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i/o timeout with local k3d container registry sometimes #2140

Closed madhavajay closed 2 years ago

madhavajay commented 2 years ago

What happened?
Sometimes deployment fails during the image push phase.

[frontend] error: Head "http://k3d-registry.localhost:12345/v2/openmined/grid-frontend/blobs/sha256:c46a3e39d3b7fb8c1631cf2a1f4bd11b19ce682581a4835ad499c5fa8954a6ed": proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp i/o timeout
[fatal]  error building image k3d-registry.localhost:12345/openmined/grid-frontend:qBPlas: exit status 1

What did you expect to happen instead?
It should push images and retry if there is an issue.

How can we reproduce the bug? (as minimally and precisely as possible)
I am using k3ds and a local registry. I dont know why this happens but it seems like you can just try and it works fine.

Local Environment:

Anything else we need to know?
This could be the fault of k3d or docker or my machine resources but it would be nice if there was a way to "retry" or extend the timeout on the devspace side.

/kind bug

FabianKramm commented 2 years ago

@madhavajay thanks for creating this issue! I'm not sure if we can implement a retry mechanism there as it seems to be a very unspecific error and retrying does not always solve the problem. With the new pipelines feature you could actually implement this yourself:

    while ! __build_images "$@"
      echo "Building failed, will try again in 5 seconds..."
      sleep 5
madhavajay commented 2 years ago

@FabianKramm oh thats quite interesting, im trying to understand that syntax, so you can hook the existing steps and call them with some kind of __ syntax or something?

I am totally fine with a solution like that and love the flexibility, when is a good time to upgrade, it seems like maybe its still too soon?

I solved this on my end using glorious one liner ala stackoverflow:

(r=3;while ! some_cmd ; do ((--r))||exit;sleep 60;done)