `@emotion/styled 11.11.0` - `@headlessui/react 1.7.4` - `@headlessui/tailwindcss ^0.1.3` - `@hello-pangea/dnd 16.2.0` - `@heroicons/react 2.0.13` - `@mui/icons-material 5.11.16` - `@mui/lab 5.0.0-alpha.129` - `@mui/material 5.13.0` - `@mui/system 5.13.2` - `@mui/x-date-pickers 6.7.0` - `@stitches/react 1.2.8` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 5.16.5` - `@testing-library/react 14.0.0` - `@testing-library/user-event 14.4.3` - `bezier-easing 2.1.0` - `date-fns 2.30.0` - `http-proxy-middleware 2.0.6` - `moment 2.29.4` - `notistack 3.0.1` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `react-dropzone 14.2.3` - `react-hot-toast 2.4.1` - `react-router-dom 6.12.1` - `typescript 5.1.3` - `web-vitals 3.3.2` - `@babel/core 7.22.1` - `@babel/eslint-parser 7.22.5` - `@babel/preset-env 7.22.4` - `@babel/preset-react 7.22.3` - `@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio 0.4.2` - `@tailwindcss/forms 0.5.3` - `@types/node 18.16.16` - `@types/react 18.2.8` - `@types/react-dom 18.2.4` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.59.8` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 5.59.8` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.0.0` - `autoprefixer 10.4.14` - `babel-plugin-macros 3.1.0` - `eslint 8.42.0` - `eslint-config-airbnb 19.0.4` - `eslint-config-airbnb-typescript 17.0.0` - `eslint-config-prettier 8.8.0` - `eslint-import-resolver-typescript 3.5.2` - `eslint-plugin-import 2.27.5` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6.7.1` - `eslint-plugin-prettier 4.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-react 7.32.2` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0` - `husky 8.0.2` - `prettier 2.8.0` - `tailwindcss 3.3.2` - `tailwindcss-gradient 1.0.1` - `twin.macro 3.3.1` - `vite 4.3.5` - `vite-tsconfig-paths 4.2.0`
frontend/.nvmrc - `node 18.16.0`